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One Shots, Parodies, & Trailers!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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So, are we heading over to Shotsky's for karaoke night? Or you want me to arrange something at my club instead?
And I'll warn you now about the nightmare fuel of Scooter without his eyes/glasses the day after because he crushed them performing "Maniac" from Flashdancer.
No Shotsky's for me, sadly. May need to hold off on karaoke until the weekend, BUT! BUT! I do have a new story for you, an actual one, which I know, I already have two that I haven't finished, but to make the muse shut up and leave me alone, this needs to be done.

It'll be a stand alone, the first full fic in the Up Late universe and it'll be more adultish - kinda like my Monday series - so hopefully...this week on that.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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New story? Where is it? And why am I in overload-question mode?
*Does appropriate Riddler laugh.

LMK if you wants the use of my club, it's been featured in a few fics... And I has a couple ideas too, dunno when I'd post since I'm mostly always scheming over the monsters for my main pet project of Numbervania. :batty:
*Goes to HVC's local bakery to see if they have Halloween-flavored doughnuts like my fave Boston Screams or Pumpkin King Pie and such.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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New story? Where is it? And why am I in overload-question mode?
*Does appropriate Riddler laugh.
I assume you're hyper. Or were, it's been a few hours.

LMK if you wants the use of my club, it's been featured in a few fics... And I has a couple ideas too, dunno when I'd post since I'm mostly always scheming over the monsters for my main pet project of Numbervania. :batty:
Actually...I just might. Kinda realizing that I need an neutral place and I don't think Rowlfie's will do it.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Just tell me where and when and I'll see about reserving a spot at the Bat Bolt & Skull for you. We're hosting a themed dance this weekend, figured best to do it now before I gets my time tied up with watching this year's 13 Nights of Halloween. Though there are a couple of movies in the lineup that shouldn't since they have nothing to do with the holiday.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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So I obviously can't leave well enough alone - as we've seen - but I've started this Miss Piggy Mupp Adventure on her family. I'm not posting it - cause I have to get through Deadly Delay and you know I don't post new Mondays or Adventures unless something in 8 Ball is finished (or almost finished), BUT...

It's Monday, so I thought I'd give you a taste...

A little before ten o’clock, the Destructo Twins finally made their appearance, laughing and joking as though they hadn’t been planning his demise over breakfast. “Whatever the two of you have planned for my demise,” Kermit began, not even waiting for them to say their greetings, and pointing at them both. “Put it right out of your heads.”

“Always the tone of suspicion,” Scooter replied, a small smirk on his lips.

“Some may call it paranoia, Frog,” Piggy joked. The strains of a pop song rang, signaling that one of Piggy’s many suitors were probably calling. Answering quickly, the diva replied with “Vote for Piggy.” A few minutes passed as Piggy listened to the person on the other end, while Kermit and Scooter could only hear her side of the conversation.

“Hey. Really. Huh. Uh…yeah, Moi doesn’t think that’s gonna happen, but hey thanks for calling. Ciao!” Placing her phone back in her pocket, she replied, “Well, that’s over with.”

“What was that about?” Kermit asked.

“Hmm?” Piggy questioned, now clearly distracted. “Oh, nothing. Nothing! It was…it was just Nate. Anyways, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, your paranoia.”

“Wait, wait,” Kermit interrupted. “Nate? As in your brother, Nate?”

“I didn’t know you had a brother,” Scooter commented. The red head had always thought he was the closest thing the diva would consider a best friend; certainly he considered her his best friend.

“It’s nothing,” Piggy said, her voice now louder than before. “Now, if vous will excuse me, Moi has things to do.”

If Kermit could count the number of times his brain and his heart warred against each other when it came to Miss Piggy, he would literally be a billionaire at this point, probably five times over by now. But, as in most cases, his heart won over any objection his brain had, and decided that he needed to find out about this phone call.

Knocking once, Kermit made his way inside, only hearing the tail end of Piggy’s call to come in. She was sitting in front of her vanity, her make up person having not come in before him or being dismissed by Piggy, which was more likely.

“Need something, Frog?”

“Yeah,” he said, walking over and leaning against the table. “You alright?”

“Would I not be?”

“Well,” the producer began, slowly. “You said Nate called. You hardly ever have any contact with him or the rest of your family and usually when he calls, he’s calling for a reason.”

That was certainly true – Piggy never liked talking about her past, not even to Kermit, who probably knew more about Piggy than anyone. From the various tales, the clear message he got was that Piggy was nearly estranged from the entire family, with exception to her older brother Nate, whom she clearly had some affection for, as he was the only family member who actually had her personal cell number, something she never gave out. Even in their own group, there was probably seven people who could directly reach her. Huffing in annoyance, Piggy asked, “You’re just not gonna let this go, are you?”

“Despite popular belief,” he retorted. “I actually do care about you and I can tell when you’re upset.”

“Moi is not upset.”

“Distracted then.”

“Not that either.”

“Alright, fine,” he huffed, throwing his hands up. Why did he never just wash his hands of her, he didn’t know. Pushing himself away from the vanity, he began to march himself to the door. “I don’t care then.”

“Don’t let the door hit you.”

“Sometimes Piggy…”

“Yes, yes,” she said, waving him off. “Drive you insane, can’t understand me, can be such a pain, blah blah. Thank you for visiting.”

“Living end, Piggy,” Kermit sighed. “Just the living end, with no irony intended.”


The heavy sigh was the only thing that stopped from walking out the door he had just opened. In times past, nothing would have stopped him from storming out, stewing over the fact that she would never listen to anything he would ever say and he would ask himself, for the millionth time, what it was that he saw in her. It took arguments, pretty bad ones, and a painful break-up before they could actually be friends, something that had seemingly alluded them when they had been dating.

It also helped that they had dated other people for a while before they reached…whatever this was. It didn’t escape Kermit’s notice that they seemed to be a lot closer than ever before and not for the first time, the frog wondered exactly what could be going on between them. It had to be something big, because Piggy never would have given in as quickly as she did.

“My mother died.”

Well. That was completely unexpected.

Closing the door quickly, he swallowed hard. “What?”

Turning in her chair so she could face him, she whispered, “That’s…that’s why Nate called.”

“Aw, Piggy,” he whispered, walking over and putting his arm around. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing…” she started, before sighing again. “It’s doesn’t matter.”

“Of course it matters!” he insisted. “What’re you gonna do? Are you going?”

“What?” she sputtered. “No! That’s…that’s…no, of course not.”


“Kermit, I’m not…why would I want to go back?” she asked, clearly agitated. “The last time Moi was in Bogen County, was the last time Moi was going to be in Bogen County.”

“Piggy,” Kermit replied. “She was your mother. Besides, it’s not like you left on good terms, so…maybe you can put some things to rest.”

“That won’t help.”

“It won’t hurt either,” he retorted.

It wasn’t an easy decision, that was obvious, but this wasn’t an easy situation either. Piggy hadn’t been back since she left decades ago and that leaving hadn’t been good at all, for anyone involved and quite frankly, Piggy never wanted to go back.

“I’ll think about it,” she sighed.

You're welcome :big_grin:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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So after tonight's episode of OUAT...

I'm a bit disappointed in Nimue (pronounced as "Nimu-way") was the big reveal of the First Dark One. Mainly because it bludgeons the point through the viewer's head that there's always an association of the Dark One fighting against or being fought by their loved ones. Plus the fact I've seen this conflict of prior life romance between a master mage and his lady love with Visiir and Mirage in the animated Aladdin series.

Not surprised Zelina was working with Arthur for a nefarious plot.

Though the Horned King didn't appear, maybe I was influenced by Lady Warrior's theory, but when Arthur plunged a guard's helmet into the brew in the cauldron talking about an army that would be mere teeth and bones, was I the only one who thought he was talking about the Cauldron Born and thought he possessed Arawn the Black Cauldron itself?

On another note... First it was Medusa in the underground lair trap set by Regina when she was still the Evil Queen in the Enchanted Forest. Then it was Pandora's Box to contain the evil that was Peter Pan/Malcolm/Rumple's father. Now they need a spark from mankind's first fire, the torch that Prometheus stole from Mt. Olympus? D-it!, when are they going to bring in Hades?!?

Another thing that I'm not entirely buying... Excalibur was forged from melting down and reshaping the Holy Grail? Er, both Excalibur and the Holy Grail are separate items of Arthurian legendary importance, not one made from the other. And if the Holy Grail contained water that made whoever drank from it immortal, the obvious question of its namesake aside, does anyone else see that that same water could be then sought after as the fabled waters of the Fountain of Youth in an effort to further tie POTC with OUAT? They already had Captain Jack Sparrow's compass that always points North and the appearance of Blackbeard. So there's another franchise the showrunners could mine for whichever half-a-season they might want in the future.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Man, Gina, if you watch this week's episode of The Muppets titled "Pigs in a Blackout" you're going to find a heck of a ton of material that'll probably influence both Desert Delay and your other Scooter-centric fics. Particularly the line after Scooter's been put in charge of the show during Kermit's absence.
:wink:: "I can't let Kermit down, he's my father, mentor. Mentor, mentor."

And for OUAT... The whole dramatic scene where Emma stood up to Nimue as Merlin's test doesn't make much sense when it's undermined later when Emma follows the influence of the crowd of Dark Ones by reforging Excalibur to potentially slay the light of herodom.
Oh, and I find it funny yet appropriate the reviews comparing Arthur to a brat throwing a tantrum about his role in legendness.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Man, Gina, if you watch this week's episode of The Muppets titled "Pigs in a Blackout" you're going to find a heck of a ton of material that'll probably influence both Desert Delay and your other Scooter-centric fics. Particularly the line after Scooter's been put in charge of the show during Kermit's absence.
:wink:: "I can't let Kermit down, he's my father, mentor. Mentor, mentor."
I know! I heard about that! I'll tell you what - I'm about to never recommend Hulu to anyone because their player is suck. It's suck incarnate. Two different houses and I still can't watch an episode of ANYTHING all the way through from beginning to end without it stopping ever five seconds.

Hulu's gonna make us get cable.

And for OUAT... The whole dramatic scene where Emma stood up to Nimue as Merlin's test doesn't make much sense when it's undermined later when Emma follows the influence of the crowd of Dark Ones by reforging Excalibur to potentially slay the light of herodom.
Oh, and I find it funny yet appropriate the reviews comparing Arthur to a brat throwing a tantrum about his role in legendness.
Yeah, just saw the sneak peek #2 and Emma's plan is all about Hook?? Really? Not saving her family or even bringing Neil/Bae back, but about Hook?

That...is just annoying. Annoying as all get out. I liked him better when he was a no good, conniving pirate. Actually, I liked him better when he wasn't in the show. But at least the 2-hour show this Sunday brings back both Red and Mulan, so holla for that!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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You know what? So I've been working on this new Miss Piggy Adventure for...a while now cause I'm determined to have this thing ready after 2 Ball is done. And...it would be time for a Mupp Adventure, right? Cause I finished a Monday, then did Pool Hall, so we're back on Mupp Adventures? Anyway, as I mentioned...may have mentioned, this idea has been in my head for a while and for some reason, thanks to the new show, it's come back around. So I gave you a taste earlier...

Would you like another?

Yeah. I'll give you another. Don't say I never gave you nuttin' -

“Not too often we get starlets out this way, Hollywood,” the elder pig replied, watching as the group came forward.

“Well, I thought I’d come and class the place up a bit,” came Piggy’s retort, walking up the steps and facing the brawly pig. “How’s it hanging, Slick?”

“It hangs.”

Nodding her head towards Kermit, she asked, “You remember the frog, don’t you?”

Nodding, the other pig replied, “Nice to finally meet you, Mitt.”

“Likewise,” Kermit replied, smiling slightly. There were only a handful of people who actually called him that, mostly some of his younger siblings, so it went a long way to show that at least one member of Piggy’s family liked him enough to use the nickname.

“Oh uh, that’s Gonzo, Fozzie; Gonzo, Fozzie, my brother Nate.” Indicating her head towards the door, Piggy continued with, “So what’s the situation?”

“Well,” Nate replied, looking inside the front window. “Hattie and Millie are here, so are Ricky Lane, John…oh, cousin Blackjack...”

“You have a cousin named Blackjack?” Gonzo asked.


“Why do they call him Blackjack?” Fozzie asked, nervously.

“You don’t want to know,” Piggy responded.

“Oh, and Grandma’s here.”

“Grandma’s here?” Piggy asked, a grin lighting her face for the first time since arriving. “How is the old battle-axe?”

“Old, obstinate, cranky…” Nate began. “You know…Grandma.”

Piggy nodded, before looking over at the SUV she parked next to. Most of her family still lived in the area, so arriving shouldn’t have been an issue. “Who owns that monstrosity?” she asked, thumbing the larger car behind them.

Nate smiled, though it was more playful than anything else. “Oh, that’s baby Hammy’s.”

Rolling her eyes, Piggy muttered, “Of course it is, because this day has been going so well. I bet he brought the ‘smart’ twins with him, too.”

“Now, now, darling sister,” Nate chuckled. “Those are our nephews and it is our duty to love, honor, cherish, blah blah. Yeah, dumb and dumberer are here.”

“And my day gets better,” she sighed. “You didn’t happen to mention that I planned to be here, did you?”

Nate outright laughed. “What?” he sputtered. “Of course not! Why ruin the surprise?”

Glaring at him, Piggy deadpanned, “You’re all heart, big brother.”

“In case you forgot,” he retorted. “There’s nothing to do around here. Watching you and Hammy go at it will pick up a slow day.”

“Ugh, let’s get this over with.”

The quintet headed inside, being announced with Nate’s, “Look who the gypsies left on the doorstep!”

Piggy said hello the aunts and uncles who were assembled, her mother’s siblings, as well as the aforementioned Blackjack, before introducing Kermit, Gonzo, and Fozzie. It only took five minutes before the group heard, “What’re you doing here?”

“Hamilton,” Piggy sighed, turning around to face a younger and shorter pig, this one dressed in what had been a suit, just without the jacket and his shirt sleeves rolled up. “Because my life wouldn’t be complete until I saw you.”

Throwing a look at his older brother, the younger pig growled, “You could’ve warned me, Nate.”

“Again,” the eldest smirked. “Why ruin the surprise?”

“There was a reason we called him ‘the instigator’ as children,” Piggy huffed. Pointing outside to the SUV, she asked, “Who’d you scam to get large marge out there?”

“Unlike you,” Ham replied. “I drove here when I heard Mother was sick.” Looking out the same window, the younger pig smirked before glancing back at his sister. “Aw, did you drive your little put-put car up from the airport?”

Crossing her arms, Piggy glared at him. “Not my choice.”

Kermit wasn’t completely sure she was just talking about the choice of car, but the reason she was there in the first place.

“Oh I see,” Ham said, smiling widely. “And what was your first choice, sister dear? A BMW? Caddy? Corvette?”

“A Maserati!” Fozzie supplied, unhelpfully.

Throwing a look at the comic, Ham’s smile grew larger before turning back to his sister. “A Maserati. Kudos. You know, some would say that was a desperate cry for attention.”

“So glad to see that psychology degree has come in handy.”

“Well,” Ham retorted, leaning in towards her. “It is a real profession.”

Not even ten minutes inside and already there was trouble from the way the diva took a few steps towards her brother, brandishing her fist at him. “You know, baby Hammy,” she snarled. “It would be a great disservice if I let you head back to New York without prettying up that face of yours.”

“Piggy…” Kermit warned, blocking her path.

From behind him, Kermit could feel the younger pig stepping up behind him. “Do not call me ‘baby Hammy’,” came his warning.

“Hey, Grandma, look who’s here!” Nate shouted, causing a total stand down process for Piggy and Ham – the raised fist from Piggy suddenly became a wave, while Ham turned around sharply to smile at the smaller, older pig who was walking towards them.

“Is that my little diva?” the elderly matron asked, as she came over. Ida Rose Maline, grandmother on their mother’s side, was on the short side, easily being dwarfed by her children and grandchildren; the aforementioned Hattie and Millie being two of her four daughters. Her greying curls sat on top her head in a tight bun and while her movements were slightly slow, she seemed to carry herself as an elder you should and had better respect.

“Even as a child,” Kermit whispered, throwing a look towards Gonzo and Fozzie, who smirked.

“Don’t start with me,” came the retort before said diva greeted her grandmother. “Yes, yes. It is Moi, here in the flesh.”

Looking at three of her twelve grandchildren, Ida smiled widely. “Look at my little piglets, gathered together again,” she cooed, causing a round of scandalized “Grandma!” from the trio.

“We’re not kids anymore,” Ham groused.

“Well, you’re still old enough to cut your own switch, aren’t you, Hamilton Lee?”

Piggy’s snicker didn’t go unnoticed either. “Something funny, Pigathia?”

Clearing her throat, Piggy seemed to stand up straighter and regain her composure. It was probably the first and last time the other Muppets would ever see Piggy cowed by anyone. “No, ma’am,” she said. “I just…nothing. Clearing my throat. Have you met my friends, Grandma?”

Again, introductions were made before Ida turned her attention back to her three ‘favorite little piglets’, earning another round of embarrassed groaning. “You’re my grandchildren,” the elder pig admonished. “And if I wanna call you piglets, I’m gonna call you piglets until I die. And even then, when we get to heaven, I’m still gonna call you piglets. Unless the three of you want to do something about it?”

The three piglets did not want to have anything to do with that, with all them shaking their heads, and Nate sending a little, “Piglets forever, Grandma” to appease her. Satisfied her message was heard loud and clear, Ida nodded before clapping her hands together once. “Now,” she announced. “Who’d like to help me with dinner?”

Immediately, the fuzzy arm of one Fozzie Bear shot up, excitedly. “I would!”

Smiling, Ida patted the bear on the arm. “What a delightful young man,” she cooed.

Offering his arm, Fozzie said, “Allow me to escort m’lady to the kitchen fair.”

“Oh, I like you!” Ida chuckled, taking the arm and letting the comic lead her towards the kitchen, leaving a group of surprised spectators.

“You see that?” Piggy complained, poking Kermit in the shoulder. “Been here fifteen minutes and your bear absconds with my grandmother!”

“Rather ironic,” Ham observed. “A bear who’s a Cub.”

“What?” Gonzo sputtered, a mix between laughter and disgust. “Fozzie!?”

Kermit turned to look at the younger pig. “What’re you…?” When the term caught up with the frog’s brain, like Gonzo, he also sputtered, though more on the disgust side than anything else. “What!? No! No, he just likes being babied by mothers and grandmothers!” Glaring at the diva behind him, he spat, “Phrasing, Piggy!”

“Right,” Gonzo replied, sarcastically. “Cause your explanation makes it sound less creepy.”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah, stopping every so and so, that's what watching videos on youtube was like for me before. And now I get to enjoy that kind of jerkiness when doing Wiki walks with these stupid re-updating frames and open document crap. :grouchy:

Next week's Muppets episode should be frought with even more fic inspiration... Triple date between Kermit and Denise + Fozzie and Becky, and the one I'm kind of cringing at Scooter and his TV crush Chelsey Handler.
*Still remembers :mad:'s stint as a guest interviewee on that show. Don't get me wrong, I like Chelsey's humor, but for the Muppets it's just I feel it's going back to the earlier episodes when they were building something right with these last two episodes.

As for OUAT, I think they might just end up in POTC territory if Hook is so prominent as part of the storyarch, meh, whatevs.
The other show I'm currently loving is Sleepy Hollow and how this third season has returned to what was so great in Season 1 with the worldly monsters/creatures tied to the events of the historical past and ongoing present.

Edit: Yeah Gonz, and you've got such a better reply... Ignoring your own mom's emails from her South American cruise because you think they're spam. Good schtuff in this tidbit of Piggy's adventures back home, interested in reading more.
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