I got the book, I love it. It is a great little book and I suggest that eveyone picks up a copy as soon as possible. As a greedy little fan I wish it was longer (but no matter how long they make it, I'll always want more

), I just love this kind of stuff. It is really nice. A great book (up there with "The Works", and "Designs & Doodles")!
I also got my copy of the "audio compainion" CD. It's not bad (although I prefer reading this type of work, over hearing it read to me - but that's just me). I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but what I've heard is good. The CD features Jerry Nelson, John Lithgow, Whoopie Goldberg, and Cheryl Henson reading the words from the book.
The CD is nice (if you like "books on tape"), but I think it would have been a lot cooler if they really worked the CD to be a more independent (yet related) product. With real audio clips of the characters, actual audio clips from interviews, audio of Jim himself, some moving Muppet music, audio clips from productions and shows, and more. Instead I have Jerry, John, and Whoopie reading quotes - which is nice - but it would be cooler to actually hear Jim, Kermit, Ray Charles, Frank Oz, Cantus, and all the others saying (and singing) these type of things. But for an audio book it is very well done (I've heard audo books that were a lot worse) - again, just as a fan, I'll always want more.
If you want to hear 2 sample clips from the audio CD you can. Hyperion Books has posted two extended audio clips from the CD. You can get to them at this link:
http://www.hyperionbooks.com/titlepage.asp?ISBN=1401302424 (click the link for "Audio Reading" towards the top on the right, and for the second clip, click the link right under the cover picture) The clips require in RealPlayer.
I suggest you all get this book, it's an easy read, you'll enjoy it, and maybe you'll learn something. It's not easy being green, and it's also not easy to not love this book.