MuppetFest 2?

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Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Well, I'm feeling quite sure this isn't anything Phil would want to serve up on his plate as it's likely he has a full plate already!

Here is what would likely have to be done. A committee would have to be in place, preferably of folks who have connections to the hotel business and who could get a block of rooms reserved at super low prices for those of us who wanted to travel out to visit.

Then the committee would need to deal with dining prices (maybe the hotel has a restaurant/buffet that those attending the fest could get into for discounted prices).

Then the committee would need to deal with workshops and entertainment. You'd probably be able to set up workshops with finding those of us here at MC who build or work on puppets/puppetry more than part-time (thus excluding me). Entertainment? We could get permission to show the videos, or not if its something taped from television. Just need a large room with a big screen tv, vcr, and dvd player.

Then the committee would have to create a dealers room where the whole group could meet and greet and swap and trade and buy and sell.

One of the things I brought up about the next MFest would be that at our MC Family Reunion Dinner we would bring out our own puppet character creations (something WE created OURSELVES, not remakes of other characters). That would be fun. Maybe have the puppets visit and talk to one another.

Then, the Committee would be responsible for creating attendance forms, setting prices, dates, times, and a treasurer would have to collect the funds and apply those funds toward the rooms/food/rental space of meeting rooms/and hiring out someone from JHC to be a guest and whose trip, room, and food would have to be paid for.



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Originally posted by beaker

Youre a good kid Agent J...if I was having a birthday party tommorrow I'd invite ya. Just watch the new TMNT tommorrow morning(on Fox!) and I'll be happy:wink:
Seen it?!?!? I TAPED IT!!! I'll watch it again... hope I don't wear out the tape...

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Originally posted by Fozzie Bear

An Oscar in the future I do not see.

Ha ha ha. Very humorous, mon bear. Droll. Almost... yeah. :rolleyes:

Shows how much you know, Fozzie. I have tight connections with a certain Mr. Oscar de Grouch. He just doesn't know it yet. :eek:

And so, as the new resident Bill Barretta, I appoint... Sarah my new fan club leader! Now, go get me my tutu! I want to dance!

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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*takes rubber chicken in hand and prepares for battle of the wits...whatever that means...* :rolleyes: :stick_out_tongue:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Say what?

Can you explain that please? I'm a little ssslllloooowwww...

:rolleyes: :big_grin:

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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*gets smacked in head with rubber chicken*

Thanks, I needed that.

Er, wits? Whats be wits?

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