If my signature is any indication, I once had it bad for Gobo Fraggle. (It’s mainly me saying what the other female Fraggles in the Rock are thinking, since Gobo and his Uncle Matt are apparently considered very attractive by Fraggle standards.)

Now that I’ve grown and rediscovered the series, I will say without hesitation that I hold a torch for the beautiful Cantus. His
rose and
gold color scheme, his grace and regal bearing, the shape of his head, the fact that he speaks with Jim’s voice in its sexiest inflection ---
wow. I would follow him to the ends of the Rock and back.
As for the other Muppets, I’d probably want to date
Floyd. Smart, snarky, and utterly cool. I also tend to gravitate toward bass players. There's just something about them that I can't put my finger on. I totally envy Janice, fer shurley.