New movies coming out...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Johnny English is a parady of James Bond but with Mr Bean playing the detective. He is hopeless as the detective and hios gun falls apart in his hand etc...


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Apr 13, 2002
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Well the battle of Neo vs. Nemo has concluded. Finding Nemo has surpassed Reloaded as the top summer film! It will pass the 300 M mark in a week or two and was still number 5 last week! Nemo is such a well crafted film that more than lives up to the hype. Reloaded, though entertaining, just didn't grab me. That's not to say it isn't wildly popular. It has pretty much leveled off at less than 275 M.

That's an enormous hit by everyone's standards, but falls short of WB's lofty expectations. They predicted it would easily pass 300M in a few weeks of release. I think it should have, but a better film would have brought mainstream auds back for second viewings. Repeat viewings is what pushes films to that level. Let's hope the third installment will be better. Reloaded seemed to be made only for hardcore fans. I have a sneaking feeling that it will make less than Reloaded. We'll see.

Some could claim children's films are easier successes, but seeing that they pay a reduced ticket price I just don't see that to be the case. Sinbad has embarrassingly under performed. So did last summer's Treasure Planet. Some say it's because traditional animation has fallen out of fashion, but that's not true either. It's just about all the elements coming together.

That brings me to ask if anyone has seen Sinbad. Judging from the promos it looks kind of boring. The characters don't look very distinct or catchy. They kind of look like Disney extras. I just hope films like it don't destroy traditional animation. Disney’s' upcoming Brother Bear doesn't really catch my eye either. Hmmm.

I've seen a couple of films since I last posted. I'm not certain if I mentioned 28 Days later, but it's a spectacular film. Not the typical horror movie. And watch out for star Cillian Murphy. He will likely be the next big import.

The Italian Job was also a fun brainless film. Much better than 2 Fast (yes I saw that film too LOL!). Totally implausible, but still a fun film worth plopping down the cash for a matinee. The surprising thing is Edward Norton's lack luster performance. He tried to get out of making this film, but was bound by an old contract. Don't you just hate it when good actors making millions for a picture can't behave? Well, a dull performance from someone like him is like a good performance from Mark Walberg so it doesn't really matter.

I'm really looking forward to Johnny English. I like Rowan Atkinson. I wish the Bean film had been better. I'm not certain that he has credibility with US auds. Hope the film's good. There will undoubtedly be comparisons with Austin Powers, but there shouldn't. Atkinson is a brilliant comic talent and doesn't rely on cheap laughs and fart humor. He's the real deal.

Fozzie Bear

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Apr 14, 2002
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I saw Sinbad and it was pretty good. I won't be buying the video, though. It's worth seeing at least once.

League of Extraordinary Gent's was a little different, but fun.

Looking forward to Johnny English!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2002
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So how about "Uptown Girls" with Brittnay Murphy and Dakota Fanning, anyone looking forward to this one? I think it looks good and I'm impressed by Dakota Fanning so I want to see this one.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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electricmayhem said:
So how about "Uptown Girls" with Brittnay Murphy and Dakota Fanning, anyone looking forward to this one? I think it looks good and I'm impressed by Dakota Fanning so I want to see this one.
I only heard about that yesterday, I don't think it's my kind of film, but that's my opinion.

Tomb Rader 2 is about to come out, is anyone interested? I havn't seen one yet, but I'd like to some time.

I found this on IMDB.


I accentuate "horrible" due to how bad it is. It is almost the exact same film as the first, even the plot, except this one its pandora's box instead of the time keys thing. Also, like the first one, I thought the commercial/trailers made this movie look like it could have the possibility of being at least o.k. or entertaining, but alas- I was dead wrong. When the screening was finished, 1/3 had left, some were laughing, some were booing, but I think everyone agreed to this movies vile awfullness. I think this movie might not bomb first weekend because of the marketing push, but rest assured- it is a bad movie, and not a comeback for Jolie at all as some might think. It will tank tho, I mean, the public can't be so stupid as to make the same mistake twice and go see an even worse movie than the first. Surely people must remember the vileness of the first.


Well, what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2002
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Did anyone see Rowan Atkinson on Jay Leno the other night? What a cut-up! He came out so serious and such, and then proceeded to show Jay how his character of "Mr. Bean" once took a pair of swimtrunks (briefs, mind you) and put them on at the beach OVER his trousers (pants) that he was still wearing, then proceeded to REMOVE said trousers without "flashing" anyone. It was the greatest thing I have seen in ages. This man is definitely a classic, and has been around for some time prior to Americans getting to know him. I love his show, "Black Adder," which is shown on the BBC channel (satellite) quite often. It's so good. Sometimes they have "Mr. Bean" programs as well.

He's quite famous in England and Europe, and he told Jay a story about how he was in a sandwich shop and realized, as he got to the cashier, that he had no cash on him. He told the cashier he would be right back, but he said the people in line were snickering behind their hands, like "Get him, a big star with no money...yeah, right!" He did return with the money, but he said that it was a bit embarassing at the time. (I imagine it was!)

This is someone I would have loved to see go up against Gonzo on "The Muppet Show." What a pair they would have made! I hope Brian Henson and the rest of the Muppet people keep Mr. Atkinson in mind when they plan their next movie; he'd be a great asset!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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It was offically announced this morning that Disney is putting a sequel to Pirates on the fast track. Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, the girl whose name escapes me right now, the director, and Jerry Bruckheimer the producer, have all been signed.

Disney and Pixar are also being sued by a children's entertainer in New Jersey named Mr. Ray, as he says the character of Mr. Ray in Finding Nemo has damaged his image.

My question is, how can an animated sting ray, who is the teacher for the children damage the reputation of a children's singer? Looks like the human Mr. Ray just needs some money to make up for a lack of talent. :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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radionate said:
My question is, how can an animated sting ray, who is the teacher for the children damage the reputation of a children's singer? Looks like the human Mr. Ray just needs some money to make up for a lack of talent. :stick_out_tongue:
Yeah! Do you listen to kid's musicians? UNTALENTED!!! Lame songs about animals... blecch!!! I bet he did that for publicity!

"I'm an untalented kid's musician working low selling CD to low selling CD! I'm a glorified Subway musician! This movie ruined my life... waaaa waaa waaa!"


Anyway, J E looks much much funnier than Austin Powers (I like the series, but Mr. Atkinson is hillarious!)

Bean could have worked if they didn't Americanize it so much!

I was going to see League with a friend, but I got sick, so I'm gonna wait for JE instead!

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Mr. Bean is hilarious, and Atkinson should have 100% control of whatever production the character is involved in.

Is Mr. Bean going to be Johnny English.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2002
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radionate said:
It was offically announced this morning that Disney is putting a sequel to Pirates on the fast track. Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, the girl whose name escapes me right now, the director, and Jerry Bruckheimer the producer, have all been signed.
Her name is Keira Knightley and speaking of her, did anyone see Bend it Like Beckham? I really want to but no theaters near me have carried it.