Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 21, 2005
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*Heads over to dorm, but not before making a stop to Mike's Bakery. Comes into dorm with a few boxes.*
Ah, feels good to be home! *goes down to room 1 with a box of brownies with swurls of vanilla icing.* Thanks for the help Ed! I wanted to get you some goodies, and I picked these out because I thaut your roommate could entertain himself by counting the wrings of icing, while you were off on your other projects. BTW, in case you didn't figure it out, when I said PM in my message, I really ment 12-45 Am. Shows how tired I was eh?
(next goes up to room 29 with box of doughnuts in hand.* Hi Brian, good to see you again. Since I never gave you a graduation present, I brought you these!Ten of these are chocolate, and two are birdseed; for Bigbird, or whoever feels adventurous! Congradulations!
*heads to room, with a box of blondies for herself and her roommates.*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*The Count opens our room's door and takes the box inside.
Count: Ah ha! Brownies... And vith vanilla icing rings! I vill count them!
Please keep it down Count, I'm rereading the notes my classmate sent me for tomorrow's exam. Hope I don't pull an all-nighter.

And thanks Kate, hope you're doing well with all your Fraggly friends upstairs.


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Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: I've changed my mind

ZOE: What is it Peter

PETER: I am going to send my love to Kathy and have God tell her that her dog is in good hands with God

LITTLE BIRD: Awww, that is so sweet?

ELMO: Good Night Little Bird, Zoe and Peter (feeds his fish)

PETER: Good Night, Elmo, Zoe and Little Bird

ZOE: Good Night Elmo, Little Bird and Peter

LITTLE BIRD: Good Night Elmo, Zoe and Peter


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Morning everyone
Red: Morning
Mokey: You look tired today
Beth: I am, didn't you guys here the noise outside last night? Someone was fighting
Red: That's not good! What happened?
Beth: I don't know, eventually one of them went away
Cantus: Violence is never the answer
Beth: Well, it was a verbal arguement, but yes, it does not solve anything. Oh well, anyone up for breakfast at Everybody Eats?
Red: I am!
Mokey: Me too!
Cantus: Sure, why not?

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... Wasn't aware there was any fighting last night... Just slept through the night. Oh well, will take care of it if there's anything that needs mending when I get back after my exam this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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I was talking to Beth, and she said the was some sort of argument last night. Did any of you hear anything?
Gobo: No, not me.
Lou: I slept like a log.
Wembley: Me too.
Oh well, Beth's window is on the other end of the building anyway.
Lou: Her wedding is comming up soon, isn't it?
Yes, very soon! This Saturday, infact. I'm going shoping for a gift later, wonna come?
Gobo: I'd love to!
Lou: Sure, we'd be happy to. Wouldn't we Wembly?
Wembly: Well, why not?
Great. Let's see, what other gossip do I have?
Fraggles: *laughing softly*
Ah yes, Ed has an exam today.
Gobo: Well be sure to tell him that we wish him lots of luck!
I will, he sure has been studying hard!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Good morning, guys.
Telly: Bryan! You're back!
Big Bird: When did you sneak in?
Bry: I came in while you were all sleeping. How was the camping trip? Did you have fun with Kyle and the Monsters?
Big Bird: It was great! We went camping out in the garden with Hoots and sang songs and toasted marshmellows.
Bry: Cool! Well, who's up for some breakfast? I have some donuts here left by Fraggle Muppet.
Rosita: What kind?
Bry: Looks like 10 chocolates and 2 birdseed.
Big Bird: I'll take a birdseed, please!
Bry: Of course. Here you go.
Big Bird: Thanks.
Bry: You all just help yourselves. I have a bunch of cleaning and organizing to do around here.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(In Caveroom, Big Bird and Snuffy play checkers)
Snuffy: Ooh, good move, Bird.
Big Bird: Thank you!

Bry: (in main room) Guess what, guys! I have a surprise for you!
Rosita: What is it, Bryan?
Telly: Yeah, tell us!
Bry: Okay, okay. How would you all like to go on a little trip to Disneyland tomorrow?
Telly: Disneyland? I love Disneyland!!
Rosita: Ooooh!
Big Bird: Bryan, can I bring the Birdkateers?
Bry: Sure, Big Bird. In fact, anyone who wants to come is invited. I just put invitations on everyone's doors.
Snuffy: This is exciting! Dohohoho!

Muppet Matt

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Feb 24, 2006
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Matthew: Hey guys, guess what!!!!!

Dr. Teeth: What?

Matthew: Bryan just invited us to Disneyland tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Animal: DISNEY!!! DISNEY!!!

Lips: YES!!!

Matthew: Ok then, lets get some rest, but first, let me call Beth and ask her if they can go or if she's to busy, then if she is we'll offer to take Red, Mokey and Cantus.

*calls Beth and Fraggles*


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth *hangs up phone after talking with Matt*: Hey guys, how would you like to go to Disneyland tomorrow?
Red: Yes!
Mokey: Sounds fun!
Cantus: I'm in
Beth: Great, I don't think I can make it, but Matt said you can go with him and his roommates. Bryan will be there too with all his roommates so there'll be plenty of folks for you all to pal around with!
Mokey: I wish you could join us
Beth: Me too, but I'll go next time! You guys just have fun!
Red: Ok! I'll bring you a present
Beth: Thanks
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