*Bats come to the Count (MC) and inform him of redboobergurl's decision. Now why did I know I could help you decide? Good choice, you won't regret it.
*Comes to the lobby desk and feels around for the marble 3. Ah, here it is, and the key to your room. If you'll follow me... We'll get you two girls settled in promptly.
*Leads redboobergurl and Red Fraggle past the main sets of doors. There's a multi-colored spiral staircase there on your right, should you decide to use it. However, we prefer to get around thanks to the dumbwaiter elevator stored in the furnaces here in the common rooms.
*Passes Oscar's can and notes the sign of Scram! hanging from it. Heh, guess Kyle already brought the old crudmgeon up to speed.
OK, going down, watch your fingers and tails. *Dumbwaiter goes down one floor. And here we are on the basement floor. Just a turn to your left... And it's the second door down on our left. The room on your left when facing your room's door, Room #1, is the one the Count von Count and I occupy. Bert and Ernie and Vic Romano are on the room to your right. Mokey, and Mupitz, are in the last room in this hallway or the fourth door down on your left. Hope you have a good time here at the dorms.
*Hands key over to Red. If you need any help, just leave a note at the lobby desk. Oh, some of my bats might be here shortly if you need help with your luggage. Post a descript of your room once you get settled in, hope you find the dorms to your liking.