Originally posted by Luke
LOL - i could just imagine you on the door, making fest goers file in an orderly line - two by two. That'd crack me up !
Rivkin can have a merchandise stand in reception - Nsync, Weezer, Arron Carter, Kelly Osbourne .......... all bootlegged CD's only five dollars !
Heh, yeah there oculd be Platinum packages($1000), and then the lesser gold($500) and then entrance fee($200) to dissuade the casual Muppet fan...errr, that and because space is *very* limited. In fact they may have to move some water coolers and
boxes just to make accomidations. But I think it could work out.
Maybe if those so called Farscape fans had the cajones to stand up for the real cool stuff(not Farscape, but the fate of JHC and the Muppets) we could have some sort of con...I mean do they really need three freaking cons a year? Sheesh. Mupopets before Farscape I say.
Originally posted by Drtooth
Mmmmmm, C, hate to say this, but that was kind of a joke, of all things. I mean, as in we threw it together on such short notice.
I mean, we'd have really big plans, but that seemed like it was the stark reality of the moment. Sorry If it didn't sound too... jokey!
Youre a good kid Agent J...if I was having a birthday party tommorrow I'd invite ya. Just watch the new TMNT tommorrow morning(on Fox!) and I'll be happy
But yeah, in 1998/99...even 2000 I was up for a fan meeting of some sorts...but after something like the first Mfest unfolds, I just cant get excited about a rag tag clandestine meetup

But have faith...ya just never know what may be annoucned this year!