Most Sonic forums try to keep the jokers away. The screwed up fans who want to make out with Sonic typically do not join forums. Sonic Retro seems to be taking things a bit to the extreme though. To be honest, I don't care. Their staff seem full of themselves and have inflated egos
Forum member Beaker always commends me for being one of the few "sane" Sonic fans out there.
But I see where the problem lies. There's 2 factions I've heard complaints about... the obvious So Furry that they have sexual desires towards the characters group (which also poisoned the Tiny Toons fanbase... sure, I like FiFi le Fume, but not
that much) and incredibly ungrateful people who outwardly hate any new Sonic project before it even comes out. Now, I can see where the second group comes from. I heard nothing but bad things about some of the modern era games... but these aren't thoughtful "I wish they'd revisit the earlier games to see what was so magical about them. That's very much absent in these new games." They're more like "I h8 everything new, even though the only old Sonic games I've ever played were on emulators because my parents didn't even meet until after Sonic and Knuckles was released. And now I'm going to rant about the voice actors." Ones that piggyback on the thoughtful complaints like they really know anything.
Now, I gotta admit, I haven't really played any Sonic game that wasn't on a friend's Genesis. I've only played a couple in store bits and pieces of the new games, and I can see their point... but there's just something so complainy about the fandom, and I think that's why the board members are unnecessarily strict. But that's just a guess.
Still, bored at a bus stop, I read the letter page of a Sonic comic, where some
obviously young kid ranted about how Sonic should be with Amy, only knowing of the character through (I'm guessing) Sonic X and the newer games, completely ignoring the fact that the comic's almost 20 years old (still ongoing), and they're basically following a set up from an almost 20 year old cartoon.