Swedish fraggle rocker
Im a swedish 27 years old girl. Me and my 2 years old twingirls love the fraggles.
In sweden its not that big with the fraggles and they havent released any swedish fraggles on dvd yet. We saw it on tv in like 1985 and then we just have VHS-tapes.
I showed one of my tapes to my girls, becouse i grew tired of teletubbies, and they just loved it!
I have quite some collection of fraggle toys. Im not a collector and I was thinking of giving the toys that I had when I was little to my girls. But after having looked at this page Im starting to wounder if I should let some of the things stay at the shelf.
Maybe someone here can help me to see if any of my toys are worth something or if I shouls just let the kids play with them....
Well that a litte about me. I hope that you will excuse my bad english...