I'm sorry, but most of the reviews were bullcrap and based on Jason Segal not being involved. If people actually listened to them and avoided this movie because of those frankly poorly written and amateurish (for professionals) reviews, they are NOT true fans (true fans sit through much worse than "slightly disappointing") and only have themselves to blame when the franchise slowly sinks into the sea of Disney ownership and seeing 5 more Planes movies (which get even worse reviews- ones that actually have a point and aren't written like Youtube comments) get greenlit instead.I think one of the biggest reasons the 2011 film did so well was that reviews and word of mouth were unbelievably good. Seriously, wasn't it one of the very best reviewed movies of that year? That's an accomplishment. Everyone wants to see a movie like that. Additionally, it was a novelty to see the Muppets in theaters again, since it had been 12 years since the last one. People were moved by the film, and for the most part it hit all the right nostalgia buttons for it's audience. I enjoyed MMW, but to me and my wife, it really didn't compare to the first one, and the reviews seem to reflect that. Maybe rushing a sequel less than two and a half years after the last one might not have been the best idea. Most people I know seem completely ambivalent about it. Heck, we saw it Friday night at 9pm and the theater was maybe half full. That wasn't a good sign.
Meanwhile a bunch of terribly reviewed movies manage to make craptons of money. There's a huge discrepancy here. The main (and stupidest complaint) is it wasn't the same exact tone and same exact movie as last time. You can't follow up a comeback with an equally huge movie. It can't be done. The comeback was to make more movies like this to keep the franchise going. How come they're expecting The Muppets 2: The Mission Pack sequel? Then they'd complain it was exactly the same. Kobiyashi Maru.
But saying "rushing out a sequel in 2 years" is bull. That's usually the time most sequels get made and they usually do better. What, we have to wait 5 years for a slow hand crafted piece that's still not the same as the first one?