Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Sara: *Lays flat on her bed, with a heat pack underneath it.* I. Hate. Being. Laid. Up.

Scooter: *curled up on the bed, flipping the dvd to another episode of Fraggle Rock.* It should clear up within tomorrow!

Sara: I've got an eye appointment then....oh well. Let's watch "I Want to be You" again. I really liked that episode. Red was so silly! Acting like Mokey...*chuckles a bit*

Scooter: *Gets up and changes the DVD out to the right one* There we go.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Upstairs in Floor 2's hallway... Knock-knock... Sara, you OK in there? Anything you need? I'll be over in the common room reading... The Count's already there with Uncle Deadly, Gonzo, Camilla, and Cantus. Can send the books with Scooter if you want. Hope you'll be all right.


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Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: So, are you ready for bed

ELMO: Yes, Peter

ZOE: I am too, Peter!

LITTLE BIRD: Me Too, Peter

PETER: To get you off to sleep, I'm going to sing you a soft harmonica song, Good Night Elmo and Zoe and Little Bird

ELMO: Good Night Zoe and Little Bird and Peter

ZOE: Good Night Elmo and Little Bird and Peter

LITTLE BIRD: Good Night Peter and Elmo and Zoe

(me playing the harmonica softly)


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Mar 11, 2003
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*watching "The Moppet Family Show" season two*

Herry: Kyle?

Yes Herry?

Herry: I can't get to sleep. I have to go early tomorrow. And I can't sleep.

Is there anything brothing you?

Herry: No....not really.

Nothing here or at work?

Herry: Well I think I might have done something wrong.


Herry: Uhh...I messed up yesterday at work.

What could that be?

Herry: I was pushing with Jeff and he didn't really want me to help him.

Oh don't worry Jeff. He's an ok guy. He just like working alone. Today even he let me stay inside alot.

Herry: Really!?

Yep. So you don't have to worry about anything.

Herry: Thanks Kyle. *hugs me*

Whoa...not to hard there. You still working out?

Herry: Every tuesday. I got the gym.

Good for you Herry. If you want sometime me, you and Cookie Monster could come along.

Herry: Sounds fun. Thanks again Kyle. Good night.

Good night Herry. Sweet dreams. I just love them monsters. Can't get enough of them. *goes back to watching "The Moppet Family Show"*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (packing up a suit case on my bed) Let's see gotta remember the sunscreen and my hat...
Big Bird: Hey, what are you doing?
Bry: Packing.
Big Bird: For what?
Bry: For my trip...Don't you remember? I told you guys I was going on vacation til Sunday.
Big Bird: Oh yeah. I forgot.
Telly: Can we go with you?
Bry: Aww not this time, buddy. Sorry. But don't forget that I'm going to be taking all of you on a trip later this month!
Telly: I can't wait!
Rosita: So who are we staying with this time?
Bry: Well, who would you like to stay with?
Rosita: know, I think I'd like to stay with Red, Mokey and Beth.
Bry: Not Prairie?
Rosita: Oh I love Prairie and Kathy and I had a lot of fun with them before, but it's been a long time since I've gotten to play with the Fraggles. I miss them.
Bry: Okay. Well, I will ask Beth if she has any room. What about you guys? Ryan or Kyle?
Big Bird: It would be fun to play with Camilla again. She's such a nice chicken.
Snuffy: Hey, yeah! And Ryan has that new story he's writing. Maybe we can get some sneak peaks.
Bry: Alright. Just remember, Snuffy, you might not be able to actually go in Ryan's room. You are pretty big and his room might be a bit small for you. You wouldn't want to break anything.
Snuffy: Are you kidding? From what I hear, things break all the time in there! Dohohoh!
Bry: That's true.
Snuffy: But if I have to, I don't mind staying here in my caveroom.
Bry: Well that can be up to you and Ryan to decide. I'll even leave him a key to our room so that he can come here if he wants. Looks like that's done. Is that all okay with you, Telly?
Telly: Are you kidding? I don't need a babysitter. That's kid stuff.
Bry: If you say so...(continues packing)
Telly: Of would be nice to have someone to cut my sandwiches into triangles...and put a band-aid on my knee when I fall off my pogostick...and tuck me in at night and read me stories--
Bry: I'll call Kyle.
Telly: Oh bless you!
Big Bird: Hey, what about Hoots?
Bry: I think he'll be okay on his own. Maybe he'll go down and chill with Ed or jam with the Electric Mayhem or something. If he needs anyone, he'll go to them and if anyone needs him, they know where to go. Okay, let me make these calls to Beth, Ryan and Kyle. Gosh, I hope it's not too late. (makes series of calls asking for Beth to watch Rosita, Ryan to watch Snuffy and Big Bird, and Kyle to take in Telly).

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*The Count, at the bat-organ, singing quietly...
Go to sleep, my little bat
Oh, say good night to your black cat
Do not put on your nightgown
You'll be sleeping upside down

Go to sleep my little goblin
While your cradle is a wobblin'
I will sit and count your snoring
Even though you think it's boring

Me, unseen: The dorms were brought to you by the letter Z...
*Bats heard snoring: Zzzzzz...
And by the number 9... *Aside: Since I hit the 9,000 post mark a while back.
Good night, and Count Up to 9, it'll help you get to sleep.

Count, in bed, falling asleep: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9... Count Up to zzzzz...


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Night Time at the Droms........

*on the phone with Bryan* That will be just fine. Me and Telly and the gang always have fun. Can't wait. I'll the let the others know in the morning. Good night Bryan. *hangs up phone* Won't the monsters be thrilled. Oh and Oscar too. Can't wait. *goes back to watching TV*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (hangs up phone) Well, I'll be leaving early in the morning, so I dunno if I'll get to say goodbye to you guys, so I'll do it now. (going around the room giving each roomie a hug) Snuffy, I will leave a key at the front desk for Ryan incase he needs to come here. (hugs Snuffy snuffle which is wrapped around me in a hug.)
Snuffy: Okay.
Bry: And remember, when doing a cannon ball in the pool, make sure everyone else is out first. Of course, Gonzo might enjoy that.
Snuffy: Dohohoho! I'll try.
Bry: (goes over to Big Bird, who is holding Radar) Big Bird, I know you'll be fine.
Big Bird: Sure!
Bry: You know where the birdseed is kept. Bottom cupboard by the fridge. And I wrote out the recipe for your birdseed milkshakes and put it next to the blender just incase Ryan forgot.
Big Bird: Thanks. We'll miss ya.
Bry: (hugs Big Bird and strokes his beak) I'll miss you too. (makes way over to Rosita's bed) Buenas noches, mi amiga. Have fun staying at Beth's.
Rosita: I'm bringing my guitar so I can play some music with Rowlf.
Bry: Good! (hugs Rosita; she kisses me on the cheek) Sweet dreams.
Rosita: Gracias.
Bry: (going to Telly) I see your stuff is all packed too.
Telly: Yeah, even Chucky Sue is ready. I hope she has enough food to last til Sunday.
Bry: Don't worry. I have an emergency supply. I'll put it in your bag.
Telly: Always thinking ahead, aren't ya?
Bry: Hey, living in this mad house, I have to.
Telly: True.
Bry: (hugging Telly) You'll have a blast with your monster buddies.
Telly: Looking forward to it!
Bry: Well, goodnight, everyone. See you on Sunday.
(all go to sleep)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Red: I'm so excited Rosita is coming to see us again!
Mokey: We haven't hung out with her in a long time
Robin: Do you think she can teach me some Spanish?
Beth: I'm sure she can. *hears a knock at the door* I'll bet that's her now. *opens door* Hola Rosita!
Rosita: Hola! Gracias for letting me stay here again!
Beth: Anytime!
Rowlf: Glad to see you brought your guitar, we can jam later
Rosita: That will be great!
Robin: Will you teach me some Spanish?
Rosita: Sure, let's start with an easy one. Amigo.
Robin: Am-i-go?
Rosita: Si, it means friend!
Robin: Oh neat! You are my amigo!
Rosita: And you are my amigo too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: Hey guys, I'm gonna head over to Bryan's room and check on Snuffy and Big Bird, you guys wanna come?

UD: I believe I'm the only one awake my fiend, but sure, I'll come along.

Me: Alright, come on, we gotta head down to the front desk and grab the key to Bry's room first. *heads to front desk and grabs key, and then back to Bryan's room; unlocks door* Big Bird? Snuffy? You guys up yet?

Big Bird: Ryan! Hi! I'd like a birdseed milkshake and I want to go swimming and say my ABC's and-

Me: Whoa, whoa, Big slow down! I just got here, but uh, I geuss I could make you a birdseed shake. *grabs birdseedd and ice cream and stuff* Where's Snuffy?

Big Bird: Oh, he's still sound asleep, he should be awake soon.

Stinky the Stinkweed: Hey! Someone forgot to water me again!

Me: Oh good grief, Uncle D. could you-

UD: No problem Ryan. *grabs waterring can and waters Stinky*

Stinky: Oh, that feels so good! Thank you sir!

Me: Okay Big Bird, here's your milkshake, enjoy! *hands Big Bird birdseed milkshake*

Big Bird: Thanks Ryan! *drinks milkshake*
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