People complaining about Matt Vogel replacing Steve Whitmire as Kermit the Frog


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2006
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Okay, forgive me if I'm ranting, but I am sick and tired of people complaining about Matt Vogel replacing Steve Whitmire as Kermit the Frog. They complain that the new voice is terrible which to me, it's not. And everybody keeps saying Steve Whitmire is a better Kermit and wants Disney and the Jim Henson Company to rehire him. I mean, I grew up with Kermit the Frog played by Steve Whitmire, but, people need to understand that Steve Whitmire got fired for a reason. Think Matt Vogel is doing a good job as Kermit. It's almost close to Jim Henson's voice. People have opinions, bit, their awful opinions is totally wide spread, and it needs stop. If they don't like the new voice, fine, they don't have to like the voice, but they need to just grow up and let it go.:mad: I'm sorry for my rant, but I just don't know how I'll take with all this unnecessary over the top criticism.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I honestly have seen very little of people complaining about Matt performing Kermit, if anything, I've seen just the reverse, I've seen more people praising his performances as Kermit than I have people wanting Steve to be brought back . . . and, generally speaking, I've seen very little of this debate still even going on in most Muppet circles on social media - and if it has, then it's been happening under my nose, because, as I say, I've hardly seen this being debated anymore, and I haven't for a while.

What I do take issue with is this:
It's almost close to Jim Henson's voice.
No matter who performs Kermit, none of them will be close to Jim's voice, because the only one who could come close to Jim's voice was Jim; Matt's Kermit is no more closer to Jim's than Steve's was, both of their Kermits were different, and anyone else who performs Kermit will be different as well, because, again, the only one who did Kermit like Jim was Jim. Really, to say Matt's Kermit is more like Jim's Kermit is just as "over-the-top" of praise as the "over-the-top" criticism of which you speak . . . a lot of people are only saying it to stick it to Steve.


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Aug 8, 2003
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Matt has proven himself to be an incredibly versatile and well-rounded performer, and has really risen in the ranks of the performers on both sides of the equation (Classic Muppets and Sesame) in recent years, so it really comes as no surprise to me that he was selected to perform Kermit.

Now, I will say this: his Kermit sounds great when he sings, and I attribute that t mostly Matt being among certain performers who can sing really well, much like Jerry Nelson was, and in that respect, that's when his Kermit sounds the best. As far as just speaking is concerned, it does seem like, to me, that he continually struggles to find just the right sound for the voice, so there is some inconsistency there I will say.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
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I mean, look, the circumstances surrounding Steve's firing sucks, but at this point, we just have to put up with it. My main problem with Matt is that he has too much to do. The fact that he's both Kermit and Big Bird, the two most iconic Muppets out there, must put a burden on him.


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Aug 8, 2003
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I mean, that does actually concern me too, not just regarding Kermit and Big Bird, but let us also not forget that Matt does a majority of Jerry's characters these days as well: Count, Floyd, Uncle Deadly. . . .

I could be wrong, but I seem to recall it being brought up on this forum once that each of the performers can contractually only perform up to six major characters.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2016
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If I will be honest, I still think Bill Barretta would've been a better choice to take over Kermit then Matt Vogel. Nothing against Matt. At least he is trying his best to make his performance of Kermit great. Through I have to say that most of the time Matt's Kermit either sounds more like Ernie then Kermit or Richard Hunt trying to do Kermit's voice.
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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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I may not think Matt is perfect, but if the audition process is to be trusted, then he was the right guy for the job. Random YouTube comments saying "Kermit sounds weird" aren't going to change my mind.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2006
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First of all, I apologized on my rant, I just can't stand people complaining on Matt Vogel replacing Steve Whitmire playing Kermit the Frog. While reading of all of you guy's posts, I find you guys criticism more professional and honest than other people in other websites. So, thank you very much. And I must say, even though I think Matt Vogel did a good job as Kermit, but I can't say he's the perfect. I'm sure maybe one day they'll find someone to play Kermit. But, in the meantime, we'll have to deal with Matt Vogel to play Kermit the Frog. Again, thank you guys for giving me you're honest and more professional opinions on Matt Vogel as Kermit the Frog.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I think people are going to be particularly critical when it comes to whoever performs Kermit because he's the heart and soul of the Muppets, much like Mickey Mouse is to Disney, and as such, there's probably a greater sense of responsibility in regards to preserving the integrity of the character - those are some pretty big shoes to fill. It's not just Matt, but let's not forget that one time Artie Esposito performed Kermit for "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart," people were absolutely losing their $#!+ over that.