Excuse me for bumping this thread again, but I kind of have a different perspective this time.
Nearly a month ago, I uploaded my latest work, an artistic short film entitled THE WINDMILL, which was something of a tribute to and a psuedo remake of the Disney Silly Symphony THE OLD MILL. It was a personal labor of love that took about a month to do, from actually building and constructing the windmill itself, to setting the stage, to filming, to editing; it was totally a pet project, all the way. Weeks later, with the obvious exception of people from within my own social circle, it's gone virtually unnoticed. Once again, I place all the blame on YouTube: by doing away with tags and continually sweeping the small channels under the rug on purpose to posture partner channels, ordinary and honest YouTubers like myself are getting creamed. But, this time around, I'm not really bothered all that much, because this is a different case: as I said, THE WINDMILL was really nothing more than a pet project that was a labor of love, I did it simply because I felt like doing it; it's not like with Steve, when I'm putting myself out there and trying to showcase my work for people to actually see. THE WINDMILL really isn't part of my body of work, it was just something I did on the side out of enjoyment, and I'm not really trying to showcase anything... so while I'm still bitterly upset with YT for practically forsaking the community that makes it up by focusing all of its energies on the schmucks that put money in their pockets, I'm not feeling any kind of disappointments over this, because it's not as if it was all for naught.
On a side note, it's kind of interesting that the poor results of my VAMPIRE GIRL webcomic is what prompted this thread two years ago, though thoughout this past year or so, it's actually started garnering a little outside attention (and by "Outside," I mean people who aren't already associated with me), so... *Shrug* Whatever.