Lisa: Yes, a purrrrrrrrrrfect surprise indeed! That combined with all of the beautiful stories in the fanfic section almost makes up for that eight hour unairconditioned nausiatingly smelly bus ride... meh, whatever. Thank you for pointing it out to me, Ed, I might not have checked otherwise. Anyways, Rowlf, Chef, I've gotta go to sleep about... fifteen minutes ago. So, general quiet from you two, much appreciated...
Rowlf: Pretty early for you to go to bed, isn't it?
Lisa: You forget. I have to be up at five thirty tomorrow morning.
Rowlf: Oh, that's right. Well, Chef's just cleaning the kitchen now, I don't think we'll have any trouble being quiet.
Lisa: Danke rabbah, Rowlf. Er... Todah sehr? Um... I think I need to pick a language.
Rowlf: I think you need to go to sleep.
Lisa: I think you're right. Good night, Rowlf. Good night, Chef.
Rowlf: Good night, Lisa.
Chef: Guud neeght, Leesa.