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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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A change for JaniceFerSure...and her roomates

JFS: Well,after much consideration,the band and I are going our seperate ways.In other words,I've decided to switch rooms and roomates.I've chosen Sweetums and Behemoth as my new roomates,we're moving into room #44.So,Floyd Pepper,Zoot and Dr. Teeth are available,along with room #33.

*Diana goes down to the lobby,along with Sweetums and Behemoth,to get their room key.Their luggage is their with them.*

-sidenote for The Count: I made sure room #33 was cleaned out by last night,repainted white for the next dormates moving in there.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Aw thanks Diana... Fudge spiders are freshly baked and cooled in the fridge if you should happen to want some... Along with a batch of that thing we're not allowed to say out loud for fear of the one who eats them finding out.
*Chuckles. Just post your new room layout when ready, and the robe ideas when you get a chance.

Rully glad you're staying... Have a great weekend.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Hey ladies did you see this nice card that we got from Rosita?
Red: Oh, what's it for?
Beth: A thank you for letting her stay with us
Mokey: Oh how sweet! It's so pretty, look at the flower!
Beth: Yeah, that was really nice of her.
Mokey: I'm so excited that spring is coming. I hope Ed won't mind if I do some planting around the dorms.
Beth: I'm sure something can be worked out!
Red: Well, I'm heading to the pool. They keep pushing back the swimming extravaganza, now it's going to be next weekend possibly
Beth: Just let us know and you know we'll be there!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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Daughterdeadly: *wakes up with her newly discovered stuffy nose, aching throat and infected ear...* Emmet...I think I'm sick...

Emmet: *Is awake and fully dressed, ready to get some breakfast.* Wha- really? *goes to Daughterdeadly's bed side* Is there anything I can do to help?

Daughterdeadly:I'm not sure yet.

Emmet:Well, I'm going to the kitchen to get something to eat, do you want anything?

Daughterdeadly:No, I dont feel like eating...*sneezes* but maybe if you can find some tea for me or something...

Emmet:Sure, I'll see if I can find some. *Heads to the doorway*

Daughterdeadly:Thank you Emmet *sneezes again* Well, maybe I'll need a box of tissues too, if you can find some...

Emmet:Sure! *Heads out the door*

Daughterdeadly:I don't believe this...I've only been here afew days and I'm already not feeling well...*sneezes*


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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Daughterdeadly:Gee, I wonder what's taking Emmet so long. *Struggles to get out of bed and opens the door* Oh, there you are!

Emmet: *Stands outside the door with a shopping bag in one hand and a cup of tea in the other* Wow, look at all that soup!

Daughterdeadly: Hubba-wah! That's going to last us a while! *Takes the cup of tea and shopping bag from Emmet and sets them on a t.v. tray by her bed.* Emmet, you mind helping me put all these pots inside somewhere?

Emmet:Sure! Oh, and I stopped by the store to get you something to help with your ear...it's called an "ear candle."

Daughterdeadly:Well, I hope it works. My ears are killing me!

*The two drag the pots into the room.*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Another Saturday night... And at least I have all of tomorrow to work on stuff other than the list.
UD: Did you sense a shadow fright now?
No, you're the only shadowy guy here... Well, you and the Count of course.
Count: That's 2, 2 shadowy spooks!

UD: Think it's time to do some skulking about. If my haunches are fright, then I humbly thank you for taking in this wretch of a dragon into your darkened doomicile.

It was our haunting pleasure as always Uncle Deadly. We'll just leave the couch with a knitted cobweb on the pillow if you do come back to darken our doorstep, if Ryan hasn't come back yet.
*UD leaves Room #1 and skulks about the rest of the dorms.

Count: Ah ha, that's 9, 9 beautiful notes.
Huh? Thought the scales had only Eight Beautiful Notes.
Count: Yes, but eight music notes plus this musical thank you note we got from Hoots makes nine! Ah ha, I love math too!
*Chuckles a bit. Come on pal, let's get some dinner.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: It's so nice that you guys are able to stay with us this weekend. I hope you are comfortable.
Grover: (Rushes in the room) I am here! I am here!!! Your favorite cute and adorable roomie is here!!!
Bry: Grover, where have you been?
Rosita: Yeah, we haven't seen you all day.
Grover: Oh, I was at work. I am a busy monster!

Telly: At work?

Grover: Yes, I have to make a living you know.
Herry: Grover and I work with Kyle at Wal-Mart, but Grover has a lot of other jobs too.
Big Bird: Do you have a job, Cookie Monster?
Cookie: Of course. Who doesn't?
Snuffy: What do you do?
Cookie: Uhh...eat cookies.
Big Bird: That's it? But you always eat cookies. You're the Cookie Monster!
Cookies: (Shrugs) Well...me sing alphabet too.
Bry: I wonder if we got any mail today.
Grover: Oh! By the way...as the resident postal monster of the dorms, I would like to deliver this letter personally to you. (hands me envelope)
Bry: (takes it) Hey, we got a letter. I wonder what it is and who it's from. (opens it to find a card with the letter M on it) Hey, it looks like this "letter" is the Letter of the Day!
Cookies: Oooh! What is it?
Herry: I know! That there is the letter M.
Rosita: Yeah! Muy bien, Herry!
Telly: Are you sure?
Big Bird: Well, it sure looks like the letter M.
Cookie: Yeah, but does it taste like letter M?!
Bry: Huh?
Cookie: (Grabs letter and eats it) Yumm...MMMmmmmmmmmm!!!! Urp!!! 'Scuse me.
Herry: Yep. That's the letter M, alright!
Snuffy: Oh, dear...
Cookie: Hahaha!


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Our room layout and robes...

Thank you for the welcome spiders Count.Here's a brief description of our room layout:

The walls are going to be a nice camel tan,along with sky blue for the ceiling.Visually as you walk in: the computer table will be in the right back corner of the room,along with our PC.My bed will be against the back of the room,vertical against the wall.Behemoth and Sweetums' bed will be a bunk bed,next to the left wall,horizontal.The entertainment center(PS2,vcr/dvd player and stereo) is along the wall,as you walk in.We also put glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling.

I like to keep my robe just as it was.Sweetums robe will be magenta,with brown strips vertical along the back.Behemoth's robe can be green,with a pic of food on the back.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Chuckling... Going for a scene out from the deserts of TMM huh? Glad you'll still be here D. Will get you your robes ASAP. Gonna be watching a bit of Muppetdom, now that Sunday's free again.
The Count said:
*Finishing conversation... OK Bo... Will bring the salad, see you then.

Gotta get back to work.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Rosita: Did you boys sleep well last night in Snuffy's caveroom?
Grover: It was fine. A little lumpy and hard though.
Bry: Well, Grover, didn't you use that air mattress I gave you?
Herry: Cookie Monster ate it.
(All look at Cookie)
Cookie: Whah? Me dream of spongecake!
Bry: Alright...Come on, guys! Off to Everybody Eats for some lunch.
Cookie: Me hope they have cookie!
Bry: They have everything, Cookie Monster.
Cookie: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy...
Snuffy: You guys have to work today?
Herry: Nope. Our boss gave us the day off.
Grover: But that does not mean we will not keep busy. There is much work to be done around the neighborhood helping poor citizens in distress!!
Oscar: (walks in) Hey, where's Kyle? It's time for our Sunday trash talk.
Bry: Hey, Oscar! Didn't you know? Kyle is away this weekend.
Oscar: Oh, well...I guess there are plenty of others around here to annoy. Hmm...as a matter of fact, the ones I like to annoy most are in this room.
Telly: Hi, Oscar!
Oscar: Yeah, yeah...hey, there, Telly. (Holds out a jar) Have some peanut brittle.
Telly: Okay! (opens the jar and plastic snakes fly out) WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!
Oscar: Hehehehehe!!!
Big Bird: Oscar, are you coming to lunch with us?!
Oscar: Only if they have cream of mushroom soup with marachino cherries.
Cookie: Me not even touch that.
Oscar: I guess I'll tag along. Maybe I'll order a tossed salad all around. Hehehe!
Telly: You know, I never got to try it that one time. It looked good.
Rosita: Ooh.
Bry: All right, lets start walking. It's a beautiful day for walking to lunch.
Oscar: We have to walk. (pointing to Snuffy) Mount Rushmore over here won't fit in the car!
Bry: Oh, Oscar!
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