Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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OK Kyle, hope to see you and the Monsters there later today.

*Turns on PA system.
"G-Man, Rizzo the Rat, and TuttertheMouse, please report to the front desk. You have a message waiting you."

*Note for boarders.
The public bus will pick us up to leave to Sesame Street today, 11/10/2004 at 11:00 AM EST. Hopefully, this will give everyone a chance to have some breakfast, get ready by bathing or washing and dressing appropriately for the trip. The dorm members mentioned above, along with Mokey and myself, will be going to Sesame Street for their 35th B-Day festivities today. If there's anyone else who's interested in going with us, be sure to be ready to leave by 10:30 AM EST, so we can get to the bus depot and leave on the public bus on time.
Hope that some more dormhouse boarders can make the trip, and have a great day. That is all.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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The Count said:
OK then, let me see.
Hmmm, what room to give you. Ah ha! I know the one.
*Hands key to Scooter. Hope you guys have fun, either Aaron or one of my bats will be here shortly with your luggage. Don't forget to tell us how you plan to decorate/design your room. You can find some examples throughout the thread.
Have fun and it's great to have you here at the dorms.
Ok, great! Now to get all this stuff in our room.
*Looks Back at the lobby piled with stuff.
Scooter Do you think you got everything.
Scooter :wink: : Well I did leave my radio at home but I just had to bring.....
Whatever, Thanks Count I'll post a room description later.
:wink: : Yeah, Count, Thanks a million
Ohhh... All this moving in will mean that we'll miss the Sesame trip.
:wink: : Oh well maybe next time. We just can't leave the lobby a mess.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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No prob, Christyb and Scooter. Mayhaps you can get a ride with JFS and the Electric Mayhem. They won't join us there till later tonight. If you can make it that's great, if not just hope you have fun here in the dorms.

*At the bus depot.
OK, Mokey, do we have everything?
Mokey: "Yes, I brought Lanford with me, and I have our tickets right here."
*Holds up two tickets.
Good, I got my walking cane and shades, along with my magical top hat.
Mokey: "The one Kyle gave you?"
That's the one.
Hey, have you seen...

*G-Man, Rizzo, and TuttertheMouse arrive at depot.
*In best Kermit voice: "Oh good"
Well, if we're all here, let's get on the bus and go to Sesame Street!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Our Room Description

Well everyone after some hard work...
:wink: : and a few arguments.
You didn't have to tell them that Scooter.
:wink: : Oh, sorry.
Anyway here is our room.

As you open the door you walk through a small hallway which on either side houses a closet. Scooter's closet is on the left has his old movie camera, every muppet home movie the muppets have, projection screen, his old computer from his baby days, and other muppet show odds and ends. My closet is basically full of a few clothes books, and boxes that I'll never get around to unpacking and not to mention the server system to all our high tech gadgets. Along the north wall is our bunk beds (Scooter occupies the top while I have the bottom) which are placed right beside the window. On the other side of the window is what we call the coffee corner ( :wink: : because someone just had to bring their coffee supplies). It is basically a counter top with an opening underneath for a refrigerator. On the counter top holds a coffee grinder and an espresso machine with steam wand and hot water nozzle. Above this are shelves containing flavor syrups for the coffee. Now for the east wall. This is the location of Scooters desk and dresser. On his desk are his trusty clipboard and a newer computer. On the wall its self is a portrait of the entire muppet family with autographs of each person. Along the south wall is a couch, coffee table and a chair for sitting (these are also aligned along the corner opposite of the coffee corner.) Beside this are bookshelves with books) Now for the final wall, the west one. This locates my desk (I opted out of a dresser). On my desk are my computer, digtal camera, movie camera, video editing equipment, radio (with cd player of course), and other things. Above my desk is a bulleten boardIn the upper part of each corner of the room is speakers for surround sound (radio, video editing, etc.) Also on the floor is a large plush maroon and silver rug (In honor of my school colors).

Well folks there it is. Hope you enjoy it! Now that we're settled in we're looking forward to life here in the dorms!


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Sep 18, 2003
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Rizzo:Hey buddy!
Oscar:Oh no, not you again.
Rizzo: (taken aback) You don't want to see me?
Oscar:No I dont, but don't go away, I enjoy being miserable, heh heh

Doctor Teeth

Active Member
Nov 7, 2004
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Ok, hey. Ready to move in. I'll take room 35, with Lips, Janice, and Boober Fraggle. :big_grin:
Oh, and Janice told me she'd "really" like to room with Floyd, so if anyone is interested in trading Roomates, let me know.

Unloads Bag

Hey what's all this?
Room #33: JaniceFerSure and Dr. Teeth, Floyd Pepper, and Zoot.

There's another Dr. Teeth in the house? I never voted for cloning, man, but... hey! Outa Sight!


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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JFS: Hi Doctor Teeth. Floyd is my roomate this semester.Maybe you'll be able to room with him next semester & yes Dr. Teeth(the muppet) is one of my roomates too. We're already to head out to Sesame Street for the big #35 celebration. Anybody that wants a ride in the EM bus,please be ready by 8p.m.,thanks.

Doctor Teeth

Active Member
Nov 7, 2004
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Whoever said I'm not Dr. Teeth (The Muppet) :big_grin:
I just have the incredible ability to be in more than 1 place at the same time!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey, glad to see that Doctor Teeth has decided to join us at the dorms. Sure hope my bats gave him the key to Room #35, and that he was able to find his room up on the third floor. Rully psyched cause now the whole band's at the dorms again! Just hope you guys are able to meet us here at Sesame Street for the birthday bash.

Oh, and make sure my bats greet TennisMuppet should she happen to show up at the lobby's front desk asking for a room at the dorms.
Happy 35, Sesame Street.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Finally gets to the dorms.........

*runs to the room* Sorry guys. I hope I didn't make anyone mad that I'm late.

Grover: Not really but if we don't get there it'll be over with.

Oh come on. I was over at a friends. So does everyone have what you need?

Cookie M: Me brought cookie and me picture of us from kindergander. Me look so cute as baby monster.

Herry: Whoa. Look at me. Ha ha ha ha ha

Grover: Here let me see. *grabs picture* Oh don't I look sooooo furry and cute as a baby.

Ok everyone. Lets go. *all get in the car* Oh guys. Seat Belt? Ok. *zooms off from the park place*
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