Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 10, 2006
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<Grover and Herry and getting cosseted and cuddled and generally drowned in affection as they prepare to head back to their room>

Herry: Thanks for a great time! It was so nice seeing Kermit again!

Robot Kermit: Back at you!

Hilda: <whispered> I thought you TOLD them...

Leyla: <whispered> I did, but it hasn't sunk in. <louder> Well, it was our pleasure of course! You're welcome any time!

Wanda: Hopefully next time we won't have to spend every night looking for an invisible Cookie Monster.

Grover: I was so certain that he was there.

Leyla:<yawning> Well, we never found him. I don't think he was here.

Grover: But what about the missing cookies that you baked?

Leyla: <eyeing Jimmy, Wanda and Robot Kermit> It's just a mystery I suppose. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your birthday party Grover!

Grover: Oh, yes. It was so wonderful! There were so many nice gifts and kind friends over... I am just sorry that Kyle could not be there. I miss him!

Herry: Me too!

Leyla: Well, I'm sure he misses you too! But you'll see him soon. Besides, I'm sure he was there with you in spirit!

Grover: <eagerly> Maybe he's back now! C'mon! Let's hurry!!

<He opens the door but before he steps out he finds the present for him>

Grover: Oh look! It is another present for me! Oh! And it is from Kyle! He did not forget about his loveable roommate. It is so heavy!

Leyla: Of course he didn't!

Herry: Oh, that means he IS back!! Hooray! Let's go see him now! I'll help you carry the box and you can open it in front of him!

Grover: That is a great idea! Let's go!

Leyla: Goodbye! Have fun guys!!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hmm...haven't seen Grover much lately. I wonder if he's enjoying his musical globe we got him for his birthday.
Big Bird: (calling from his nest area) Okay, Bryan! I'm done!
Bry: Oh! (walks out to the nest) You all packed for your trip?
Big Bird: Yeah, I just finished.
Bry: You're gonna have a great time at your Granny's.
Big Bird: Yeah, I haven't seen Granny Bird in a while. I've missed her.
Bry: Remember, I'll take you down to the train station in the morning. I wonder when the other kids will get back from the park. It's almost dinner time.
Big Bird: I'm sure they'll be back soon.
Bry: I was gonna have Rosita help me make those great enchiladas.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... Home in our dorms... Monday night, so I'll probably plunk down in front of the ol' TV and watch the fights... Oh and Erin, let us know if you need any help with the decor for your room.
Count: Yes... If you're going to have an area of your room themed after the works of one of the original master of the macabre...
Edgar Allan Poe...
Count: Yes. Love his writing, poems and stories.
And since you have Nora with you... You might want to include a nod to Henri August Dupan, Messieur Poe's masterful detective par hexcellance. Ah, that reminds me of another story I simply loved...
Count: Vhich one?
Don't know how to write it, it's the one about the woman with the big round eyes as beautiful as the huri.
Count: Oh, the one where the narrator locks himself inside a pentagonal tower?
Yeah, that's the one, maybe Erin will know the name of the story.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Prairie: We're back!
Bry: Oh hey, guys! Have fun at the park today?
Telly: We sure did!
Rosita: First we played tag and then we found a little ducky that was lost.
Bry: Really?
Telly: Somehow he wandered off too far from the pond and we helped him find his way back. We did a good deed!
Big Bird: Wow! If you were Birdkateers I would award you a special badge of service for helping a fellow bird.
Telly: Thanks, Big Bird!
Rosita: What's for dinner?
Bry: I thought we could have enchiladas but I wanted to wait to see if you'd help me.
Rosita: Of course I'll help you! I just love enchiladas!
Prairie: I'll help too if you'd like.
Bry: Thanks, Prairie. Actually, would you help toss the salad?
Prairie: Okay.
Telly: Uh oh! (dives under table)
Big Bird: What are you doing, Telly?
Telly: (peak out) Oh, I was just dodging the lettuce.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: We're back from a long day of shopping

ZOE: Wow!!!!, I already have a ballerina costume

BABY BEAR: I'm going to be a police officer

LITTLE BIRD: I'm going to be a bumble bee

PETER: Wow!!!, I'm going to be one of the horror movie hosts on TV in the 1970's

BABY BEAR: Kind of Scary

PETER: Good Night Baby Bear and Zoe and Little Bird

LITTLE BIRD: Good Night Baby Bear and Zoe and Peter

ZOE: Good Night Baby Bear and Peter and Little Bird

BABY BEAR: Good Night Little Bear and Zoe and Peter


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(All roomies are sitting around the TV watching "Deal or No Deal")

Bry: Deal!
Big Bird: No deal!
Prairie: Deal!
Bert: No deal!
Telly: Deal!
Rosita: No deal! No deal!
Ernie: I just watch cuz that Howie Mandel is so funny! Khekhekhe!
Gaffer: (sitting by the door) Meow!
Bry: Oh...hey, Gaffer. You wanna go out and play with Fatatatita for a bit?
Gaffer: Meow...
Bry: Okay. (Gets up from couch to open the door) Try to stay outta trouble now.
Gaffer: (trots off down the hall to find Fatatatita)


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: Thank you so much for another scooter.

Since your old one got beat up I figured why not a new one. Sorry about missing your party but glad you liked it. Here's another present from Bryan and the gang. *hands present to Grover*

Grover: *tears open wraping* Ooooo another snowglobe for my collection. Need to send them a thank you card. As well as others too.

Herry: We had a blast.

Oh I bet ya'll did.

Cookie M: Hey Herry and Grover.

Herry: Hey Cookie Monster. *notices* Your back to your self.

Maurice: He had just changed back after getting back from Ed and the Count's.

Grover: Oh by the way Cookie Monster. Did you eat those cookies from Leyla's room?

Cookie M: Me might have.

Grover: I thought so. I missed you, Kyle.

So did I. I missed everyone of ya'll. Well I'm going to head on to bed. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Good Night.

Monster: Good night Kyle!

Maurice: Well I'm going to watch that new cartoon.

Cookie M: Wait for me. Me not want to miss this.

Herry: I'll get the popcorn.

Grover: I will get the sodas.

All the monster sit down in the living room to watch some TV


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (tracking a package online) Oh good! Should be here tomorrow.
Bert: What's that?
Bry: Oh, hi, Bert. Just some things I ordered should be arriving tomorrow.
Ernie: What is it?
Bry: Let's just say I did some of my Christmas shopping for my dorm friends early.
Bert: That reminds me...I think Kyle gave Grover another present from us...?
Bry: Oh yeah. I sent him something else. It was a snowglobe of the Golden Gate Bridge. I hope he liked the other big present I sent you guys with to the party. The musical world globe with the countries that play the national songs when you press them. I hope he enjoyed that one too.
Ernie: I am sure he is. He just has so many fun gifts he probably is overwhelmed.
Bert: Yeah. Well, I'm off to bed. You coming, Ernie?
Ernie: Right behind ya, ol' buddy!
Bry: Goodnight, boys. I'll be going to sleep soon too. I have to take Big Bird to the train station early in the morning. Hmm...I better bring Gaffer back in. (calls out into hall) Gaffer?
Gaffer: (walking up the hall) Meow!
Bry: What a good kitty! Come on in. What's this? (takes a piece of paper that was tucked under Gaffer's collar) Is this a message from The Count? (reads the note) "Muppet College Dorms were brought to you today by the letter K for 'kitty,' 'kite,' and 'kibble.' Hmm...well that's good to know.
Telly: Bryan?
Bry: Yeah, Telly?
Telly: Rosita wrote this and asked me to give it to you. (hands me a note)
Bry: (reads) "Quaatro."
Telly: What do you think it means?
Bry: "Quatro" means "four" in Spanish. That must mean the number of the day is 4. Well, she could've just told me. She's been staying with us since yesterday.
Telly: Actually, that message is from the duck we met today at the park. Rosita just wrote it.
Bry: Oh.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bear: *walks into the main room of Bo's appartment where Bo, Bobo, and Beau are sleeping heads on one another* Now here's where we get the the most important meal of the day, who knows what that is?
Bobo: Food?
Bear: Well, yes, food is right, but what meal of the day?
Beau: Ask the waiteress about that, I'm just a janitor.
Bear: Eeer, right. So, no guesses?
Bo: *stands up* Hey, isn't it time for breakfast?
Bear: That's right! You got it! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
Bo: Sorry, what was the question again?
Bean: *bounces from the kitchen area* I was making breakfast! It's so vital!
Bear: Well done little hare.
Bean: Bunny, actually.
Bear: Ok, rabbit.
Bean: I'm a bunny, big guy.
Bear: A big guy bunny?
Bobo: What did you cook up for breakfast there Bean-boy?
Bean: Oh, nuffin. I made scrambled eggs, and accidently left the shells in.
Bobo: *rubs tummy*
Bean: Then I made pancakes, but used salt instead of sugar...
Bobo: *licks lips*
Bean: And then I threw it all away because I messed it up, but we DO have juice left.
Bobo: *weeps*
Bear: We can't have just juice for breakfast. Don't you know what the most important meal of the day is?!
Beau: Wait, I think I've got this one. Lunch?
Bear: *headslap*
Bo: Join the club...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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The breakfast club?

Oh hey Bry. Just so you know, "cuatro" which means 4 in Spanish is written with a "c", not a "q". Hope that helps. Hope you get your package soon also.
Off to tend to early morning duties.
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