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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: Hey, Prawnie, if you need help on that world history homework, feel free to drop by...if you can get it out of Cookie's stomach. (sits down) And I still have to make heads or tails of this paper for English.
Nora: What's it on?
MN: The poetry of Sylvia Plath.
Nora: What fun.
Storyteller: Has anyone seen my scissors?
MN: Try the kitchen.
Storyteller: Oh, right...I was fixing the curtains in there earlier.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: Hey, thanks MN, I'd ask for help but, uh, right now, it's somewhere inside Cookie's intestines.
Cookie: Num num num!
Herry: Don't worry Ry, you'll get used to it after awhile.
Me: Sheesh...
Clifford: Yo Ry, why don't you just hit the hay man? You've been doin' too much homework.
Me: Heh, tell my teachers that...
Gonzo: Okay, I'll need names and addresses.
Camilla: Bagawk!
Me: ...Nevermind...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Coming in with roomies through the room's back entrance)
Bry: Well, we're back. It'll be nice to sleep in my own bed again.
Bert: You can say that again.
Bry: Normally I would grant that request, but not now. Any messages on the machine, Ernie?
Ernie: I dunno...let's find out. (pushes "play" button on answering machine and hears message left by Kyle)
Bry: Oh no! When was that?
Ernie: Yesterday.
Bry: Poor Grover and Maurice! They didn't know that we would be away last weekend.
Telly: We didn't tell anybody.
Bry: I know! Maybe we should have! What do we do?!
Bert: Umm...maybe we should go get Grover and Maurice.
Bry: Good thinking! Yes! Excellent thinking! Always the logical one, Bert! (starts to go out the door and finds Grover and Maurice camped out in the hallway outside the room) Grover? Maurice?
Grover: (wrapped in a blanket clutching his dufflebag) Well, it is about time! We were about to start looking for a soup kitchen.
Bry: Oh, I am so sorry, you two. We were away and I didn't get Kyle's message til now.
Maurice: No problem.
Bry: Come on in and get comfy in our room.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Good morning girls!
Red: What? It's morning? No, I'm going back to bed.
Abby: I'm up, what's for breakfast?
Wanda: Don't say Everybody Eats again. I love that place but we've been there alot lately
Beth: No worries, I thought we'd go down to the kitchen and make waffles. I've got all sorts of different toppings we can put on them too
Red: Waffles? Ok, I'm getting up now!
Beth: All right it's a plan. Let's all get cleaned up and ready and meet in the kitchen in fifteen minutes


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Skeeter: Hey Christy did you get the server to work?
Christyb: Finally. Now my homework is submitted the only problem is I missed class doing it. Talk about a pair of docks.
Skeeter: Weirdo. So now that you have a couple of hours before your next class whatcha plan to do?
Christyb: I'll probably grab a bit to eat and catch up on all the fanfics.
Skeeter: Sounds great. I'm off to swim a few laps. Oh yeah if you see Scooter tell him that our Mom called. She said for Scooter to be sure to have plently of clean underwear.
Christyb: You really want me to tell him that? *giggles*
Skeeter: Well you could scream it in a crowded room! *walks off laughing*
Christyb: Ahhhh the beauty of sibling rivalry.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yep... So glad it's not our sibling rivalry.

Don't feel too bad about missing class Christy... Heh, some tales I could tell from back in high school.
Oh well... Now if only I knew what...
*Moves off to check on other MC activities on the net.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Good morning, guys! Grover, Maurice, did you sleep well?
Maurice: I slept well.
Grover: Oh, yes. Thank you.
Bry: Good.
Telly: Bryan, what's for breakfast?
Bry: Well, what would everyone like?
Big Bird: Birdseed Krispies.
Bert: Oatmeal.
Telly: French toast.
Ernie: Omlette.
Maurice: Fresh fruit.
Grover: Toast with peanut butter.
Bry: Wow! I dunno if I can make all those things at once. How about we just go to Everybody Eats?
Grover: Excellent choice.
Bry: Okay, let's go!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Hmm, a rare moment with the room all to myself
Wanda *pokes her head out of the closet*: Sorry, I'm here
Beth: That's all right
Wanda: I won't be for long though. I'm just changing and heading off to a class
Beth: No problem. So have you seen Rowlf much lately?
Wanda: Not since his birthday. I know he gets busy though
Beth: Yeah, I haven't seen Lisa around much either so I was just wondering what she's been up to
Wanda: Rowlf said her classes are keeping her really busy
Beth: I can understand that
Wanda: So, are you going to write some more of your story today? I think Abby would like it if you read some more of it to her tonight.
Beth: I hope I can, but I've got a couple of other things to do
Wanda: Well, we can be patient...for a little while anyway. I'd better get going.
Beth: See you later
Wanda: Bye!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... Home again.
Count: Rough day?
No, just reading with my assistant...

At least I have that package I'm hexpecting to cheer me up, hopefully it'll get here on Friday.
Count: Mmm, you do remember Friday's Telly's birthday?
Of course, will let Bryan tell me if there's something special he wants done. Maybe we could have a double party on Saturday for Telly and Zoe, who celebrates hers on the 30th.
Count: And then Sunday vill mark the beginning of Shocktober!
Yep... Time for things to get a little spooky around here.

But I'm a bit tired, I'll be snoozing if anyone needs me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Fozzie: (coming up behind Catherine <Ru> who is sewing furiously) Um, Catherine--did you get that message?
Catherine: (looking up harriedly) Message? What message?
Fozzie: Um, oh dear. There was a message from Ed.
(Catherine looks blank, then the little bulb goes on.)
Catherine: Oh--Oh, yes! I did get the note. I sent him an email. (Stops and smiles at Fozzie, who still looks anxious.) What's up, Fozzie? Homework got you down?
Fozzie: Maybe a little. I have a test in Heckler Defense Strategy tomorrow and I don't feel ready.
Catherine: Tell me what the test will be like.
Fozzie: Well, we have to get up in front of the class and do our routine and they're supposed to heckle us.
Catherine: That doesn't sound like much fun.
Fozzie: No, and I'm very nervous. And the teachers are going to grade us on how well we shut them down.
Catherine: Hmm. Well, what's your strategy?
Fozzie: My--my what?
Catherine: Your strategy. What are you going to say when people start to heckle you?
Fozzie: (almost whispering) Please don't.
(Catherine bites lip furiously to hide smile.)
Catherine: Ah. Well. Let's see what we can do to beef up your skills. Let me see your routine, and I'll heckle you.
Fozzie: (knees actually beginning to shake) Oh please do not heckle me. I don't think I can stand to be heckled in my own room.
Catherine (getting out of chair immediately and putting and arm around Fozzie's shoulders): Good point. Let's go down to the common area. That will be better.
Fozzie: But, but, people might be there.
Catherine: (steering people out the door) If we're lucky.
Fozzie: But, if people are there, they might heckle me.
Catherine: Even better. Then you can show them your defensive skills.
Fozzie: But, but I don't have any yet.
Catherine: We'll work on that, too.
When they open the door, Fatatatita curls around Catherine's legs. Catherine stoops to pick her up.
Catherine: Hey there, sweetie--tell everybody that Fozzie's going to be headlining in the common room tonight in, oh, about 30 minutes. Tell them to bring their best insults and their worst behavior, okay?
Fatatatita: Meeorw. (She scampers off.)
Fozzie: (Looking at Catherine in wonder) Um--can she really understand you?
Catherine: I always thought so. When I used to open the door for my cat and say, "Well, are you coming in or not," either she would or she wouldn't.
Fozzie: (looking at Catherine strangely) Are you--are you kidding me?
Catherine: Yes. I'll go put a sign on the bulletin board. Want to come with me?
Fozzie: (faintly) Not really.
Catherine: Good--come anyway.
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