Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 21, 2005
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*walks in to the room* Am I too late for the party? Oh good, I see there are plenty of people here. *gives gift to Bria* I didn't know what to get for you, and I wanted it to be different, so I gott you a Kermit watch from the Muppet Mall.
Wembley: And we braught you a fraggle pebble. Can never have enough of those, haha!
Happy birthday Brian!
Oh, and the next time you go caroling, stop by our room; it sounds like fun! I would have joined you last night, but I didn't know you were out so late, and I thaught you had gone to bed already.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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is there a chance of any of the allready taken muppets becoming available any time soon?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: Where are they?!
Rosita: Just be patient, Telly.
(a car engine is heard)
Stinky: Hey, is that them?
Baby Bear: (running through the door) Happy Bothday!!!!!!!
Telly: Oh, it's just you.
Baby Bear: Oh, well I'm sorry I'm not King of Fwance.
Telly: Oh, I'm sorry, buddy. We just thought you were Big Bird and Bryan.
Baby Bear: They'w not here?
Telly: No.
Rosita: Where's the rest of the gang from home, Baby Bear?
Baby Bear: Oh, they'll be here latew tonight. Yeah, you see, Papa Beaow just dwopped me off fwum daycaow.

Bry: Those puppy's were so cute! Big Bird, why don't we have a dog?
Big Bird: I dunno. Okay, Bryan. Just come this way..
Bry: Huh? Where are we going? We usually just go through the back...
Snuffy: They're here everyone. Quick, let's hide. (Snuffy goes behind a curtain but obviously his tail is sticking out).
Telly: Get ready guys.

(We enter the lobby)
Bry: What's with all this stuff?

EVERYONE: (jumps out) SURPRISE!!!!!!!!

Bry: Oh wow! Hey, guys!! Thanks. I didn't expect this at all. Wow!:zany:


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Happy Birthday Bryan! Hope you like your present, we got you the book "It's Not That Easy Being Green" and Carroll Spinney's book "The Wisdom of Big Bird" We hope you like them!
Red: Yeah, I kind of wanted to read the Being Green one
Mokey: They should make a book of Fraggle quotes!
Beth: Anyway, we hope you are having a great birthday!
Red: Yeah, but I'm hungry, I'm getting some food!
Mokey: Big surprise


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie:Happy Birthday Bryan!:smile:
We got you a gift certificate to the Muppet Mall.Hope you like it!
Gaffer:*meowing & purring excitedly*
Um...I THINK Gaffer wants to share her catnip mouse with her as a present. Just go along with her.:wink:


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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allright, I've made a decision, I'll room with Harry The Hipster from Sam and Friends. I guess I'll make my "moving in" post evetually.

Also, if more become available... is it possible to add them as roomates?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Thanks, everyone. I've never had a surprise party before. Normally, the thought of things like that makes me nervous.
Telly: Yeah, me too. I almost scared myself.
Bry: Thanks, Kath and Prairie for the gift card (pats Prairie on the head gently). And thank you Gaffer (scratches her ears). Ryan, I don't have MTI on DVD at all. I've been wanting to get it for a long time though. Thanks.
Big Bird: Hey, I like this book!
Snuffy: Who is that guy?
Big Bird: That's my friend Carroll.
Bry: And it's also a great book written by one of my favorite people. I love both of these books. Thanks, Beth, Red and Mokey. Mokey, maybe you should start the Fraggle quote book. You guys always have wonderful things to say. Let's see what else is here... Baby Bear! Hi!
Baby Bear: Hi theow!
Bry: I didn't expect to see you here. Bear hug! (open arms)
Baby Bear: Don't have to ask me twice! Ha ha!(We give each other a big hug)
Bry: Its so nice of all of you to be here for me.
Hoots: (whisper to Snuffy) Wait til he sees what's coming later.
Snuffy: Hohoho.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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Meanwhile, Harry the Hipster is making his way to the dorms carrying his luggage and wearing sunglasses, even though it's dark outside. He gets closer to the dorms and see's people partying through the window.

Harry: "Wow... this place must be party central man."

Harry opens the door to his new dorm building and an akward silence follows.

Harry: "Uhh... Hi... My name's Harry. I'm you's guy's new house mate... My roomie should be coming soon... How's the party going..."


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Renee and Miss Piggy come to the Dorms....

*Renee walks inside the college dorm's entrey way, and over to the side of the entrence, holding a lot of bags over her shoulder. All are pink-colored, except for one large black bag. She is wearing almost all black, except for a black Weezer/Muppet shirt. She wears large black-rimmed glasses. She almost looks like a gothish-relative of Scooter. Her hair is flaming red, in small dreads down to her shoulders; and she looks exhausted. She drops some of the pink bags, huffing loudly. She grabs a map, and looks back at someone, a little angrily.*

"Is THIS the right place, Piggy??"

Miss Piggy saunters inside, slowly rifling through her purse. She smiles at Renee, niave as to how she's feeling.

"Are you insuiating that Moi was wrong?!?!"
"Well....this is the 5th dorm that you said 'was the right one' SO, is this the right place??"
" must be. It has the right name..."
"Great!! Let's just check in, and get settled..."

Renee drops the rest of the bags beside her. Piggy picks up the other 3 bags left and places them beside the others.

"Let's get Room 40, Renee! Maybe it'll be overlooking the backyard..."

The two glance around, and realize they've stumbled into a party!

"Maybe we should come back later, Miss Piggy. We don't want to crash thei---"
"HELLO EVERYBODY!! Moi is finally here!! Now the party can BEGIN!!"
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