This CD marks the first commercial release of Muppet media since Disney acquired the Muppets last year. The Muppet’s Holding Company hopes that the success of this CD will allow them to justify more collections, re-releases, and new recordings featuring Muppet music.This collection was not only created to supply fans with the tunes from “The Muppets’ Wizard of Oz”, but it also allows Disney to share some of the Muppets’ most memorable (and marketable) songs from the past. By including such hits from the Muppets’ catalog, Disney hopes the release will attract past fans, casual fans, and new fans alike. Many hard-core fans are disappointed that eight out of the nine “classics” also appeared on a 2002 CD compilation, “The Muppet Show: Music, Mayhem and More”; Disney states that the success of this album would allow them to dig into the Muppet music archives and release more treasures in the future. They are trying to get the largest amount of buyers by releasing the most popular songs on this release - their first release. If they see people are interested in Muppet music, then they will continue to release more and more Muppet music.