Hey Count, I'll be back in a sec.
*Opens door and finds Lisa, Nyssa and Bo walking around in hallway.
Huh? You guys are here? Thought there'd be noone here, what with most folks getting ready to stand in line at the bookstores for the release of HP6. Then again, thought everybody would be locked tight in their rooms with the ICE units (air conditioning) turned on, since today's the summer solstice you know.
If you want, you can come to my room and we can talk about our figure collections or other things. Will probably finish getting the MOC display ready later this afternoon. Been transfering my 18 MOC items to the closet, and there'll be room for another six more in there. Luckily, I got room on the shelf above my computer for the remaining exclusives, carded or boxed or bagged.
Might do a bit of renumbering for the Muppet List, since it's stopped after no new characters to add. But I might be getting some episodes after another deal.
Also going through my Monster Roster working on who/what'll go at which numbered position for the castle. Not the fanfic mind you, just something else I'm working on now in the summer.
Might give the ol' fanfic a try later this evening. And of course, my other big project at the moment is a complete product guide for Palisades Muppets line of figures. Most of the stuff's been photographed or submitted by forum friends. Just need my cousin to help by adding the various details.
But hey, listen to me carrying on. Didn't mean to keep you guys from your... er, walk. I'm gonna grab a cookie and a glass of milk before heading back to the room.
LMK if you guys wanna talk bout this stuff or anything else.
*Heads on out.