I listened to the NPR segment just now. . . . It seems to me the voice didn't stay the same through the whole interview. At times it sounded a bit like Lily Tomlin's little-girl character (I can't think of the name--the one who always said "And that's the truth! THBBBPT!") and then thirty seconds later the voice would be different. Sometimes high, sometimes deep. Maybe it was just an off day for her, or maybe she's still working out just how Abby will sound. Either way, the voice isn't nearly as "cutesy-wutesy" annoying as many shows would make it. So Ms. Carrara-Rudolph has my thanks for that.
I'm all in favor of more high-profile female characters, but I'm skeptical any time somebody tries to design one specifically to be a star. It's tough to manufacture stardom (flash-in-the-pan boy bands notwithstanding--they go as quickly as they come). We'll see. I'll have to watch tomorrow's episode.
And I wish they'd give Prairie Dawn more screen time, stories, and, yes, merchandise. But >SIGH< Sesame Street has devolved into a younger kids' show, so poor Prairie's too old for their current target audience. . . .