
*staggers in coughing*
*Rhonda Rat sprays some air cleanser around the thread* Sheesh. I'm gonna have to talk to the lab guys about some Pepper spray. Hah! Get it? Pepper?

Ack...ahem...er. Uh, welcome in all new members! Now for this breaking news: Muppet Central has recently been
inundated with reports of lurkers trading in their thread-stalker badges for actual,
legitimate membership! Administrator Philip, when asked about the alarming fad, shrugged and said, quote: "Hey, new members help the ad revenue! I'm all for it!" The ad revenue could not be reached for comment at this time. However, fellow lurkers known only as "Guest #5623" and "Guest #852" responded thusly: "It's a
disgrace to the time-honored art of taking up bandwidth without contributing a darned thing!", and, "I don't know what you're talking about. Never heard of it. Excuse me, I think Justin Beiber just posted a new Tweet, I'm outta here."
Rhonda: Very cultural. Sam will be proud.

Uh...this trend seems to be increasing at such
alarming rates that we at Muppet News wonder whether the forum actually has enough room to support such a heavy load of posters! Furthermore -- *a ton of Justin Bieber posters falls from the ceiling, completely burying Newsie*
Rhonda *under steel umbrella* He never learns. Nice ta see ya all. Have a muffin.