I'm really glad that for the first time in a long time I'm actually receiving feedback on my work. It's been a couple of weeks since I released my experimental film, and response to it has been completely positive, which I'm happy about.
Yeah, and now I've learned that, as is often the case, the positive feedback was really just out of politeness. I
have been told that the film was too long, but now that seems to be only solid response to it: it's too long. And, in fact, apparently it was shown to someone who actually use to have a career in show business: he didn't like it.
Matter of fact, I'm being told now that I apparently have no sense of timing and pacing. It's ironic, because one of the problems I had with earlier Steve D'Monster episodes was I often would cut and pace them too fast, and not allow time for anything to sink in and process, so I've tried slowing down a bit since then for a better flow . . . but I guess that isn't working either if people don't like my pacing.
And, again, as I said with my very recent short, since it parodies how the television industry has changed from years past to now, I tried sharing it with people who are connected to television somehow, including a historian I'm acquainted with, a sitcom writer whose blog I follow regularly, and other people I know who are experts in certain aspects of television: only two of them have even bothered looking, and only one of them gave any kind of feedback (if only because he's a friend of mine).
I guess I'm just not as good at this as I believed I was. I guess this is why I rarely get any actual feedback on anything anymore: people don't want to tell me how much I suck.