SarahOnBway said:
I really really wanna know--how did everyone else hear about this?! I found it randomly during a bout of procrastination, but people are saying they knew before--Mrs. Pepper, how did you hear?
I got an email from a mysterious 'good-looker' on the forum. ^^ See if that's a big enough hint to figure out who told me.

By the way, which Sarah are you? Beau said you were an old member, but your account was just created last week? What was your old sn?
Barry Lee said:
How many people can say they have Wayne & Wanda on there iPod?
**cough** Um, not me... **hides her iPod**
Honestly though, I think the timing is really really good for this project. I don't know who else has noticed, but the muppets are slowly infiltrating their way back into tv and stuff, as if they're never been gone. Which, I guess, they haven't. How many times recently have we heard references to them on TV shows? (Family Guy and My Name is Earl come to mind first, but there have been others) Obviously they are important and nostalgic to alot of people.
The show first has to win over old fans. By that I mean the built-in fan base of pretty much anyone aged approx 15 and over who watched them in the past. I think that the idea sounds great, and that it will appeal to people who have watched them before. Next it has to appeal to new fans. And I think that by getting the right muppet chemistry, which old fans will love, it will reach to alot of new people too. So basically if this gets off the ground EVERYTHING WILL BE GREAT!!
SO much muppet loooove.
So now what I want to know, is WHO put this info on the muppet wiki in the first place?? Was it Danny or one of the TP/Wiki crew? Or was it someone who actually worked on the show and therefore knew all the info about it, like who had worked on it? Whoever it was, thank you!!
Edit: confirmation!