Next role-play, if you want to do it.
I will be a better Game Master and provide more/better situations. I was, in this game, trying to let it play itself out and see where it was going to go. It worked okay that way on the old forums, but things just dragged out here.
Rules will still be basically the same. If you have a character name, that's
who you're playing.
If, for example, you are "DaffyFan2002" and want to, instead of a Muppet, be Daffy Duck, you can! I think that would be okay. However, if you have an avatar of a character, you can be that character--so, if "DaffyFan2002" wants to be Kermit and has a Kermit-avatar, then so be it. I think first-come-first-serve in those cases, and if someone else pops in as Kermit with a screenname, oh, well.
When being the characters, you must RETAIN their integrity, if however for the purpose of role play you have to stretch it some (in other words, Crazy Harry on the actual show doesn't have to say much, but DOES have to say something here, then he has a larger vocabulary) it works.
Don't get TOO far out and get things off the page too far, because it can confuse the other role-players or those who are just joining in. Try to keep within the situation at hand, deal with that situation in your own Muppety way, and be prepared to move when the story begins to change.
I may create "doors" and ask someone to pop in first and pick one, and behind each door I might have a different situation planned to take us all through. I will only need the ONE vote for the door--the first one to respond--and that is where we'll be going.
Um...any questions?
Also, I am thinking of a new idea, something AWAY from the Muppet Theater altogether this time, so be prepared for ANYTHING!!