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Muppet Fanfic: Something worth waiting for

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Vonderful! Yes, you guessed me fright.

Rully good stuff here... Though why Piggy made them promise...
And poor Gonzo, but at least now the healing can begin.

And Fozzie's tenderness shines through here.
Hope for more soon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<Hugs story>

One of these days, I really will have time and energy again, and I'll give you more thorough reviews again... But in the meantime, I'm loving this story so much!!!! Poor Piggy doesn't want Kermit to know... <sigh> <hugs something>



Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Wow, you know what you said about putting characters in intense situations, but still maintaining their personalities underneath? Well eventhough she had the accident,, Piggy is still Piggy, and she can be so unreasonable at times... I too, wonder at her severity in not wanting Kermit to know, but I guess she must have her reasons.
By the way, I too marval at your diction, and far from sounding unmuppety, I think it helps a great deal! It allows you to say so much more, and be so much more expressive than you would otherwise! And there was nothing wrong with the leg scene; it's Sarah that should be embarrassed. (Just kidding Sarah! I too have a somewhat twisted mind, allthough usually not with the muppets.) And you made me wonder when you said you were unfamiliar with the muppets; infact I still don't fully believe you! Your characterization is absolutely beautiful!
One more thing. I loved Fozzy and Stattler and Waldorf's interaction at the dress dress! "Then where's your dress, sugar?" Hahah, I'll be hard-pressed not to say that the next time I hear of someone having a dress rehersal! One more thing, and then I promise I'll stop ranting, LOL! I like your description of Gonzo's distinctive laugh! It's a beautiful thing, isn't it? The other day, (I forget whether it was a cartoon or real life), I heard someone laugh like Gonzo laugh, and I thaught wow, cool! That's all; don't really know why I mentioned it.
Wow, that was a lot. Well that's all from me; usually a person of notoriously few words!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Guys... Leyla just contacted me... So here's the newest segment to her story, which she entrusted me to post in her name after sending it to me.
A steely grip on her arm pulled Piggy off the floor, not to mention Rizzo,
when she could not manage it herself. Her head was spinning and a
well-earned headache was threatening. I’ve done what I needed to do,
she thought wearily, a profound relief washing over her. Now they can do
what they like to me.

Her arm began to throb and Piggy became slowly aware of the tightening
pressure, distracting her She'd had more than enough of this hard eyed
woman.from the increasingly important task of trying to regain her balance.
Moi is a complete wreck, She reluctantly admitted to herself, though
she would not admit that to anyone else under threat of torture, or perhaps,
even Fozzie's jokes. The blonde stumbled and tried to make it look like a
purposeful, if oddly timed, dip. It was unlikely she'd fooled anyone, but it
was worth a try. At last, she got her feet back under her and Piggy turned
her head to find out who had such a painful grip on her arm.

“Oh, great, it’s you,” she murmured flatly to her keeper, turning away
almost instantly.

“What do you think you are doing?” The newly familiar face of the silver
haired RN glared down at her in stern disapproval. Piggy could care less.
Her headache had given up on merely threatening and was now raging inside
her skull like Animal on a Pixie stick bender.

"Oh, do let go. Moi has such a headache."

The nurse, whose first name, Piggy noted in surprise, happened to be Janice,
oddly enough, seemed determined to live up to the numerous and distinctly
unfriendly nicknames the diva was rapidly cooking up. "Given your rather
shocking behavior I'm not at all surprised. Dashing through this hospital
like a crazy person, upsetting other patients, risking your own health-" She
decided she rather preferred her Veternarian's Hospital co-star and one look
in her captor's eyes told her the feeling was, decidedly, mutual though the
Janices had never encountered each other.

"It was a matter of life and death." Piggy informed the nurse, something of
melodrama in the cooly delivered statement. She attempted not to notice the
anxious burst of silent, but hugely unsubtle communication that broke out
behind her. Gonzo had rescued Rizzo and Fozzie had hastily joined them in
watching the confrontation unfolding in front of them.

"It will be if you don't learn to follow Doctor's orders."

She had had just about enough of this hard eyed woman. "How dare you speak
to me like that?!" Piggy tried to wrench her arm free and had to quietly
ride out a world of frustration when when Nurse Cranky held on like grim

"I dare because it is my job to dare. When patients prove incapable-" The
anything-but-patient patient again tried to twist free, deeply offended by
her words. Some things simply hit too close to home.

"Moi is not incapable of anything!"

But the silver-haired woman was relentless. "-Incapable or unwilling to
follow orders in their own best interest, I am not only permitted, but
expected to do what must be done."

Piggy stared at her indignantly, siliently pondering which of them would
come out better after a karate chop, but the nurse's gaze was unyielding,
clearly iron bound by dedication to her role as a medical professional. Miss
Piggy considered that for a moment. Determination was something she could
respect. Suddenly Piggy relaxed, just the tiniest little bit, wondering if
the other woman would follow her example. "Moi can understand that." Piggy
nodded thoughtfully before a wave of nausea prompted her to stop. "Yes, moi
certainly can."

The nurse eyed her clinically and it was all Piggy could do not to sigh in
relief as she eased off on her grip and the blood resumed its natural
circulation in her abused arm. "You need to rest." With a shake of her
silvered head she clarified, "You need to sleep." Pins and needles pricked
Piggy's arm painfully but it was a small price to pay for her temporary

"Very well." She sniffed primly. "You may help moi back to my room." It was
a tough admission, especially in front of all these staring eyes, and even
being phrased to seem like Piggy was doing Nurse Ironside a favour didn't
not spare her a splash of humiliation. In the deeply sheltered corners of
her mind, Piggy knew she wouldn't make it all the way through an extended
argument. Better, much better, to save what precious little dignity she had
left. But it's so degrading!

"I will." Nurseferatu readily agreed, evidently not inclined to be
difficult, "and your friends will take their leave. You need peace and
quiet, and your visitors are not condusive to either." The boys jaws dropped
in surprise and dismay, but Piggy merely shrugged with an insouciant, "I
can't argue that."

"But, but-" Fozzie wrung his warm furry hands in distress, traces of hurt
lingering with alarm.

"Someone needs to take care of Miss Piggy." Gonzo said firmly. Piggy blinked
at the ferocity in those words, taken aback, and not for the first time that
day. Under her troubled gaze, Rizzo stepped forward to join the other two in
their quiet, and very uneasy, defiance and she smiled tremulously at them,
eyes watering involuntarily. She blinked back the tears with every bit of
willpower she possessed.

The nurse turned on the trio, clearly reaching the end of her patience. Over
the years Piggy had become something of an expert on judging exactly how
thin a thread from which a person's temper was hanging. One person, in
particular, yes, but she could see that Evil Nurse Janice was just shy of
snapping."That is exactly what I am doing. Now you will have to leave the
premises or I will contact-" Piggy laid a hand in perfect grace across the
hand that had resumed it's intense grip but she did not speak to the
frustrated woman.

"She's right, boys. Moi could use some rest right now. Vous may return in
the morning." She turned utterly calm eyes on the other nurse Janice,
ostensibly to politely beg her permission. "N'est-ce pas?"

"If they leave now, without an argument." Clearly, the woman was skeptical
about that possibility and untrusting of Piggy's seeming change of heart.
Unfazed, Piggy smiled airily at her tempermental guardian before turning an
iron gaze of her own on the gang. She did not address them... directly.
"Don't worry. They wouldn't dare argue with moi, right?"

"Uh..." Rizzo began hesitantly.

"Right!" she fairly growled, efficiently erasing any thought they may have
harboured that the question was anything but rhetorical.

This time the message got through.

Reluctantly, each of them nodded in turn, looking very unhappy about their
acquiescence. "Don't worry about a thing Miss Piggy," Fozzie said earnestly,
his eyes mournful. "We'll be right here in the morning and you can go home."
He looked hopefully at the nurse but she kept her expression stern. Gonzo
gave him an almost unseen pat on the shoulder that was more reflex than
anything else. The bear did not look comforted.

"Peachy." Piggy replied simply. If there was sarcasm in her response it
belied Gonzo's ability to detect. Of course, Kermit was much better in that
department, both in production and reception.

"We'll be here first thing in the morning, Miss Piggy." Gonzo looked her
penetratingly in the eyes and it was almost, almost enough to undo her, but
she held on fiercely, allowing none of her turmoil to reflect in her
normally expressive eyes. Finally, he sighed, concern and frustration
evident in every movement he made.

They said their goodbyes, sincerely, but hastily, because the nurse was
already steering her through the corridor back to her room. she was on all
sides surrounded by gossiping whispers and curious stares but she felt only
the three unseen pairs of eyes boring unhappily into her back until she had
passed from their sight.



Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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OOH! Oh what a fantastic chapter! I love that Piggy recognized and respected the nurse's determination, and also the comparisons between Nurse Janice of Vet's Hospital and Nurse Janice of this hospital. It's SO well done.

MORE PLEASE! (Count, you'll pass along the nagging?)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Sure thing... Along with some nagging of my own... To her, and you for both Flippersteps and reviews to mine...
And I left you a welcome gift at CMX's forums.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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I'm writing, I'm writing! I can't tell you how frustrating it is to have the perfect word in mind and not be able to remember what that word is. And I posted a nice little review for you, with an apology for being late. And thank you, I'll go take a look right now.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Already replied there and in the dorms... Is sokay... Oh, the welcoming's in the one thread you're subscribed to over at CMX.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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I'm sorry, but what is CMX?
Great chapter as usual! This story is terrific; Leyla is right such a powerful writer, I can put myself in the scenes so easily! Did Leyla say when she would be returning? Thanks for doing this for all of us, Count.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well Kate...
1 Leyla didn't say when she'd be returning... Though I think it may be soon since she sort of intimated she wanted to get at least something added before she left the French camp she's attending.
2 CMX is the abbreviation we're using for Ken Lilly's new company's website, Creatus Maximus. There's not much to the site, just the forum with threads galore about the general stuff we used to have at Palisades, though it's now a new company with its own products such as Smart Bombs and KockBlockErz.
Hope this helps.