I'm Jen, a life long muppet fan. My parents were both always impressed with Jim Henson creations and exposed my sister and I to them. While she didn't seem to grab onto them I fell in love with them.
My muppet memories:
My mother loved the Fraggles and was quite excited when I brought home my first dvd a few months ago and always tells me that I bugged them about having my own Gobo when I was little for so long that finally they had to send away to New York for one.
Around the time Dinosaurs came out my dad took us to the Museum of Sciene and Indusrty as a surprise one weekend and I remember being so excited to see Muppet banners outside the museum!!! Lots of muppets were on display. I remember seeing Baby and Earl Sinclair and how huge they were. The best part, however, was getting to perform a muppet! I stood in line forever and finally got to be one of the 3 alien muppets they had for kids (and adults) to try. It's not easy! I loved it though!
Hopefully, I didn't bore anyone with my long muppet memories...I have many more but those stick out! Jim Henson is my idol, even though I'm just 22!
I've been hanging around Muppet Central for a LOOOOONG time but just recently signed up for the message board. This is the best site out there! I think what I love most is seeing all the fans on here and how head over heels they are for the muppets!
Almost forgot! My fav muppets are Kermit, Gobo, Bean Bunny and I have quite a soft spot for Rowlf and Gonzo! I love them all I guess!