Thanks Nyssa!
<climbs over rock and falls into room 9>
Hey Chef!
Chef: Vhere-a hefe-a yuoo beee ell dey?
At my family's father's day party. It was fun! Why, where have you been?
Chef: stoock in here-a veet a ruck oooot zee duur. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!
Oh... sorry 'bout that.
<sits at computer, types furiously, sits back>
<sigh>, that's nice.
Chef: vhet?
Oh, the ending of my fanfic. It's all happily-ever-after-warm-and-fuzzy-let's-hold-hands-and-sing-kumbaya-ish. I think I'm warming up to my make-you-all-squishy-inside-closing-thoughts. Didn't like it at first, but now... it's kinda better than I first thought.
<clicks mouse>
There, it's officially posted now. Oh gosh, how depressing. It's over. I hope they like it.
<climbs into bed>
Goodnight, everybody!
Chef: Guud neeght, iferybudy!