All right, Red and I are getting settled into our new room! Here is a description (I've been reading old posts to get an idea, and am modeling it after my old college dorm room somewhat since, duh, that's what it is). When you walk in the door to your left is our desk with my computer and printer on it. On the desk sits a picture of me and my best friend on one side of the computer and a picture of Red and Mokey on the other side of the computer. Below the desk is a small Fraggle hole in the wall for Red to come in and out of and any other Fraggles who wish to visit. Right next to the desk is my dresser. On top of the dresser are more pictures of my family and friends, along with some Muppet collectables, a jewerly box full of earrings and all of my shirts, sweaters, socks and underwear folded neatly in the drawers. Along the left wall a few feet in front of the dresser is my bed. It has a green and pink flowered bedspread and is covered in pillows. At the head of the bed is a nightstand with a clock and a pic of my and my boyfriend. On the back wall of the room is our tv/dvd/vcr combo on a small table. Next to the t.v. is a bookcase filled with books on swimming, diving and games for Red and Communication/youth ministry stuff for me. Also on the bookcase is all of our d.v.d's and videos. Oh, I forgot, on top of the t.v. is a stereo system. The t.v. is actually in more of an entertainment unit with drawers in it for more d.v.d's and videos and our c.d.'s. In the back right corner of the room there is a red swirly slide from cealing to floor. At the top of the slide there is one corner of the hammock that Red sleeps in. Red uses the slide to get down from the hammock in the morning. On her hammock there are pillows and red blankets. The hammock stretches across the left side of the room. Above the hammock is a small shelf for Red to put a small alarm clock. At the end of the hammock in the right front corner of the room is a rope swing with a little seat at the bottom. It can be used to swing back and forth on or just sit on and hang out. Below the hammock is Red's dresser which is filled with Red sweaters, a cloak for when she feels like dressing like Mokey, and her detective outfit. On top of her dresser are tons of trophys and medals from her swimming and diving extravaganzas. She also has an extensive collection of Fraggle pebbles and she is willing to "pass one on". There is also a framed picture of her holding one of the trophys in her swimming gear. The right side of the room also has our closet, which holds all of my jeans, more of my shirts, shoes, and all of Red's swimming gear. There are also plenty of games on the shelves in our closet. We have traditional board games and fun group games so if anyone ever wants to play anything, we have just about every game imaginable. Next to the closet is a mini fridge stocked with plenty of Coca-Cola (my drink of choice), snacks and radishes. On top of the fridge is a microwave and fixings for hot chocolate (my second favorite drink) Finally, the middle of the room has a shaggy purple rug with lots of beanbag chairs and pillows to get comfy when watching t.v. Oh, my side of the room is painted light purple with flowers on the wall. Red's side of the room is painted red with yellow polka dots.
That is pretty much it for now. I might add more, but we are basically all moved in, just unpacking a little. Our door is always open, so come on in and say hi!
Count - Red is wondering if their are radishes and doozer sticks at dinner, but I'd settle for some fried chicken or pizza.