There's no rumor here. A 15-20 minute "presentation" pilot recently wrapped a little over a week/week and a half ago. I was told not to spill the beans early, but I guess people found out. Hey, which is good, we all need hope eh?
From what I hear, this may not be an actual series, but a mini series that
leads into a Fall or march(replacement season) 2008 new Muppet show.
The whole point of the mockumentary is a buildup to a new Muppet show which is very exciting, and we havent come this close since the 2002 Team Todd deal.
Some have said America's Next Muppet would have reintroduced the Muppets to a bigger audience, but if this pilot gets greenlit, its *exactly* where I feel the Muppets should be headed.
So yeah, this is one of many big news bombshells to come