Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Bry: (In my car talking on the cell phone to Prairie Dawn who is at the dorms) Hey, Prairie. How is everything?
Prairie: Just fine. Abby should be getting here pretty soon and Telly and Rosita went off with Kyle to celebrate his new job.
Bry: Oh, he got the job? How great! Why didn't you go?
Prairie: I had a piano lesson.
Bry: Oh, okay.
Prairie: Remember, the Jabberwocky's party is tonight.
Bry: I know, I already picked up something.
Prairie: And Bert says he's feeling better.
Bry: Oh, that's a relief. Then we don't have to worry about Abby catching anything while she's staying with us. Well, I just picked up Big Bird from the train station so we should be back at the dorm soon.
Prairie: Okay, sounds good. Bye!


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Mar 11, 2003
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Come on everyone. Let's go to the common room to watch the new Disney Channel movie. "Return to Halloween Town."

Maurice: I'll get the popcorn.

Herry: Maybe Grover can watch it when he gets home.

Cookie M: Me got sodas.

Alright then. *heads down to the common room* This going to be fun. *looks a clock* It's starting!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(getting back to the Dorms)
Bry: So you had fun at your Granny's?
Big Bird: Oh, it was a blast! I brought back some of her famous sesame seed honey bars for everyone!
Bry: Mmm they smell good!
Big Bird: Oh they are! Right after birdseed cookies.
(coming into room 29)
Bry: We're back!
Telly: Big Bird!
Ernie: You're back! Look, Bert! Big Bird's back!
Bert: Yeah, I know!
Rosita: Hola!
Prairie: Welcome back, Big Bird!
Big Bird: Aww thanks, guys! It's good to be back. I missed all of you.
Bry: We missed you too, especially Snuffy.
Big Bird: Snuffy was here?
Bry: He came by to play with you but you weren't here. Then Bert got sick, so Ernie and Snuffy spent the day together.
Ernie: But now that you're back, we can all play together again! Right, Bert?
Bert: Yeah! (laughs)
(a small knock on the door) *knock knock knock*
Bry: Hey, that must be our latest little guest.
Big Bird: Guest?
Bry: (opens door) Hi, Abby!
Abby: Hi! this the right place? Room number...(has trouble reading the number)
Bry: 29?
Abby: Yeah.
Bert: That's right!
Telly: Yeah, this is room 29!
Abby: Oh good.
Rosita: Bienvenidos, Abbita!
Abby: Huh?
Rosita: Bienvenidos! It means "welcome" in Spanish.
Abby: Oh...thank you!
Big Bird: You mean...Abby Cadabby is staying here with us!?
Abby: (lights up with excitement) Hi, Big Bird! (she runs and gives him a hug)
Big Bird: Hi there, Abby!
Bry: She's staying just for the weekend.
Big Bird: Really? Oh this is going to be so much fun! Abby, you wanna see my nest?
Abby: Okay!
Big Bird: Come on! (takes Abby by the hand to the nest area)
Bry: (watching the two friends) I think she's going to be just fine here.
Prairie: Uh huh!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: Uncle D., what's a Jabberwocky?
Uncle Deadly: I believe it's Nyssa's roomie.
Me: Well I know that much.
Uncle D.: Then I have no idea.
Me: Then what am I supposed to get it for it's birthday?
UD: Perhaps get it something unknown.
Me: Any suggestions?
UD: Maybe give it your next fan-fiction, hmm? That would be lovely, and it is indeed unknown.
Me: Well not completely unknown...There is Layla...Oh and of course Lisa too...
UD: Bah! Fine! Forget it, I can see you don't need my help. *stalks off into the darkness*
Red: Hey Ryan, what's going on?
Me: Oh, nothing Red. But you see, Jaberwocky's birthday is today and I have no idea what to give it.
Red: Well Fraggle Pebbles are always great ideas!
Me: You know what Red, I think you're right. Well, think you can go find a pebble for me down in the Rock? I think the Fraggle hole Cantus used is still inside the closet.
Cantus: *walks in playing pipe* Indeed my friend! It certainly is!
Red: Hey! It's Cantus!
Me: Cantus! What are you doing here?
Cantus: Ah, my friend, you of all people should know. It is after all your birthday that is my reason for being here!
Me: Oh Cantus! That's so nice of you to come back for my special day!
Cantus: Oh it's my pleasure Ryan. And worry not, Gonzo and the others cleared it with Eduardo, it's perfectly fine for me to spend some time here with you.
Me: Oh good. Well, I was just going to send Red down to the Rock for a Fraggle Pebble.
Red: Oh, I don't think I'll need to go anymore.
Me: Oh?
Cantus: Mmm, the young Fraggle knows me well. *pulls Fraggle Pebble out of coat* I never go anywhere without one.
Me: Well great! C'mon Cantus! Let's go see the rest of the guys!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Nyz: <sigh>

Mokey: What's wrong?

Nyz: stressful...

Mokey: I'm sorry

Nyz: It's not your fault...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bert: (reading from the dictionary) "Jabberwocky -- nonsensical writing, speech or behavior, especially when intended for comic effect."
Telly: What does that meeeaan?!
Bert: It also says here that jabberwocky was "first coined by Lewis Carroll as the title of a poem in Through the Looking Glass."
Ernie: Hmm...looks like this is going to be tougher than the robot situation.
(all 3 *sigh* in unison)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Me: Then it's a good thing I'm back here! Was watching the fourth Halloween Town movie.
But to answer your questions about our birthday fiend have come I.

Count: One two, one two... And quickly through.
Me: Yes, the time has come to talk of finer things...
Jabberwocks are related to dragons... They're sort of scaly and have these weird horns near their ears. However, they don't spout fire like their cousins... It's more of a sort of smokish mist.
If you're stumped for gifts, then get something from the Wonderland Oddities Dollar Store.
Got him a pair of Looking Glass reading glasses bird.
And of course there's the tome of dragonish stories, he's sure to like them.

Now come, there's a party to get to!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: Hey, I once imagined I was a knight who slayed dragons.
Bert: You might not want to mention that around Nyssa or the Jabberwocky.
Ernie: Oh, it's okay. I didn't hurt the dragon. I had a magic feather.
Bert: Uh huh...right...
Prairie: How about we get him a book of adventurous stories?
Abby: Like fairy tales?
Big Bird: Fairy tales! That's a great idea, Abby!
Bry: Waaay ahead of all of you.
Rosita: What?
Bry: Yeah, I stopped by the bookstore today and got a whole collection of fairy tale stories, folklore and myths. (pulls out a 3 inch thick book)
Telly: You're so smart!
Bry: (laughs) I try... Now come on, gang! We don't want to miss the party!

green stuff

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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*pokes head in--looks arond uncertainly..* Um...hi. I was wondering if someone here could help me. See, I'm looking for the front desk so that I can sign up to be here. *circles foot across the floor.* I'm new here, and I don't quite know my way around yet. Could someone please be so kind as to point me in the right direction?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *sees green stuff* Oh, hey there! I'm Ryan/Prawnie, what ever you prefer. Uh, the front desk is right here in the lobby. But if you really want to try and get into the dorms, I'd try PMing The Count, also known as Eduardo. He's the head honcho round these parts. Good luck!
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