Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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The Count said:
Thanks Telly... Haven't had a chance to post more, lot of posts coming in fast and furious at MC. Haven't even finished that little thing I'm working on.
Now come on, I'm sure Bryan needs you to help him down at Birdland for the gig tonight no?

Telly: No, not really. He's at a ball game. Rosita is taking a nap, and Big Bird and Snuffy went skating at the park and I can't skate. So I'm just hangin around lookin for company. Don't you want to play with mee? (rests head on Ed's shoulder) Listen, if you're too busy, don't even mind me. I'll just sit quietly in the corner here and count the triangles in the room. You won't even know I'm here!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Aw... No worries Telly. Come on, get your music triangle.
Count, we're heading down to Birdland.

Count: Ah ha! Hexcellent! Let me grab my vallet...

*All head on out, after leaving a message for Bryan.

*Note: Hi Bry. Telly's with me down at Birdland for Hoots' gig... Hope it's OK, he was a bit lonely. Hope to see you there later tonight.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Guess Bo got to the letter K cookies before Cookie Monster did. And that's today letter, the letter K.
Huh? Oh, and Telly says the number is 3.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Down at Birdland......

I so do love this restrant. Even the birds here that sing are great prefomers.

Herry: Where could Grover be?

Cookie M: He said that he's waiting tonight.

Herry and Me: Where?

Cookie M: Here. Look.

*sees Grover waiting around the tables*

Hey Grover! Over here!

Waiter Grover: Hey guys. Glad to see that you and the monsters came down here.

We've been meaning to. We haven't ate here in a long time. *sees Ed and Telly* Hey Ed! Hey Telly!

Herry: Ed, my main man. Telly your lookin' sazy tonight.

Waiter Grover: So what will you be ordering Kyle?

I'll have the chicken fried stake and french fries. Oh and some tea. Sweet too.

Waiter Grover: Ok. And you Herry?

Herry: Let me see. I think I'll will have the Stake with mushroom sauce. And baked potato. Sweet tea as well.

Waiter Grover: And what about you Cookie Monster? (whispers) As if I do not know.

Cookie M: Hmmmm what me have? How 'bout one no no make it three cookies..uh better make it whole plate full. And some milk.

Waiter Grover: Ok. I will have it ready as soon as possible. Ok Randell. You heard me. Get them....*voice fads off in the background*

Ohh I can't wait to see who preforms tonight.

Herry: I would like to see Hoots band. He's one awsome sax player.

He is.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Huh? Did Hoots hire... Nah, couldn't be. Must be some other guy who unfortunately has the name Randell.

Hey guys, great to see you here too.
*Slaps Herry's hand. Oh waiter...

You first Telly.
Telly: OK... I'll have the Birdland Club Sandwich, cut into triangles please. With potato chips and grape soda please.
Count: For me... The Garlic Shrimp Salad Sandwich, vith French fries and a lemon-lime soda.
And I'll have... Lemme see... Oh yeah, the sesame seeded Cajun Chicken Burger, with a side order of black beans in a little bowl, and a pitcher of lemon-lime soda please.

*The music starts as the band warms up while Hoots welcomes the patrons to Birdland.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: Man Cliff I'm so glad you drug me down here to Birdland! This place is hip city baby!

Clifford: You'll be evicted from the city if you keep talking like that dude.

Cantus: Ryan my friend, I'm going to go ask Hoots that feathery fellow if I can play along with the band.

Me: Alright Cantus, have fun.

Clifford: Man, I know I'll have fun, thank goodness Gonzo didn't come with us.

Me: Heh, you're just lucky he wanted to go see Superman with Camilla tonight, you know how he's always wanted super powers.

Clifford: Yup, nothin' can ruin this night for me!

(Kyle I hope you don't mind me using Grover really quick!!)

Waiter Grover: CLIFFORD!!! We are short handed tonight! Do you think you can throw on an apron and help us? Pretty pretty puh-lease with cherries?

Clifford: Aw man...Fine, show me where the apron is...

Me: Ha ha! Catch ya later Cliff! Hey Ed, Kyle, what's shakin' dudes?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Ack! No time! I have no time! *runs around like crazy*
Robin: Ooh! Are we playing a game?
Red: Yeah! Looks like fun! *they start running around too*
Mokey: I don't think it's a game you guys!
Rowlf: Beth what's wrong? *Beth stops running*
Beth: I'm having a hard time managing my time with my new job. I love the job alot, but I feel like I don't have time for my friends anymore!
Red: It's ok
Mokey: Yeah, we still see plenty of you!
Robin: Red and Mokey are lots of fun during the day
Rowlf: See, everything is fine, you just relax and enjoy your new job
Beth: Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Still at Birdland.......

*cellphone* Ok. Take care Bryan. Ok. Talk to you later. *hangs up* Telly I just got off the phone with Bryan and all. You and the gang can spend the night if you want.

Herry: Tellys staying over tonight?


Herry: Awsome!

Cookie M: *burp!* That was good. Grover?

Waiter Grover: Yes?

Cookie M: Tell cook he makes good food.

Waiter Grover: Ok.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Ryan... Glad to see you're getting in on the swing of things down here. Heh, guess Bryan called you then Kyle? OK Telly, you'll be staying with him tonight instead.
Telly: Thanks for looking after me today Ed.
*Both hug for a brief moment.

Sure thing pal.

Hoots: What's that you say cat? Yeah, you can play... Now go ahead and lay down some mellow knowledge on the peeps out there Cantus. Fact is, think I'll join you for a little jam session.
*The owl and the Fraggle start playing their respective instruments as the houseband provides backup for some musical interludes.
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