My dad's leaving us


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Good news: my mom says she's talked my dad into getting some conseling (sp?), and hopefully he'll stay after all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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D'Snowth said:
Good news: my mom says she's talked my dad into getting some conseling (sp?), and hopefully he'll stay after all.
Hey...that's great!!:smile:


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Wow. Snowthy, I found this just now. I hope your last post is true, about conseling. Either, way this is terrible news. It must be so hard on you. I'm not gonna pretend this will be an easy time for you... **huggles** I'm sure you already know this, but please, email me ANYTIME, okay? Even if you just need to rant. I'll be here for you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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MrsPepper said:
Wow. Snowthy, I found this just now. I hope your last post is true, about conseling. Either, way this is terrible news. It must be so hard on you. I'm not gonna pretend this will be an easy time for you... **huggles** I'm sure you already know this, but please, email me ANYTIME, okay? Even if you just need to rant. I'll be here for you.
Thanks Pepper, I know.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Same here D'Snowth. I just found this thread and hope everything is going alright man. I wouldn't want anything to happen to us that we can't cope with. I think it will be alright. Keep in there buddy. :smile: I would also like to indacate that I'm the baby of my family. Not to say that I have three siblings. Only one. My sister. She sticks up for me. I love her so. We're here so anytime you need us D. We'll always be here for yea.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2003
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Oh man, I just found this thread too, and I hope your Dad does stay around, and just to get into the topic of discussion, I'm an only child, so I never had to share my parents affections, except with our cats of course, lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'll agree with everything that all the others said, and add a *hug!* to this thread.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I hope things turn out okay for all of your family!:concern: :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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D'snowth, I'm really sorry.. But you already heard that loads of times so I'm gonna move right on...

You know, a year ago that was me. Or well in fact half a year ago. Well that was when they told me. About the divorce. But that was not the worst thing. It was much more horrible the weeks before they told me, in fact for the past two years I'd been quite...anxious about loads of little things. Like, afriad that my mum would get run over by a truck when she went to the stores, or afriad that my dad would drive directly into a huge oak or whatever, and I think I understand now that it might have been because I was so, well you see at home - it just didn't work out the way it should...

The 3 of us were always afriad of getting into an arguement. Because they did loads of times, and it's just aweful to be the "go-between" which you always end up being as the child even though your parents say that's a lie.

I remember when they'd been argumenting and I was like... "Mum, I can feel dad is sorry" and then I went to my dad's room and said "Dad I can sense that mum is sorry" and back again and then mum said something to me, which I interpreted to dad and... I always ended up feelin it was my fault, crying in my room. And I still feel like I have the responsibility towards my parents, but I know that's wrong. And... well, it is. So don't feel it's your fault, I mean they are grown-ups not us. And if our parents are stupid enough to stop loving each other - then that's their problem... Except we're bound to be a part of it since we are infact their children, their appendages. And thats where it all gets hard...

I still imagine sitting in a car in the backseats with my mum and dad, looking out the window at the stars, driving home from a holliday. But that will never be me again, and I guess I'll just have to accept that somehow. Even though I still blame my parents, especialy my mum for eveything which could be related to the divorce. Still that's unfair because, if they had stayed together - that would be even worse.

But anyways, D'snowth buddy I hope you're... well, no you're naturally not totally okay. But trust me, you won't die it's not gonna kill you just talk to people about it and stuff, and... be angry at your parents, cos they deserve it but just don't overact. And (the cliché line which is true!) "Remember your parents still love you. :smile:" It will be fine, but it will be hard. If you wanna talk or anything I can PM you my msn messenger?

Vibs. :smile:

EDIT: Oops I just read your last post D'snowth... hey that's great! And hey just ignore whatever I wrote will ya? :stick_out_tongue: