I was going to say.. post count might not be the best way to define an old membership as many of us tend to lurk more then post (at least until that annoying pop up would come on and tell us it had been a while since we'd posted and maybe we should say something...) do our profiles list how long we've been around.. that might be a better option but i don't think they do... i know i've been around for.. 8.. 10.. 12 years.. something like that.. maybe longer... but am still under 800 posts..
anyway.. uhm.. I'm a part time librarian right now.. tis what i went to school to do, but since I married in 2003 was fortunate enough to be able to stay home and be full time housewife and step mom.. but.. this year hubby is deployed to Kosovo, so decided that i could use some outside time, wouldn't hurt to brush up the old skills, and a little extra cash wouldn't hurt either.. so started working again part time this past spring.
turned out to be a good thing as I wound up having some medical problems (have all now finally - i hope_ been figured out and in treatment..) that it was nice to have the extra cash for.. (turns out i have SEVERE sleep apnea which was causing way high blood pressure, anemia, asthma, and a slew of other problems.. but once we got that figured out, things are finally improving.. yay cpap machines! ok, I look and sound a little like darth vader at night, but i finally actually know what real sleep is and things are already improving..)
As mentioned.. hubby is currently deployed.. when he's home he's an electrician.. when national guard has him.. he fixes helecopters.. it has been an interesting year while he's gone.. everything decided to go wrong, all sorts of plumbing problems with the house, of course.. water heater broke and flooded the basement, pipe broke and flooded the basement several times until we could get it fixed..(all of course during one of the coldest winters in alaska in a long time, and pipe was outside so had to wait til it thawed enough to dig...) all very laughable at this point, but crazy making at the time.

was very happy the step kids were at their mom's for the school year and didn't have to worry about them here while that was all going on..
let's see.. hubby and I hope to adopt once he gets back and we actually have time to work on the paperwork for all of that. hoping for at least 2, maybe three kids of "our own" there..

my steps are great kids, but i want full time kids that i can screw-up all on my own (and properly indoctrinate in all things muppet...)
we also have 4 insane dogs. Pepe, Gobo and Gir are the pomeranians.. all with health issues of their own of one sort or another.. (we've inadvertantly become a home for all the reject dogs

) and Willow our jack russel.. she's healthy, just mental.. but we've been told that's a breed trait, and that she's actually fairly mellow... which is scarey... no amount of poms will prepare you for a JRT..
oh and really really need to update the webpages linked in my profile.. haven't touched them in years and they are very very out of date.. and i'm really not even sure i can remember the passwords.. hehe...
ok.. there ya go.. more then most people want or need to know..