Opinions: The end of the Muppet line

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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now that all figures we know of have been reelased, i thought i'd make a list of opinion questions about the line.

1. who are your top five favorite/ least favorite figures?
2. were any figures better/ worse than you expected?
3. which mega was your favorite/ least favorite?
4. what exclusives were your favorite/ least favorite?
5. what minis are your favorite/ least favorite?
6. what is your favorite/ least favorite playset?
7. what give-away was your favorite/ least favorite?
8. do you own every Muppets release from palisades?
9. do you own every package variations?
10. what is one muppet production (not in palisades contract) that you would have liked to have been included in the line?
11. wat is your favorite/ least favorite repaint?
12. what are your favorite non-pack-in accessories?
13. what is your favorite pack-in figure?
14. who are four characters you wish we could have gotten?
15. of the characters planned for 2005, which one are you most upset over not getting?
16. of the officially unannounced-for-release figures, which one do you wish we could have gotten?
17. if you could change one thing about the line, what would it be?

please answer.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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i'll respond to myself

here are my opinions.

minor muppetz said:
1. who are your top five favorite/ least favorite figures?
my five favoites are Lips, Beauregard, Dr. Phil Van Neuter, Clifford, and lew Zeland. my top five least favorites are Miss Piggy, Usher Scooter, Vacation Fozzie, Floyd Pepper, and Pops.

minor muppetz said:
2. were any figures better/ worse than you expected?
The Swedish Chef, Link Hogthrob and dr. Strangepork are better than I expected. nobody is worse than I expected.

minor muppetz said:
3. which mega was your favorite/ least favorite?
The only mega I own is mega Animal.

minor muppetz 4. what exclusives were your favorite/ least favorite?[/QUOTE said:
My favorite exclusive that i own is sweetums. My least favorite exclusive I own is vacation fozzie (the only other exclusive I own is vacation pepe). Of the exclusives that I don't own, my favorites are the Jim Henson Muppet, Uncle Deadley, Vanishing Cream Beaker, Koozebane kermit, and Cabin Boys Gonzo and Rizzo. My least favorties that i don't own are vaudville Statler and Waldorf, and Culinary Catastrophe Swedish Chef.

minor muppetz said:
5. what minis are your favorite/ least favorite?
My favortie of the minis is Thog. My least favortie of the minis is Fozziwig (i would have rather had bean Bunny as originally planned for series 2). I don't own any series 3 minis, but of those my favorite is Doglion (followed closely by Beaker) and least favorite is Scooter.

minor muppetz said:
6. what is your favorite/ least favorite playset?[?QUOTE]
My favorite is the swedish chef kitchen. my least favortie is the electric mayhem stage. I don't own the swinetrek or backstage playsets.

minor muppetz said:
7. what give-away was your favorite/ least favorite?
I don't own any of the give-aways, but my favorites are White Tux rowlf, Black jacket rizzo, and Holiday Rizzo, and I can't think of a least favorite.

minor muppetz said:
8. do you own every Muppets release from palisades?

minor muppetz said:
9. do you own every package variations?[?QUOTE]

minor muppetz said:
10. what is one muppet production (not in palisades contract) that you would have liked to have been included in the line?
The Jim Henson Hour. I would have liked a Digit, Leon or Lindberg figure.

minor muppetz said:
11. wat is your favorite/ least favorite repaint?
My favorite repaint (that i own) is the silver tux Johnny Fiama, andthe only other repaint I own is the zoot repaint.

minor muppetz said:
12. what are your favorite non-pack-in accessories?[?QUOTE]
Rizzos pizza box, Rowlfs piano, Lips' lunchbox and album, Zoots music stand, and the gorrillia detector that came with the muppet labs playset.

minor muppetz said:
13. what is your favorite pack-in figure?
Polly Lobster, followed by Gaffer and the Muppaphones.

minor muppetz said:
14. who are four characters you wish we could have gotten?
Seymour The Elephant, Nigel The Director, Mad Monty, and Fleet Scribbler.

minor muppetz said:
15. of the characters planned for 2005, which one are you most upset over not getting?
Seymour the Elephant, followed closely by Louis Kazagger.

minor muppetz said:
16. of the officially unannounced-for-release figures, which one do you wish we could have gotten?
oops. i just realized that the last question was similar. oh, well.

minor muppetz said:
17. if you could change one thing about the line, what would it be?
That sales would have been better in 2004, justifying more figures.

That Announcer

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2005
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OK, I'll do this one, too. I love surveys! :smile:

1. Who are your top five favorite/ least favorite figures?

Top five would have to be Janice, Sam the Eagle, Johnny Fiama, Sweetums and Swedish Chef (though not necessarily in that order). Five least favorite would be S1 Piggy, Steppin' Out Fozzie, Rowlf (with the playset), Beauregard and Scooter (S3).

2. were any figures better/ worse than you expected?

Yep. Usher Scooter was way, way, way better than I expected; the other Scooter and Statler were a bit worse than I expected.

3. which mega was your favorite/ least favorite?

I named Sweetums as a fave figure, so he's my favorite mega. My least favorite would be Animal.

4. what exclusives were your favorite/ least favorite?

I don't have many exclusives. So I'll say my faves were Tux Gonzo and Jim Henson, as they're the only two I own.

5. what minis are your favorite/ least favorite?

Never collected minis, but from pictures, I'd say that the entire MCC run of minis are my favorites and my least favorites are Gonzo and Piggy.

6. what is your favorite/ least favorite playset?

Favorite would be Pigs in Space. Least favorite is the EM Stage, for the reason that I can't get it. :cry:

7. what give-away was your favorite/ least favorite?

Again, never collected giveaways. Again, from pictures I'd say my favorite was Vanishing Cream Beaker, and my least was Invisibility Spray Fozzie.

8. do you own every Muppets release from palisades?

Certainly not. I only own one thing from the first 3 series, and that would be Lew Zealand.

9. do you own every package variations?

Nope. I do have the chase Janice, though. Coincidentally, that's my only Janice. EDIT: I also own the Shifty-Eyed Sam, which is also my only Sam. :smile:

10. what is one muppet production (not in palisades contract) that you would have liked to have been included in the line?

I'd say Fraggle Rock. I can only imagine how smokin' a Palisades Boober would have been!

11. what is your favorite/ least favorite repaint?

Favorite would be my chase Janice. Least favorite would be the hideously ugly Silver Lips.

12. what are your favorite non-pack-in accessories?

Assuming you mean non-character accessories, I'd say my top five are Chef's musket; Sam's podium; Janice's guitar; Johnny Fiama's picture of himself; and the Newsman's telephone.

13. what is your favorite pack-in figure?

Polly Lobster. He's just amazing.

14. who are four characters you wish we could have gotten?

Bobo, Bobo, Bobo and Sal Manila.

15. of the characters planned for 2005, which one are you most upset over not getting?

Sal, as I think Bobo was planned for '06.

16. of the officially unannounced-for-release figures, which one do you wish we could have gotten?

I'd say Wayne.

17. if you could change one thing about the line, what would it be?

I can't choose one, so I'll pick three:
1) A "Classic Beaker" included somewhere along the line
2) The red-curtain packaging included with the clamshells
3) Wider distribution of the minis


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Dec 14, 2004
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1. who are your top five favorite/ least favorite figures?

Faves: 5. Lew Zealand 4. Pops 3. Penguins 2. S8 Sam Eagle 1. S5 Gonzo

Least: 5. Movie Usher Scooter 4. Dr. Phil van Neuter 3. S2 Gonzo 2. Super Beaker 1. S1 Piggy

2. were any figures better/ worse than you expected?

The Penguins were much better, S2 Gonzo was worse, as were Bunsen and Beaker.

3. which mega was your favorite/ least favorite?

Fave: Gonzo

Lest: Beaker

4. what exclusives were your favorite/ least favorite?

Fave: Penguins

Least: Super Beaker

5. what minis are your favorite/ least favorite?

Don't have any.

6. what is your favorite/ least favorite playset?

Fave: Backstage

Least: Muppet Labs

7. what give-away was your favorite/ least favorite?

Don't have any.

8. do you own every Muppets release from palisades?


9. do you own every package variations?

Missing 7, Shifty Sam, Rizzo, Floyd, Zoot, Janice, Silver and Classic Lips.

10. what is one muppet production (not in palisades contract) that you would have liked to have been included in the line?


11. wat is your favorite/ least favorite repaint?

Fave: Brown Lips

Least: Marvin Suggs

12. what are your favorite non-pack-in accessories?

Sam's Podium, and Rowlf's piano.

13. what is your favorite pack-in figure?


14. who are four characters you wish we could have gotten?

Sal, Bean, Bobo, and Classic Piggy

15. of the characters planned for 2005, which one are you most upset over not getting?


16. of the officially unannounced-for-release figures, which one do you wish we could have gotten?

Muppet Babies

17. if you could change one thing about the line, what would it be?

Better sales.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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That Announcer said:
7. what give-away was your favorite/ least favorite?

Again, never collected giveaways. Again, from pictures I'd say my favorite was Vanishing Cream Beaker, and my least was Invisibility Spray Fozzie.
those are exclusives. Give-aways are stuff that were given away by palisades at certain events, usually conventions, and rarely availible for sale from palisades (I think there have beena few contests for members of the collectors club where members could win a chance to buy certain give-aways). some of the give-aways included Holiday Kermit, Holiday Rizzo (which was also an exclusive; there were two different color schemes, and one of them was exclusive, the other give-away), invisible beaker (similar to vanishing cream beaker, except this one was completely clear), white tux rowlf, dream date gonzo, gold tux gonzo, and wedding of the century kermit and piggy.


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Aug 6, 2003
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1. who are your top five favorite/ least favorite figures?

Top five (not including exclusives): Swedish Chef, S5 Gonzo, Johnny Fiama, Rizzo, and Lips
Least favorite: Miss Piggy, Usher Scooter, Bunsen, Kermit, S2 Gonzo (whew that was hard, even the ones that weren't my favorites were still good)

2. were any figures better/ worse than you expected?

No, they were all great, as expected

3. which mega was your favorite/ least favorite?

I don't have any megas

4. what exclusives were your favorite/ least favorite?

Favorites: Cabin Boy Gonzo/Rizzo, Sweetums, Rainbow Connection Kermit, Uncle Deadly and of course: Jim Henson
Least favorite: none, they're all awesome

5. what minis are your favorite/ least favorite?

I only have the Muppet Christmas Carol ones and they're all great

6. what is your favorite/ least favorite playset?

Favorite: Swedish Kitchen
Least favorite: Pigs in Space (I'm biased 'cause I'm just not that familiar with the Pigs in Space sketch)
7. what give-away was your favorite/ least favorite?

I don't have any :cry:

8. do you own every Muppets release from palisades?

Nope, I don't have Floyd, Fozzie, Animal w/ playset, and Zoot from the regular line, and I only have the variants of Lips and Johnny Fiama, and I'm missing a ton of exclusives.

9. do you own every package variations?

No, just the ones of Lips and Johnny Fiama (as said before lol)

10. what is one muppet production (not in palisades contract) that you would have liked to have been included in the line?

Was Muppet Christmas Carol in the license for regular figures? If it was they should've made some. If it wasn't then I don't know what else I'd like to be in the line that wasn't covered in the license.

11. what is your favorite/ least favorite repaint?

Favorite: Maroon suit Johnny
Least favorite: Silver sparkly Lips

12. what are your favorite non-pack-in accessories?
Hmmm... I love the instruments, and Gonzo's cannon is awesome, so is Rowlf's piano

13. what is your favorite pack-in figure?

Polly Lobster

14. who are four characters you wish we could have gotten?

BOBO!, Bean Bunny, Sal, and Mahna Mahna

15. of the characters planned for 2005, which one are you most upset over not getting?

Sal, Johnny's alone, fortunately he's at least got a picture of his buddy

16. of the officially unannounced-for-release figures, which one do you wish we could have gotten?

I dunno

17. if you could change one thing about the line, what would it be?

That it would've lasted longer :frown:


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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1. who are your top five favorite/ least favorite figures?
A. Faves: Sweetums, S5 Gonzo, S2 Fozzie, S3 Lew Zealand, S9 Sam Eagle
Least Faves: S2 Crazy Harry, S1 Miss Piggy, S9 Fozzie, S8 Phil Van Neuter, S8 Usher Scooter
2. were any figures better/ worse than you expected?
A. Sweetums and S2 Fozzie are incredible. All pictures posted before their release did them no justice.
3. which mega was your favorite/ least favorite?
A. Gonzo is my favorite, Camilla is my least favorite.
4. what exclusives were your favorite/ least favorite?
A. Sweetums and the penguins (OMGCNFO). Least: Santa Chef (ebay)
5. what minis are your favorite/ least favorite?
A. Faves: Sam Eagle, Mahna Mahna, Doglion Least Faves: MCC
6. what is your favorite/ least favorite playset?
A. Fave: Backstage Least Fave: Electric Mayhem
7. what give-away was your favorite/ least favorite?
A. Gold Tux Gonzo
8. do you own every Muppets release from palisades?
A. Don't I wish! I'm missing Wedding Kermit/Piggy, Dream Date Gonzo, Mega Animal and Beaker, Holiday Rizzo, Santa Chef, EB Games Piggy, Blue Jacket Rizzo, White Tux Rowlf, WW Dr. Teeth, Zoot and Janice variants, Super Scooter, Vacation Pepe, Vanishing Cream Beaker & Fozzie, a few minis and that's about it (still waiting for my Uncle Deadly's to arrive in the mail).
9. do you own every package variations?
A. Nope
10. what is one muppet production (not in palisades contract) that you would have liked to have been included in the line?
A. Muppets Take Manhattan, especially the rats.
11. wat is your favorite/ least favorite repaint?
A. Favorite: Marvin Suggs (fits in nicely with SO figs) Least: Blue Jacket Rizzo: boring!
12. what are your favorite non-pack-in accessories?
A. S4 Link's Swinetrek model, S1 Kermit's camera, S3 Rowlf's piano, S2 Crazy Harry's explosives
13. what is your favorite pack-in figure?
A. Marvin Suggs' Muppaphones
14. who are four characters you wish we could have gotten?
A. Lewis Kezagger, Jerry and Lou from Lobbuck Lou's Jugband, and Annie Sue
15. of the characters planned for 2005, which one are you most upset over not getting?
A. Sal Manilla
16. of the officially unannounced-for-release figures, which one do you wish we could have gotten?
A. Gobo Fraggle
17. if you could change one thing about the line, what would it be?
A. That the license lasted as long as Hasbro's Star Wars line (14 years or something)


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Dec 1, 2003
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1. Who are your top five favorite/ least favorite figures?

Faves no particular order
~ Purple Tux Gonzo
~ Adventure Kermit
~ Pepe
~ Tux Rowlf
~ Janice
Least Faves no particular order
~ Tux Fozzie
~ Piggy series one
~ Lew Zealand
~ Dr Phil Van Neuter
~ Dr Teeth

2. were any figures better/ worse than you expected?

**** yeah... Tux Fozzie blew big time. The pictures on Palisades looked awesome but the eyes really buggered it up for me when I got the figure.
Better than I expected??? Hmmm I didn't think I'd really like Sam Arrow or Classic Chef, but was pleasantly surprised how much I did like the figures.

3. which mega was your favorite/ least favorite?

I don't own any of the 'regular' mega figures, so I'd have to say Sweetums.

4. what exclusives were your favorite/ least favorite?

~ Jim Henson
~ Rainbow Connection Kermit & Robin (in the mail) :big_grin:
~ Vanishing Cream Beaker

5. what minis are your favorite/ least favorite?

I didn't buy any, but liked the look of the Xmas Carol minis.

6. what is your favorite/ least favorite playset?

Fave is a tie between the Kitchen and Electric Mayhem Stage
Least fave is the Muppet Lab

8. do you own every Muppets release from palisades?

Quite possibly, but no not every Muppet Figure.

9. do you own every package variations?

Nope... I have the variants for Janice, Floyd, Lips, and Pinstripe Johnny

10. what is one muppet production (not in palisades contract) that you would have liked to have been included in the line?

Muppet Christmas Carol figures!!!

11. what is your favorite/ least favorite repaint?

Favorite would be Pinstripe Johnny, and least favorite would Silver Shirt Lips.

12. what are your favorite non-pack-in accessories?

Faves eh? All of Robins accessories, Rowlf's piano, Statler & Waldorf's chairs, and Adventure Kermits accessories.

13. what is your favorite pack-in figure?

Camilla & Bernice

14. who are four characters you wish we could have gotten?

Bobo, Sal, Baby Kermit and Baby Piggy

15. of the characters planned for 2005, which one are you most upset over not getting?

The Muppet Babies

16. of the officially unannounced-for-release figures, which one do you wish we could have gotten?

I'd like to have seen Ma Bear in a Christmas Farmhouse playset.

17. if you could change one thing about the line, what would it be?


Even though I'm looking forward to the Sesame Street figures, they will not be the same as my Muppet Figures. I watched a heck of a lot more Muppet Show episodes than I did Sesame Street, and only know the major characters. But I guess I'll have to see once they come out to pass judgement... I waited about a year and a half too late to start collecting Muppet figures when they were cheaper and more available, I don't wanna make history repeat itself.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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package variants

I just wanted to make sure that you people know that by "package variants" I mean a difference in packaging for the same figure. For example, the swedish kitchen playset and mega beaker were both originally released in packaging that resembled the packaging for the first three series (a red curtain background), but then when target sold Muppet products from palisades, target wanted to sell those two items on the condition that the boxes resemble the newer (sky blue background) packaging so that they would have a consistant look. These items were also sold in other stores in the newer packaging as well.

Another example would be series 1 kermit the frog. In addition to being reelased as a regular series 1 figure, this exact figure was a give-away at the first convention that the muppets were for sale at (wher the dr. teeth repaint was sold), and this kermit was exactly the same as the released version, but it was packaged in a lunchbox and didn't come with any accessories.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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rexcrk said:
10. what is one muppet production (not in palisades contract) that you would have liked to have been included in the line?

Was Muppet Christmas Carol in the license for regular figures? If it was they should've made some. If it wasn't then I don't know what else I'd like to be in the line that wasn't covered in the license.
Yes, The Muppet Christmas Carol was included. The Muppet Show, The Muppet Movie, The Great Muppet caper, The Muppets Take Manhattan, The Muppet Christmas carol, Muppet Treasure Island, Muppets Tonight, and Muppets From Space were all included in the license.