Hello everyone! I have been an on again off again fan all my life. I remember watching the Muppet show when I was 2 and growing up watching Sesame Street. I didn't really become a ' obsessed fan ' till the late 80's when I was reintroduced to Fraggle Rock back in 1989. I can't remember if I was flipping through the channles bored one day and happen to stumble upon it or if I was watching it off and on and maybe not paying it much attention.

I often just have the TV on just for noise. I watched ' Change of Address ' and right away I was hooked. I started buying tapes through Time Life, and that's when I discovred that the person who created Fraggle Rock also created the Muppets, and the rest is history. The muppets is what got me into puppetry. I have been a puppeteer since 1989. I was trying despratly to get a address so I could write to Jim Henson, but by the time I got the adress which was months later he had allready passes away.

I was so saddend by his death, and it effected me for severial years. But in a postive way if you can think of death is being postive. It was durning that time when I was really wrapped up in the Muppets, is when I started getting insperations for my creations the Zipples ( Hence the name. ) I used to write to the muppets all the time, getting letters, pictures , and autographs, which I no longer have due to a fire.

Now that I have the internet I can read up on all the stuff I ever wanted to know about Jim Hanson and the Muppets!