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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Red: Ok, so we're down a couple on the team since Cookie and Grover are joining football with Herry
That's ok Red, you'll find some more team members!
Red: Yeah, I'm sure I will, especially if some new people move into the dorms after the anniversary next week
And even if you don't you have yourself a mighty fine team with who you've got!
Red: Sure do! So, what are you doing this weekend?
Family picnic tomorrow, for now, nothing.
Red: When are we getting that DVD with me and all my friends?
Oh! That comes on Tuesday! I'm so excited!
Red: Me too!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hey guys, I'm gonna go visit Barkley today. It's his birthday. DO you wanna come?
Rosita: Si, I'll go!
Big Bird: Yeah, me too!
Snuffy: Wait for me! I just love that little guy. Hohoho.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn>

Rowlf: <coming into room> It's about time you woke up, Miss Early-Riser.

Lisa: Mmm. I only wake up early because school makes me. I'm not a natural morning-person. And besides, I've been awake for, um... an hour...and... a half? ish?

Rowlf: I see. And what, pray tell, have you been doing in the past hour and a half ish?

Lisa: Posting the final chapter of Summer in the Theater, thank you very much.

Rowlf: Oh, I see. So you went from a death-defying cliff hanger to happily-ever-after.

Lisa: I had to. One, I ran out of story, and two, I ran out of room in my notebook. See? <holds up notebook with writing on the inside cover due to lack of paper>

Rowlf: Oh. So, you can't start the next story, then?

Lisa: Sure I can! I have another notebook, er... somewhere around here... I'll be cranking the next story out before you know it!

Rowlf: Or you could do your homework.

Lisa: <sigh>, or I could do my homework.

Chef: Loonch is serfed!

Lisa: Lunch? I haven't even had breakfast yet!

Chef: Und vhuse-a foolt is thet, Sleepeeng Beooty?

Lisa: <scrunches up face>

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ugh! Must... Keep... Going...

Finished the S entries, still gotta get to the T's today. And then there's another six letters left...
Think I'll break for a bit of rest and breakfast/lunch again. Oh, and if you go up to the lobby's desk, you'll see that only six of the numbers remain illuminated now.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Arriving from 2nd MC Awards Gala... Hey Count, I'm back.
And I picked up these lovelies for our trophy case.
*Sets down three trophies.

Yep, sure am glad the dorms are alive and kickin'... Just about ready for the anniversary.
Will be down here working on finishing the list, leave a message if anyone needs us.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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My My, I'm certainly hard to pin down, aren't I? But you're almost just as dificult. *smile*
I came back from my weekend a long time ago, but I was purposely waiting to answer you until you were here, because although it is no one's fault, I must say that I dislike playing virtual tag. Please don't take offense to that; as I sead before, it is no one's fault. Anyway, the design you picked out is perfect; I suspected grey was just the color I needed.
As for me, as before, I do not know how often I will be around, because I have a rather unpredictable family, as well as having just restarted classes. UnliI will, however, make every effert to be here as much as I can; this place is so great!
One more thing, Count, would you mind posting an updated list of the newly available roommates. Then again, you might want to wait 'till after the celebration, as I may be taking on another roomate then.



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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redBoobergurl said:
Red: Ok, so we're down a couple on the team since Cookie and Grover are joining football with Herry!
Grover: You do know that I Grover am not a team member. I don't like getting hurt or dirty. Got it?

Herry: Me and Cookie are the only ones who are in the team not Grover or Kyle.

Cookie M: Yea, remember?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Lou: *calling Beth's room, and leaving a message* Hello, Red, this is Lou Fraggle. I saw a flyer saying that you were organizing a cheer leading squad, and I was interested in joining. I'm sorry for getting in touch so late, but I didn't see the notice until just a while ago. You've seen me in the Rock, and you know I can do whatever acrobatics you ask me to. YI'm looking foreward to hearing back from you; remember, I'm in room 38.
Boy, that was a long message!
Lou: Well, I just wanted to get my point across.
I know, but they say "more is less"
Lou: Well, back in the Rock, we don't have that expression.
I noticed.
Lou: *yelling indignantly* Hey!!
Sorry, I just had to say that.
Lou: Anyway, I am usually not this determined, I generally leave this up to Red, but I want to give this cheer leading a try. I heard it was about athletics, and I have always been good at that.
I know you'll be wonderful at it.
Lou: Aww, thanks. *givs my knee a hug*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: Boy, things are awfully quiet around here today.
Rosita: Yeah, I wonder where everyone is.
Bry: Its a holiday weekend.
Rosita: What holiday?
Big Bird: Easter?
Snuffy: St. Snuffles Day?
Rosita: No! Cuatro de Siempre!
Bry: No, tomorrow is Labor Day.
Big Bird: Well, what does that mean?
Rosita: Yeah.
Bry: Well, its the day when all workers have a day off. They don't have to go to work or do anything.
Big Bird: Oh. Well, then lets go celebrate!
Snuffy: Great idea, Bird...But, umm, how are we gona do that?
Big Bird: Well, you heard him. We don't do aaanything.
Snuffy: Well...sounds good to me. Okay.
(loooooong pause)
Snuffy: Umm, Bird? This is boring.
Bry: Oh, geez...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey guys... A few things.
1 Kate, glad to hear from you. If you can't contact me directly by posting here given our different time schedules, then feel free to send me a message via PM or E-mail. You can do so by clicking the appropirate links in a member's profile page.
2 The list of who's still boarding with whom and what characters are available once again won't get posted till next Saturday. Want to give the others who haven't contacted me a chance to do so before measures are taken.
3 So long as you keep up with the action and post when you get the chance to do so, you'll be fine here Kate.
4 Don't forget, we're hoping for the start of SS Season 36 early tomorrow.

Oh yeah, lots of luck with Muppet Survivor Bry. Have too many memories of the version we did over at the Palisades forum.
Good night to all. Feel free to leave a message if you need us.
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