Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Sara: *Walks into Ru's room, and gladly settles down into one of the plush armchairs.*

Thanks so much Ru! They'll love staying with ya'll. I'll be gone about 2 weeks at best during July. But the plans have changed, because Mom isn't sure I'll be able to take all the walking around New York, we decided to just go to Washington, DC, and leave New York for next year. But we'll still be gone, so it'll be great that you're watching 'em for me.

*Leans back in the chair, and leans her cane against it, while she sips on a cup of tea, gladly.*


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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This is so totally weird

Catherine: Sara--This is so totally weird. Last night, when I read your note that you were going to New York, I ran to get an article I had saved about an exhibit--only to remember that the exhibit isn't in New York, it's in--guess? Go on, guess?--Washington, D.C.!!! And guess what it's an exhibit of? THE MUPPETS!!!! Look! Look! They're at the Smithsonian on display through September 4th.
Piggy: (coming into main living area from her canopied bedroom) The Smithsonian? Moi has some costumes on display at the Smithsonian now.
Catherine: I know, Piggy--we were just talking about it. (looks at newspaper) Oh, look--here's a picture of you and Kermit along with the newspaper article.
Piggy: (sniffing) Who?
Catherine: (exchanging looks with Sara) Oh--just some guy in a necktie. Nobody important.
Piggy: (muttering under breath) You got that right. (Tries looking indignant, but looks very dejected instead. Makes a noise that might be a sniffle.)
Catherine: Um, Piggy--there's tea, or I could make you some hot chocolate.
Piggy: (in a very small voice) With little marchmallows?
Catherine: Sure--you have a sit down with Sara--she's resting her knee. You girls catch up and I'll go heat some milk for hot chocolate.
Piggy: (looks at Sara's poor knee) You shouldn't be walking. You should get your roomies to carry you. I have a palanquin that you can borrow--we used it once for a revue I was in. Let me know if you want it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Big Bird: Knock knock?

Hey there Big Bird. What are you doing here?

Telly: Bryan's going to a wedding in Utah.

Oh hi Telly. I see. Well come on in.

Big Bird: Snuffy said he'll sleep in his cave.

Thats fine. Since the last time he couldn't fit.

Grover: Hey Big Bird! *sees Telly* Telly!

Big Bird: Hey Grover.

Telly: Grover! *hugs him*

Snuffy: *sticks head in room* I'll be down the hall.

Ok Snuffy. If you want me to tuck you in just holler.

Snuffy: Ok. *walks down the hall*

Herry: Kyle is there something worng with the....hey Big Bird.

Big Bird: Hello Herry.

What was that Herry?

Herry: Something is wrong with the Tv in our room.

Let me cheak this out.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah I know about that Herry... Called the Cable TV offices, a crew will be by tomorrow afternoon on the 1st of June.
Hey... Isn't that a certain grouch's birthday? Hmmm, looks like we'll have to plan. Will wait to hear from you Kyle.
*Hoots, playing a few riffs of Can You Picture That? on his sax in his nest.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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ELMO: It is Oscar's birthday

PETER: Is it June 1st

ZOE: You're right, Peter

LITTLE BIRD: What are we going to do for Oscar's birthday, Peter

PETER: Since he is a grouch, We can get him a yucchy birthday present

ELMO: like some stinky fish

ZOE: Or a Broken Telephone

LITTLE BIRD: or some old newspapers

Muppet Matt

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
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Matthew: Hey guys, it's Oscars birthday!

Mokey: What Should we give him?

Red: How about some chocolate covered sardines?

Dr. Teeth: Great idea Red!

Lips: I'll go and get some. Anyone want to come along?

Animal: ME COME!!! ME COME!!!

Cantus: I will come too.

Matthew: Ok, as soon as you come back we'll take it to him.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Bill: You look happy Martin.
Martin: Yes Bill. Mum has had some good news from the doctors.
Bill: What is it?
Martin: She's been told she can have her kimotherapy treatment locally in our own city.
Bill: That's great. Our prayers are being answered.
Martin: Yes Bill. I'm very grateful and mother is too. We're hoping she can even have her treatment in the form of tablets instead of a drip. That would be fantastic.
Bill: Yes. Did she tell you anything else significant?
Martin: Well she read my Muppet Show script and she loved it. And she's hoping to get together with me again on Saturday so we can watch the fifth DVD of the Astroboy cartoons from the 1980's. I'm so excited that she and I have something we enjoy doing together at least twice a week.
Bill: What'll you do when you finish all those Japanese cartoons?
Martin: We'll come up with something. In the meantime we must give our usual thanks for the good news of my Mum's condition.
Bill: Right. I'll take a big drink Martin while you get your bubble wand ready.
Martin: And let's also spare a thought for poor Sara's knee. Let's pray that she will be kept safe from further harm on her trip to the U.K. while her knee heals. At least it still has until the end of June to heal as much as possible before the holiday.
Bill: Okay. Ready.
Martin: Let's go.
(they blow heaps and heaps of bubbles as they pour out their supplications for Sara and for Martin's darling Mummy)
Martin: This is such a wonderful way to pray Bill. It's a shame the folk at my Church don't encourage everybody to bring bubble liquid and wands along to Mass.
Bill: Yeah you're right. They don't know what they're missing. It's the best way to praise God. Through bubbles.
(the bubbles continue to fill the room as Martin and Bill keep remembering their requests)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Sara: *laughs softly at the idea of being carried around on a throne* No thanks, Piggy. I've gotta walk or my knee could possibly heal in a weird position. I have to keep moving. But yeah, we had planned to go to both DC and New York, but Mom figured just one place would be great.

*shifts a bit in the chair, stretching her knee out. She's wearing a beautiful frilly skirt, with her ugly kneebrace sticking out like everything.*

Ooh, that's better. But yeah, I'm going to be taking TONS of pictures. I'll probably end up using a wheelchair through the Smithonian, it'll be much easier that way.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Chuckling... You guys and gals ready? Let's go upstairs...
*All ride in the dumbwaiter elevator up to Floor 2 and knock on Oscar's can.

Hey grouch! Rotten Birthday!
All singing: Rotten birthday to you.
Rotten birthday to you.
Rotten birthday to Oscar...
Gloomy birthday to you.

Come on Rosita, like we practiced it.
*Monstrua on guitar singing...
Rosita and me: Infeliz, infeliz en tu día.
Amigo, que no te bendigan.
Que te pase un camión por encima...
Y que cumplas menos mas.

Te estas poniendo vie... *Everybody: Jo!
Con patas de cangre... *Everybody: Jo!
Y cuerpo de aves... *Everybody: Truz!

Who wants cake? It's the Chef's speciality, from that time at Muppet All-Star Stadium... Pineapple oopsy-doosy cake.
And we got ice cream, vanilla... with pickles. And chocolate... with sardines.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Hi Oscar you ol' grouch!
Prairie:Me and Kathy hope your birthday is absolutely the crummiest ever!:stick_out_tongue:
And here's a big bag of old smelly garbage for you!:wink: (Heehee!)
Prairie*whispering to me*:Boy,am I glad we got rid of that junk.Whew...did it smell awful!:eek:
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