Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(finishing dinner)
Prairie: That was a great meal, Bryan. Thanks.
Bry: I'm glad you liked it. It's the least I could do after those great pancakes you made last time.
Snuffy: Who knew the Letter of the Day could be so delicious?!
Prairie: Try talking to Cookie Monster sometime.
Snuffy: Dohohoho!
Rosita: Well, what are we going to do now?
Big Bird: I have an idea! We have new neighbors downstairs. What d'ya say we all go down and say hello?
Bry: Yeah, that sounds nice. We should bring them something.
Prairie: How about some of those cookies we made earlier today?
Bry: Good!
Prairie: I'll get them off the counter.
Bry: Okay, but I think I should probably hold onto those to keep them out of reach from a certain blue, googly-eyed glutton.
Prairie: Oh yeah. Good idea. (giggles)
Bry: So what's our new dormies name?
Big Bird: I think he calls himself Fuzzhead.
Rosita: Oh, is he a monster?
Big Bird: I don't think so. And Fuzzhead lives with someone named Jen.
Telly: You sure know a lot about these people for not ever meeting them.
Big Bird: Word travels fast, I guess.
Bry: Okay, let's go! Coming, Telly?
Telly: Ummm...maybe later....umm...I gotta...find-one-o'-my-triangles.
Bry: Okay (thinking Telly acting strange)
(all but Telly go visit Fuzzhead)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Bry, Big Bird, Rosita and Prairie Dawn go down stairs to room 9)
Big Bird: Hope they're here.
Bry: Hi, you must be Fuzzhead and Jen. Welcome to the dorms. I'm Bryan and these are my roommates Big Bird and Rosita.
Big Bird: Hi, Fuzzhead!
Rosita: Hola!
Bry: And this here is Prairie Dawn.
Prairie: Hello there!
Bry: She lives on this floor with Kathy who is on vacation right now.
Prairie: We brought you some cookies.
Bry: Oh right. Here you go. (hands Fuzzhead the plate of assorted cookies).
Prairie: You see. They have the Letter and Numbers of the Day on them. (points to a pair of cookies one with a V and the other with a 9)
Bry: (aside as if to explain to Fuzzhead) It's kind of a little thing we do around here.
Snuffy: (voice outside Fuzzhead's window; he is trying to peak thru but only a pair of shaggy brown legs and the tip of a snuffle can be seen) Hello! Anyone there?
Big Bird: Oh, don't be startled. That's just my best friend, Mr. Snuffleupagus.
Bry: He also lives with us along with Telly Monster. He's upstairs right now and I know he would love to meet you. I dunno what is going on with him though. He was acting really weird. Oh well...hope you have a good stay here at the dorms. Goodnight!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*sees Bry, Rostia, Big Bird and Snuffy* Hey there guys. I'm having a hard time getting to sleep. Anyone of ya'll have any idea? *yawns* See? I start to yawn then I don't fall asleep.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Vell... You could always try counting thunderclaps from the storm outside...
Me: Yeah, that always puts a smile on my face... No matter what, never fails.

Then again, guess Kyle probably got to sleep since it's a bit of a stormy morning now. Heh, he'll wake up when he does... And so will the rest of the dorms, in turn.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Ally and Emmet apparently weren't at home so Marty and Bill were at their unit when Kate, Gobo, Wembley and Lou dropped off those presents recently.

Bill: That was very nice of our friends to give us some fresh bubble liquid Martin. And your new wand looks very nice. Your first one was starting to look a little worn out.
Martin: True Bill. And the Gorg music cd is very nice. I hope to one day work on that fan fic for sure.
Bill: You do have some good fan fics that need finishing. Do you think you'll ever get your collection up to date?
Martin: I will one day if God is willing. Anyway I'm glad to be bonding with my mother. I have to visit her again. This time I'll be staying from Tuesday to Thursday night so I won't be away quite as long. I hope to start watching Kimba the White Lion with her.
Bill: What's that about?
Martin: Another Japanese cartoon series from the creator of Astroboy. The adventures of a little white lion cub destined to become the next ruler of Africa's jungles in place of his dead father shot by human hunters.
Bill: Sounds exciting. I'm glad you're watching such exciting, wholesome entertainment with your mother.
Martin: Yes Bill. God is helping me find a common link with her. It does my heart good to share my DVDs with her.
Bill: I hope we can visit our friends in unit 8 when we get back.
Martin: Yes Bill. That'll be great. Let's give thanks now with our bubbles for the way things are working out.
Bill: Yeah.

Bubbles fill the unit for at least 25 minutes.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Kimba huh? So that's the series that created a lawsuit against Disney when The Lion King made its premiere back in 9519.

Oh well... We don't have any of those types of worries, think I'll do a bit of reading for a while. So many good stories here, and it's the perfect thing to do on such a stormy Monday.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2003
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*Fuzzhead takes the plate of cookies*

Fuzzhead: Nice to meet you all, thanks for the cookies. I'm Colby, but I like to go by Fuzzhead around here. This is Jen.
Jen: Hello. I'm a Gelfling.
Fuzzhead: Jen, you don't have to say that every time you meet someone.
Jen: Oh. *blushes* Well, it's very nice to meet all of you.
Fuzzhead: Stop back any time. And tell your friend Telly to stop by. Thanks again for the warm welcome. Have a good night.

PS (it's hard for me to see what Big Bird is saying)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Sorry bout that. Some people like to post their roomies' speech in different colors so it makes each one stand out whenever that particular roommate's speaking. Frankly, makes no difference to me...
But I think Bryan can help you with that if it becomes a problem.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Here's a little tip Fuzzhead. If you want to clearly read Big Bird's speech left-click with your mouse to highlight and it will be easily readable.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ludo: Hey Ryan?

Me: Yeah Ludo what's up?

Ludo: The sky, but that's not the point. When's Nyssa coming back?

Me: Got me...

Ludo: You don't know?!

Me: ...Should I?

Ludo: Yes! You should pay attention to dates!

Me: Heh, I've been trying that for 15 and a half years...And I'm still date-less!

Gonzo: *runs in with a bowl of dates* Here you go Ryan! Now you're not date-less anymore!

Me: Not quite what I meant Gonzo...
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