Hello everyone, I just found this site.
Hello and great to be here.

I happened upon this site while messing around on Google. (A buddy and I were talking earlier about the band from the Muppet Show and we were both unsure if the organist was Dr. TEETH or Dr. TOOTH...LOL...quite a thing for two 35 year old men to be discussing, eh?

Anyhow, this place is just GREAT. I had NO idea there was such a fanbase on-line! For me, the Muppets as well as Sesame Street (Don't want to be puppet-misinformed here, ARE the characters on Sesame Street considered Muppets as well, or?) were a HUGE part of my youth. (Mainly the Muppets, but I thought it was just the coolest thing when there would be "crossovers"..like they would have Kermit on Sesame Street or vise versa..lol) My dad and I would always watch together, and he would laugh at things that I didnt quite "get" until later in life. We also went to the first two films together and I was blown away, as was most of the theatre. A bit later when we saw The Dark Crystal with a couple of my buddies, I was amazed and floored, maybe moreso. Henson, Froud, Oz, and countless other master puppeteers and staff members shaped my life in many ways, and I'm quite sure the lives of many many millions as well. I'll always hold these characters in my heart and am not ashamed to admit that even though I'm 6'7", 350 pounds that I still start to get choked up when I see and hear 'The Rainbow Connection' and see the scene from the Dark Crystal where the elder dies. Just amazing stuff from a group of men and women that believed in higher ideals and that the human race could do and be better than to mistreat each other and be negative....I wonder if world society as a whole really k n o w s the impact that Jim Henson and company r e a l l y had and continue to have...
Anyhow, sorry if that was a little long-winded there, so great to be here!
Please take care everyone and be well...