Meanwhile in Room #32...
<After about a day's work and thanks to everyone pitching in, all of Johnny Fiamma's stuff has finally been taken up to Room #32>
Harvey Towers: Well it looks like that's the last of it, time for a rest before we sort the room out properly!
Johnny Fiamma: I'll just take this top bunk here, OK
Sal: Johnny Fiamma, coming through, taking the top bunk...
Johnny Fiamma: Hey Sal, you better take this bottom bunk before it goes
Sal: Johnny Fiamma says Sal's to take the botom bunk before it goes.
Harvey Towers: Are you sure your happy with that decision, guys?
Sal: Johnny Fiamma's mind is made up, Ok, Harvey Towers?
Harvey Towers: Ah, in that case I'll just take the doublle bed over here then
Full room description to follow - meantime feel free to all drop in and say hello!