Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Feb 5, 2006
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Muppet Matt said:
Matthew: Ok guys lets go and play some funky music!
Dr. Teeth: All right everybody lets JAM!!!
Lips: I'll go down and put some posters up so everyone knows about our gig.
Animal: BEAT DRUMS!!!!!!! BEAT DRUMS!!!!!!!!!!!
Matthew: That's right Animal! Ok everyone, lets go down to practice.
Ready guys?
All: Ready!
Matthew: All right, lets go!
*The Band, Nicole and Matt are blasting music throughout the dorms*

Nicole: Hey guys, isn't it kind of late?
Janice: yup
Nicole: Don't you think people will be sleeping?
Zoot: Uh huh
Nicole: Don't you think we'll wake them up?
Floyd: Then they won't have to miss these awesome jams!
Nicole: *shrugs* who can argue with that logic?

*all through the night, various peices of Electric Mayhem repertoire can be heard from whatever floor we're on*


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May 21, 2005
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Telly: (goes into Kyle's room) Clothes on the floor, huh. Look at this mess! No wonder Oscar likes to hang out in here.
Rosita: I'll look under the couch., nothing here.
Telly: Yeah, not under this laundry either. How about the beds?
Rosita: Okay!
Telly: (looks under Grover's bed and spots an orange Fraggle pebble, probably the one Robin gave him for Christmas) Hey, look at this! I found an egg! Atleast I think it's an egg. It's kinda rough. Not very smooth.
Rosita: Yeah...It's not real big either. Remember we are looking for a big egg (holds arms out wide).
Telly: Yeah, you're right. Well, have you found anything else?
Rosita: No.
Telly: Let's go find the others.


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Mar 11, 2003
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In the Common Room......

Oscar: *pops up in the common room trashcan* What? Why are ya'll here? Where's the turkey?

Don't know! Were here to help Big Bird find his egg. Now Oscar, do you have to do this to Big Bird? It's really mean.

Oscar: Then don't play!

I'm helping so I will!

Oscar: Fine! Next clue is......its over something. Nice egg hunting! Heh heh heh heh...*pops back down*

Cookie M: What Oscar say?

It's over something. Hmmmm now what could an egg be over?

Cookie M: Over cookie?

Ohh Cookie Monster....


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Big Bird walks back into room 29)

Bry: Hey, Big Bird! Have you found the egg yet?
Big Bird: No, but we got 2 more clues. It is under something and over something.
Snuffy: Under something and over something? Hmm...that's a tough one, Bird.
Big Bird: Yeah. Well, we got Kyle and the Monsters to help us out.
Bry: Well, that's good. I'd like to help too, but I really need to run to the store real quick. I'll be back though to help out. Good luck! (leaves)
Big Bird: Thanks.
Snuffy: You know, Bird, sometimes in the movies at times like this they call a detective to solve the mystery.
Big Bird: A detective?
Snuffy: Sure! You know, the guy with a funny hat and magnifying glass. He looks for clues and solves the crime.
Big Bird: That's a brilliant idea, Snuffy! (pause) Wait, no, Snuffy! It'll never work!
Snuffy: Why not?
Big Bird: Where are we gonna get a detective?!
Sherlock Hemlock: (pops up) Remember me?
Big Bird: Mr. Hemlock!
Sherlock: That's Sherlock Hemlock, the World's Greatest Detective, if you please! Now, what can I do for you, big chap?
Big Bird: Oh, right. Sorry. Have you seen any big eggs around here?
Sherlock: Indeed I have!
Big Bird: (lights up) You have?!
Sherlock: Of course! "X" happens to be my favorite letter of the alphabet!
(music starts and he sings his song)
"X" marks the spot
"X" marks the crossroads
Two straight lines crossing over in the middle
That's the letter you must see to find the treasure or the clue
Or the x-ray machine that's looking right inside of you
"X" is the letter without which one cannot do.

Big Bird: (trying to get his attention) Umm...But, Mr. Hemlock, sir...?

Sherlock: "X" marks the spot
"X" stands for danger
Two straight lines crossing over in the middle
Saying "Here's the railroad crossing!"
And sometimes it means there's pirates
Or at worse, it means there's poison
And in case these thoughts of "X" are facing you...
"X" stands for "xylaphone" too!!

So, can you give me some more detail about your X? What color is he? What are his hobbies? What is his mother's language of origin?

Snuffy: Oh dear...
Big Bird: No, not "X"...Eggs! We are looking for my Easter egg!
Sherlock: Oh. My apologies. In that case, I am afraid I can't help you. Say, wasn't Easter yesterday?
Big Bird: Yes...
Sherlock: Hmmm....right....well, goodluck and cheerio! (exits out the door)
Big Bird: Yeah, thanks a lot....


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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That clue that Oscar gave us isn't helping us one bit. What to do?

Grover: We could sing a little song?

Herry: Sounds good to me.

How 'bout it guys?

Telly: Sounds good to me.

Roista: I have my guitar!

Ok. *starts to sing while Roista plays her guitar*

Me: Well, when the path is deep and stony
And the night is all around
And the way you must take is far away-ay-ay-ay
When your heart is lost
And lonely and the egg can not be found
Here’s a simple little song that you can sing:

*Herry starts banging two sticks together for the rhythm*

Grover: You gotta Face Facts, Act Fast on your own
Preparation, Perspiration, Dynamite Determination
Pack Snacks Make tracks all alone

Cookie Mosnter: Don’t be cute, Time to scoot *points to Grover*
Head out for your designation

Rosita: Face Facts, Act Fast on your own

Telly: Yea, Preparation, Perspiration, Dynamite Determination

Me: Pack Snacks Make tracks all alone, ha

(Cookie Monster starts to play a flute)

Everyone: Chase the future face the great unknown
Face Facts, Act Fast on your own
Preparation, Perspiration, Dynamite Determination
Pack Snacks Make tracks all alone
Chase the future face the great unknown
Chase the future face the great unknown

(Almost fall down by dancing around the dorms halls)

Bryan: Whoa!

(Grover and Herry starts to scat a while the song comes to an end)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie:Wow...between the leftovers from both our families & the goodies we got from our dorm mates ,we really have a feast!
Boy...isn't that the truth! Last night I felt like I was going to explode!
Prairie:Yikes! what you're saying!Who knows if you know who will pop up and throw a you-know- what in the dorms!:eek: You know he's notorious for that.
You're right. My mistake.
Prairie:Oh,it's OK. Hey...I brought a surprise from home for you. Go look on the second shelf of the mini fridge.
*opening the door & looking*DEVILLED EGGS!!!Yummy!!!
Prairie: Yeah. .my mom remembered how much you love devilled eggs. So she made a batch for you.:smile:
Your mom's so sweet!I'm going to call her tomorrow & thank her. I've have some devilled eggs tomorrow.
Prairie:Why not now?
Prairie:Hmmmm...Oh!OK!Yeah,this way we can open the window in our room tomorrow if we need to.*small giggle*
Right Prairie.:wink:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: (knocks on Prairie and Kathy's room downstairs after hearing the word "egg" come from their room) Prairie? Are you there? Was wondering if you could help us look for an egg! (to self) Gee, I hope I didn't wake her. Hmm...what's that smell? Uh oh! You don't think they...nah! Prairie!?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Sara: *Was strolling down the hall, still half-way burnt from the rockets eariler in the day, she overhears Kathy and Prairie Dawn talking, and she smirks.*

Did somebody say "EXPLODE"?

*She sets down a bunch of firecrackers and lights them off, running back down the hall, laughing her head off.*

*A few moments later...*

[FONT=impact, verdana]*Kaboom!!!*[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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ReneeLouvier said:
Sara: *Was strolling down the hall, still half-way burnt from the rockets eariler in the day, she overhears Kathy and Prairie Dawn talking, and she smirks.*

Did somebody say "EXPLODE"?

*She sets down a bunch of firecrackers and lights them off, running back down the hall, laughing her head off.*

*A few moments later...*

[FONT=impact, verdana]*Kaboom!!!*[/FONT]

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