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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Morning guys. Hope my buddy's climatological counting effects didn't keep you up all night.

Well... Even though there's a new round to go through the fanfics, I'll have to leave that for later. I'm gonna be busy, busy, busy this morning getting ready to receive a couple of friends.
Will post later and let you know what happened.

Till then, have fun in the dorms.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Got pretty much everything here in our room in order. Even the collection, with the new replacement Super Beaker figure. Rully happy with that one now that he stands perfectly, even with his rocket pack on his back.

Waiting for my customizer to show up. In the mean time, think I'll go over and read through the fanfics now. Maybe I'll give him a call later and find out if he's coming or not.
Oh well, good day to you all.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Hears knock on door to Room #1. Huh? Wonder who's there.
*Opens door to find Grover in his postal uniform to deliver a big box. Thanks Grover, didn't hexpect it today.

*Drops a couple of quarters in Grover's pouch and thanks him.

Hey Count! Got another one in.
Count: Vhat did ve get?
Let's see. *Opens box and deals with packing material.

OK, now then... Oh great! iIt's the big one, the one we've been waiting for!
Got the PCC tin with GITD Reporter Kermit and the 2 FSL Kermits.
Count, please tell me which colors the frog scouts are.

Count: They're both green.
Oh well, that's why I bought two to trade one later.
Count: So this makes it 101 of 129 items?
Yep. Come on, let's get some food and celebrate.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chef: Elreeght, Leesa, noo tell me-a ebuoot yuoor veekend! Pleese-a.

Alright. Let's go to the common room where whoever wants to hear can hear.

Chef: ok

<we go to floor 1 common room and plop on a couch>

Ok, so Friday we went to Chicago. First we went to the Museum of Science and Industry. My mom and sisters wanted to see that "Body Worlds" exhibit, but it sounded kind of gross, so while they did that my dad and I sort of wandered around and found ourselves at the Fairy Castle. It was SO COOL. It's so... just... I don't know, there's something just magical about it, and I loved it so much! Although my dad looked kind of bored. So anyway, we all met up again and we saw the re-done U-505 exhibit.

Chef: Isn't thet zee oone-a yuoo'fe-a beee telkeeng ebuoot fur a cuoople-a veeks noo? Hoo ves thet?

Yeah, it is. It was SO AWESOME, Chef! I mean you walk in and the first thing you see is the bow like right at the level it would be at if it was at the surface in water, and it just floors you! And you walk all the way around it, and it... it's so awesome! And about halfway down the ramp- because there's a ramp that leads you down and around the sub- they stopped us to take a picture. And we just sort of popped into position so that we could all see, and then when we got the picture we realized we were so color-coordinated and balanced and it was actually a good picture of us, so we bought it. And anyway we took the tour through it, and it was SO incredible! They made it really easy to imagine that you're actually on it during the voyage and when it was captured. They play all the sounds you would hear during the typical day, and what you would hear when they fired a torpedo, and when you got farther up they play what you would have heard while it was being captured, and it was so cool! And you know what the best part was?

Chef: Vhet?

The German! There's still all the labels of what everything is, all written in German, and I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to read and translate all of it! And I understood so much of it! It was awesome! Like, in the exhibit, outside of the actual submarine, there was this can of soup or something on display, and I could understand some of the cooking directions printed on it! It was so cool!

Chef: <sarcastic> I cun tell yuoo deedn't injuy it et ell.

<rolls eyes> So we wandered the museum some more, had lunch and all, and then we went to Navy Pier. We went on the Ferris Wheel, and then we just sort of meandered to the end and hung out there for a bit. Then we went back where there was a band playing, hung out there, munched on stuff, you know. And then we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. And they must have been having a rough night or something, because from the time we walked in to the time we got our food, it was almost two hours. It was good food, but it wasn't worth a two hour wait. Anyway, we got home around eleven, and we were dead tired. But of course our dog, Cinnamon, had been alone all day and she wanted to play. So I'm in bed trying to sleep and she's barking at my sister! But she stopped after a while and I got a pretty good nights sleep. Especially considering that the neighbors were apparently having a party next door, and I was too tired to even hear them. Although I think they were being exceptionally quiet. Anyway, all that is just one day, and I've got two more to talk about, so let's take a bit of a break, shall we?

Chef: Suoonds guud tu me-a.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Wow, sounds great Lisa. Have some memories of a brief stop my family made in Chitown back in 91, en route to our trip through Eastern Canada. So... You want some popcorn or something to drink? Need to keep that throat hydrated for you to tell us the rest of the story.

More story please!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(I walk into the dorm building to see if there are any rooms available. I have only been here a couple times before just to scope out the place but never intended to stay. Maybe this time I will want to stay a while.) Hmm...I wonder what people do here. (I wander around the halls and stop in front of a door with the name "Count Von Count" on it.) Very curious. (I knock on the door to see who is inside and maybe whoever is can help me.) *knock knock*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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What? Our room's door has a nameplate on it? Thought just the big number 1 was there with the bat-shaped knocker. Oh well, I'll be right back, gonna check who it is.

*Wanders over and finds Bear. Hey Bear (MC), great to have you here. Thinking of joining? Well, we're currently in the midst of planning for the anniversary celebration. There might be some Muppets in search of new roomies, if it is that their previous roommates decide to leave the dorms. You're second on the waiting list... That is, if you wish to join us as a member here at the dorms?

Then again, if you have a Muppet character in mind as your roommate, then LMK and I can set you up in one of the vacant rooms. LMK via PM or E-mail if you need help here at the dorms.

Gonna keep contacting people about the celebration, have a good time during your stay, as short or as long as it may be.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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*leaving quick note for everyone*

:smile: Hi gang....I'm back!
I had a wonderful time in New York at the wedding but am EXTREMELY tired!I'll talk wth you all in the morning! Just wanted to let you all you know that I'm home save & sound..
Muppety Hugs

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Aw... That was nice. Wondering if Red will be staying with Kathy and Prairie while Beth's away till next week. Oh well, sure hope she gets some well-needed rest.

Good night everyone.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Oh hey Kathy, welcome back! Glad you're safe and sound, that's always good. Thanks Ed, but I don't think I need anything to drink at the moment.

Chef: Zeen tell us mure-a!

Alright, alright. So Saturday we were originally going to go for our bike ride, but my big sister somehow got scheduled to work on Sunday and she wasn't sure if she would be able to get someone to cover her shift, so we rearranged our schedule a bit so she could come to the Dells with us. So we went to Wisconsin Dells on Saturday. We left the house about a quarter to eleven, stopped for lunch at a Subway... er, the restaurant, not the... um... form of transportation... anyway, I was thinking that since it was a three and a half hour drive there, I could take my notebook with and write another chapter or so of my fanfic, but we ended up spending a lot of the time taking this "know your body" quiz or something like that, it was in my sister's book. <shrug> It was kind of interesting, but it got kind of old. Anyway, we got to the Dells, and right away bought tickets to the Tommy Bartlett show and the ducks.

Chef: Doocks? Yuoo buooght teeckets tu see-a doocks? Leeke-a, zee burds?

No, not to see ducks as in birds. To ride in ducks as in amphibious army vehicles built for World War II. It's one of those things that you just sort of have to do if you go to Wisconsin Dells. Some sort of unwritten rule. Anyway, we went on the ducks first thing. The driver was really nice, she told us all sorts of information and Fozzie Bear quality jokes. It was fun! And then we walked around the shopping area of ... I guess you'd call it "down town Wisconsin Dells". When we finished with all that, we still had about an hour before we figured we needed to eat dinner to get to the Tommy Bartlett show in time. So we went miniature golfing! We only did ten holes, but it was fun. I did the worst, but you know what? I don't care. I enjoyed it. So then for dinner we went to a place called... what was it... Damon's, I think? It was a nice sit down family restaurant, really good food, great service, not too expensive. So we ate and headed for the Tommy Bartlett show. We got there, got a good parking place, and realized there was a path to get to a Harley-Davidson accessory shop that we had wanted to go to. See there's this unwritten rule that says that when you own a Harley-Davidson, which my dad does now, every time you go to a place that sells Harley stuff, you have to buy a t-shirt or something that specifies which place it is. Well, since we still had some time before the show started and it had already been determined where our seats were, we went to the Harley place.

Chef: Su, yuoor treep ves besed lergely oon unvreettee rooles?

Um... yeah, I guess so. But anyway, Dad got a shirt that says "Harley-Davidson Wisconsin Dells," and the guy who was working there... well, you know how conversations can go sometimes, and my mom's shirt business came up, and he offered to display her business cards. So she's going to send him some, which is pretty cool. Then we went to the Tommy Bartlett show, which was SO COOL! I mean, they ski in pyramids, and backwards, and without skis... it's so awesome to watch! And then there was a fifteen minute intermission, and the second half had a juggler. He was pretty darn funny, and he had his seven-year old son come on stage and ride a unicycle, and then his four-year old son came on and danced a little and did a little unicycle riding. Then there was a sixteen-foot metal globe that a couple guys rode motorcycles in. That was awesome. And there were a three people who- well, as the announcer put it, they juggled each other with their feet. It was very cool to watch. And then there was a laser show, which was okay except that by that time I kind of had a headache, so I didn't really appreciate the first half of it. But then they put up this sheet, and used the lasers to do sort of a music video type thing while playing... um... shoot, I don't know what the song's called! You know the one, it's... "And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free, and I won't forget the men who died and gave that right to me..." That one. It gave me goosebumps, it was so amazing! Anyway, it was a three and a half hour drive home, so I wrote a little with my personal light, then when it started bother my sister- she was driving- I wrote some more using my cell phone for light. Anyway, we got home, and the neighbors were having another one of their "Let's get drunk at sing at the top of our lungs till sometime after four in the morning" parties, and when they're like that I can hear them in my room like they're two feet away. So I took my pillows, my blanket, and a big sheet and went to the couch downstairs, where I usually can't hear them. But they were being REALLY loud, so I could still hear them. So I took everything and went to the basement, where there's this big foam pad, and I slept on that. Of course as soon as I got all settled, the dehumidifier came on for a little bit, and that's pretty loud, too. But I ended up getting a good night's sleep, which <yawn> is exactly what I could use about now. So how about if I tell you about yesterday, tomorrow?

Chef: Elreeght. Um de hur de hur de hur. Sleep's impurtunt, tuu.

That it is. Goodnight, everybody!

Chef: Guudneeght!
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