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Older Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

Count von Count

Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2008
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Ok so this thread is pretty straight forward, to all the older member's here. It is the same guide lines as the New Member's thread.
This thread is for the newer members to meet the older members, like we do them on there thread. Or even for the older members to meet more older members.
Introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about your Muppet experiences and interests. What are some of your favorite Muppet memories, characters, movies, or shows?
Why you became a member on the forums.
We're looking forward to getting to know you better!
~And People who count as a "older" member is any one who has 500 posts- to people who are a senior member.(not you'r age)
Have Fun!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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My name is Kelly or RedPiggy. You'll typically find me writing fanfics or playing around in the Dorms. I love Labyrinth, Dinosaurs, Muppets, and Sesame Street (though I'm just now getting around to writing for that one). Oh, yeah ... and Fraggle Rock. I've started contributing articles to Ryan's blog ... though they don't seem to be up yet. I grew up on Sesame Street and the Muppet Show. When my father went out of state on vacation or for work, we could watch Fraggle Rock at the motels. I've battled stress and depression throughout my life. The Muppets taught me that lots of different creatures existed and we could all be friends, even when we were different and argumentative. Their sense of humor always cheered me up.

My mother's generation believed Luke and Laura's wedding (from the soap opera General Hospital) was a defining moment. For me, it was Maria and Luis'. I also really loved Kermit and Piggy's in The Muppets Take Manhattan.

My avatar explains my username ... my favorite characters are Piggy and Red. I like strong-willed yet vulnerable female characters.

I don't know how I got on MC. I believe I was just in the mood to get some more Muppety goodness after cooling off on my Pokemon fandom. Perhaps news or fanfics first attracted me. I honestly can't remember. However, this place has nearly consistently been my favorite forum.

I'm always available for email or PM for anyone who'd like to talk. The quirkier you are, the better, LOL.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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RedPiggy said:
I've started contributing articles to Ryan's blog ... though they don't seem to be up yet.
Is coming. I'm going one article a day. No worries! They'll show up soon! :big_grin:

And, erm... Hi. I'm Prawnie. Or... Ryan, I guess, but no one really calls me that here. I write fan-fic and do other stuff. Visit my blog! The link is in my signature! ...Pie!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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I just thought I was being discriminated against because I don't rate using Fozzies. :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Um...of course you realize that if you look at the "new members introduce yourself thread" you'll see the introductions for the now-old members when they originally posted there when they were new! (or in the case of the oldest of us who came over from the original delphi forum, new to the new format).

In between that and the stuff that anyone can read on MuppetFreak (especially the introduction post there), that's all the vitals anyone needs to know and don't feel i need to repeat myself. Anything anyone would want to know that's not already covered can just ask.

(LOL at how even though i had been around since the beginning, i don't fit the definition of "old member" due to post count...i'm just not big on thread muffining which is how a lot of people's thread counts get up there. I post when i have something to say - and when i'm able to take the time to check out the forums which has been here and there over the years due to constant "real life getting in the way" pretty constantly since 2002 when i lost a job and a home due to being gay...and it's all been downhill from there)


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2003
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I was going to say.. post count might not be the best way to define an old membership as many of us tend to lurk more then post (at least until that annoying pop up would come on and tell us it had been a while since we'd posted and maybe we should say something...) do our profiles list how long we've been around.. that might be a better option but i don't think they do... i know i've been around for.. 8.. 10.. 12 years.. something like that.. maybe longer... but am still under 800 posts..
anyway.. uhm.. I'm a part time librarian right now.. tis what i went to school to do, but since I married in 2003 was fortunate enough to be able to stay home and be full time housewife and step mom.. but.. this year hubby is deployed to Kosovo, so decided that i could use some outside time, wouldn't hurt to brush up the old skills, and a little extra cash wouldn't hurt either.. so started working again part time this past spring.
turned out to be a good thing as I wound up having some medical problems (have all now finally - i hope_ been figured out and in treatment..) that it was nice to have the extra cash for.. (turns out i have SEVERE sleep apnea which was causing way high blood pressure, anemia, asthma, and a slew of other problems.. but once we got that figured out, things are finally improving.. yay cpap machines! ok, I look and sound a little like darth vader at night, but i finally actually know what real sleep is and things are already improving..)
As mentioned.. hubby is currently deployed.. when he's home he's an electrician.. when national guard has him.. he fixes helecopters.. it has been an interesting year while he's gone.. everything decided to go wrong, all sorts of plumbing problems with the house, of course.. water heater broke and flooded the basement, pipe broke and flooded the basement several times until we could get it fixed..(all of course during one of the coldest winters in alaska in a long time, and pipe was outside so had to wait til it thawed enough to dig...) all very laughable at this point, but crazy making at the time. :smile: was very happy the step kids were at their mom's for the school year and didn't have to worry about them here while that was all going on..
let's see.. hubby and I hope to adopt once he gets back and we actually have time to work on the paperwork for all of that. hoping for at least 2, maybe three kids of "our own" there.. :smile: my steps are great kids, but i want full time kids that i can screw-up all on my own (and properly indoctrinate in all things muppet...)
we also have 4 insane dogs. Pepe, Gobo and Gir are the pomeranians.. all with health issues of their own of one sort or another.. (we've inadvertantly become a home for all the reject dogs :smile: ) and Willow our jack russel.. she's healthy, just mental.. but we've been told that's a breed trait, and that she's actually fairly mellow... which is scarey... no amount of poms will prepare you for a JRT..
oh and really really need to update the webpages linked in my profile.. haven't touched them in years and they are very very out of date.. and i'm really not even sure i can remember the passwords.. hehe...
ok.. there ya go.. more then most people want or need to know..


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Hey kids, I'm Beauregard (occasionally known as Mat B Regard, but that's a rare occasion so don't go freaking me out by doing it :stick_out_tongue:). I've been here for about as long as I can remember (not quite true, as I can remember the Delphi forum, but wasn't a member of that one...being too young at the time.)

I discovered the Muppets entirely by accident (and a love of puppetry) but used the internet to find and print lyrics to all their songs for a Muppet-info folder I was putting together. There was a great website once which had all the songs from the Muppet Movies, with their lyrics and so on. I think it was while doing that research I stumbled across MC and had stayed here pretty much ever since.

I'm the reckless one who pulls crazy stunts on MC and starts things like Swaehb and MopFam...Who can blame me, it's just so tempting!

I think this thread is a GREAT idea, by the way, because there are so many new members who I've never really got to talk to...and I'd really really like to because we are all family here!


The Shoe Fairy

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Well, I had been an avid televison watcher during my childhood in the ever-awesome 1990s Australia, and my favourite program was by far Sesame Street. Eventually I grew out of it, but when I was in year 4 we had a really awesome teacher who showed me Labyrinth, The Storyteller and Dr Who (she even had lunch with Tom Baker once!) amongst other gems, and I quickly developed a fandom for both Dr Who and Jim Hensons works. It took me some time to realise that my notions of NYC being sucha n amazing and Ideal place came entirely from watching SS. Since that moment I have been reclaiming my Sesame past.

I have a long history of musical training, and I currently play multiple musical instruments, have studied musical theatre and I am in the process of writing both a musical and a children's book. I play guitars/bass/vocals and programming in a Prog/Gothic Rock band.I am a hopeless romantic - don't judge me please! I also speak French and Finnish (suomi), so if someone here wishes to converse not in English, I can lend an ear. I am a Metalhead but I listen to all forms of music. Musical questions, ask Moi.

On this forum I tend to hang around the general discussion/friends and family, Fraggle and Sesame related threads.

I should probably add that I am an activist for many things, not in the least my political beliefs (I'll keep it as simple as Anarchism) and my sexuality. (ask if you must). I do keep a regularly updated DeviantART amongst other things.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I posted in the New Members thread once upon a time ago. I wouldn't even be able to tell you what page it's on, because that was four and a half years ago now! Man, that's crazy to think about!

So, I'm Beth, redBoobergurl. I've been here since early 2005. I stumbled onto the site when I was looking for more Fraggle Rock merchandise after I received the "Where It All Began" DVD and a small Red Fraggle plushie for Christmas from my then boyfriend (now husband) and wanted to see what else was out there. I was friended by some folks who play in the Dorms thread, joined up there with Red as my roommate and suddenly was addicted to this site.

My name comes from loving Red Fraggle, but also having a soft spot for Boober (and my family nickname is Boo) and when I tried putting just redBoobergirl, it didn't work, so I changed it to Gurl.

Soon I was writing and reading fanfiction, playing in role play games and just becoming part of the community here. Though my screen name may imply I'm just a Fraggle fan, Muppets and SS are actually my first loves. Kermit and Rowlf, Cookie Monster, Grover, Ernie and Bert. I grew up on the original Muppet Movies and tons and tons of SS.

I have been here through major life changes - getting married, finding a new job or two, buying a house, adopting a cat. This has been a little online family and I just love it!

I think that's me in a nutshell.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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(I agree, I don't think post-count is the way to do it)

Hey all! I'm Beakerfan, also known as Beakie and Alex. I've been a fan of the Muppets since before I can remember, and have been a member of MC for about... five years? (WOW that makes me feel old...).

I am sort of the Beaker of this forum (although sometimes I feel more like the Sam Eagle - dignified voice of reason among this madness, yet I let my guard down once in a while). I don't say much, and when I do jump in to a conversation sometimes even I have trouble figuring out what I'm saying, but I'm always game for something crazy (even if its a simple bit of muffining). But I'm also always around to give a shoulder to lean on or a piece of advice.

MC has been a wonderful second family to me, and we welcome you all with open arms. :smile: