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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
*Overhears Kathy on her way out. Ah, so many good memories.

Lando Calrisian advertising Colt 45 Malt Lichor.
Darth Vader: What up?
3-PO: Pants metal.

So, You want we should sharpen our pencils if you know what I mean?
Just don't let anyone try to fluff your Garfield Kath.

Off to sleep soon, got things lined up and in motion. Will probably post an update tomorrow.

You want to sample a littla wine?
Aaaah, why can't I go to Miami?
LOL Ed!You & the Count are too funny! :big_grin:
My fave thing on Whose Line is when they do the "Irish Drinking Song".
(I think my Irish born grandmother rolls in her grave whenever I laugh at it.I can JUST picture Nana now: "KathLEEN!!!!")

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah, that shows's great. Watched the original version with Clive Anderson and the new version with Drew. My fave games were World's Worsts, Hats an extension of the previous, and Scenes from a Hat.

Scene: A reunion of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Greg: Hi, Pestilence couldn't make it today. I'm Nervousnessess.
Scene: Losing your contacts in a woman's bubble bath.
Josie Davis, sitting down in what would be her bath.
One of the guys comes over and says: Aw, I dropped my contacts.
The other two rush over and say I'll get it! I'll get it!

And from the version with Drew...
Scene: Inappropriate things to do with a loved one's ashes.
One of the guys puts the urn with the ashes down on the ground, and makes motions as if he's unzipping his pants to urinate into the ashes.
Drew, after crowd boos: What do you want? It was inappropriate.

And of course the pot shots at both hosts was always a highlight of the show. But there was one time they let me down.
Scene: Graffitti found on the Whose Line bathroom walls.
Ryan: I give myself 10,000 points.
I thought he'd be saying in an incredulous tone: For a good time, call 1-800-555-DREW?
That's all I got for now, hope that made you laugh Kath.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I love Whose Line too! It's so funny! I've seen most of the episodes with Drew a ton of times, but I always still laugh.
Red: Loudly *rolls her eyes*
Hey, you laugh at it pretty loudly yourself there Miss Giggles.
Red: Yeah, I know.
Well, I'm off to work!
Red: Enjoy! You're done with that Tai Chi class now aren't you?
Yes, so I will be home and we can watch American Idol together.
Red: Cool!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
Yeah, that shows's great. Watched the original version with Clive Anderson and the new version with Drew. My fave games were World's Worsts, Hats an extension of the previous, and Scenes from a Hat.

Scene: A reunion of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Greg: Hi, Pestilence couldn't make it today. I'm Nervousnessess.
Scene: Losing your contacts in a woman's bubble bath.
Josie Davis, sitting down in what would be her bath.
One of the guys comes over and says: Aw, I dropped my contacts.
The other two rush over and say I'll get it! I'll get it!

And from the version with Drew...
Scene: Inappropriate things to do with a loved one's ashes.
One of the guys puts the urn with the ashes down on the ground, and makes motions as if he's unzipping his pants to urinate into the ashes.
Drew, after crowd boos: What do you want? It was inappropriate.

And of course the pot shots at both hosts was always a highlight of the show. But there was one time they let me down.
Scene: Graffitti found on the Whose Line bathroom walls.
Ryan: I give myself 10,000 points.
I thought he'd be saying in an incredulous tone: For a good time, call 1-800-555-DREW?
That's all I got for now, hope that made you laugh Kath.
Yeah...the pot shots at the hosts are pretty funny Ed! :big_grin: I keep missing the UK version of "Whose Line" though.Every so often the UK version is on Comedy Central here. But it's either on at 2 & 2:30 in the afternoon & I miss it because I'm watching something else. Or 2AM & I'm asleep.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah, the thing is I used to watch it when it was one of Comedy Central's staples. Remember cause I had better sight then. And it's Josie Lawrence. The game that's gone somewhat downhill in my opinion is Sound Effects, at least when they get people from the audience. Why can't Drew get it through his head to let Ryan do the sound effects. Two examples of these that stand out in my mind are:
1 Recreating the sequence from the movie Titanic, and they say: Look, there's the band.
Nothing can be heard from the audience folks, prompting the guys to say: Yes, they're playing the Sound of Silence.

2 The infamous police storming with the bit about the duck and the elephant.
Of course, the bit from the classic UK version with Ryan doing the sound effects of a police storming are better.

As far as potshots at the host...
This was Greg Prouppes hallmark. Hello, I'm Clive Andersen and I have no neck. Hello, I'm Clive Andersen and I have no hair.
Then there's the confrontation between Clive, Sandy Toxavic and Paul Murtin. Clive lets slip at Sandy: Whenever you're ready shorty.
Sandy: Shorty? Shorty?!? Well all right Baldie!
Clive: Sorry.
Paul: Is that head or is your neck blowing up bubbles?
Clive: I'm afraid to announce the untimely passing of Paul Murtin at my hands.
Paul: At least I lasted longer than your neckties.

Good stuff, good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Oh I love "Who's line is it anyway?" in both the america and uk. I've watch that show all my life. When I first heard about in was on Comedy Central back in the day. Then I heard about it on america tv and saw they were doing new ones. I said "YES!! One of my favorite shows it coming back!" I still watch everyone episode I can.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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hey hey hey chef guess what?

Chef: vhet?

I'm starting voice lessons next friday! I mean, like, not this friday, the friday after that!

Chef: oh reelly?

Yup! Isn't that awesome? I'll have a reason to leave the house this summer!

Chef:thet's guud! I'll meke-a cheeckee in zee beskee tu celebrete-a!

(chef gets a chicken from I'm not really sure where, turns to the basket ball hoop, and starts to dribble)

You do that. I'll be looking over the stuff for my english final. <shudder> What genius decided to make the final an impromtu? don't they know I can't finish those?

Chef: boot yuoo hefe-a mure-a teeme-a dooreeng zee feenel thun a nurmel cless pereeud, reeght?

Well yeah. And we get the prompt ahead of time, which is awesome. So who knows, maybe I'll actually make it more than halfway through the paper this time.

Chef: oh, guud. Bork bork bork!

(chef finally shoots the chicken into the basketball hoop. he makes it)

Chef: thet's tvu pueents.

Alright, chef! Victory spin! <victory spins> By the way, I'm probably going clothes shopping later.

Chef: ok

(chef gets out a rolling pin, a cleaver, and a shotgun)

...I won't ask... <turns to books> now then, an argumentative thesis on a person earning the respect of others....


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie*coming into the room* :Hi Kath. Here...peace offering *she hands me a Garfield travel mug*
Oh Prairie...thank you! :smile: But you didn't need to get me this.
Prairie:Well...yes I did. I bit your head off last night because I felt so under pressure about this test that's coming up. You were just enjoying yourself watching "Whose Line Is It Anyway".
Yeah...but I have a laugh that could wake the dead up. :rolleyes: I should have retreated to the Common Room to watch TV.
Prairie:Wish I could have watched it with you. The show's really funny! Is it on tonight?
No. They're showing "Hook" now & it won't be over til 11.Tomorrow is "Mrs. Doubtfire" which also won't be over til 11.
Prairie:Rats. So we'll watch "Whose Line" on Thursday together,deal?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Waking up from dead of sleep.
I'll atest to that Kath.

Got a lot of stuff done though. Got over whatever flu bug was bothering me. Got two Ghost Girls for the castle, you'll see what I'm planning once the summer comes and I can get a working blog online with maybe some artwork to compliment the descripts. Finished tinkering with that research paper for my seminar from last semester, my brother printed it, and now I just need to hand it in so the professor can change the grade and approve the creds. Sent my other cousin an update of the plans for the Muppet Gallery, taking a long while but it'll be worth it. Yep, twas a good day to get stuff done today.

Count: And don't forget, we got to count up a vonderful amount of thunderclaps from the storm outside.
That's fright my friend. Hope UD liked the storm outside as well. Mayhaps we might hear him playing away at the organ in Floor 3's Common Room some nights now that he's registered in Room #25.

Oh well, hope everyone has a restful night's sleep.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<comes in room 9 mumbling to self>
She does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because

Chef:vhu dues vhet becoose-a she-a lufes yuoo?

My sister constantly criticizes absolutely everything I do because she loves me.

Chef: I'm cunffoosed. Bork bork bork!

<sigh>. I don't particularly understand it either. Take today for example. I get home from taking finals, you know what the first thing she says to me is? She says, "You know Lisa, that shirt is seven years old. I mean it's still in good shape, but it's too short on you now. Maybe it used to fit you, but it doesn't now. And your pants are too high. That's why you look funny. You need new shirts." Now I'm used to her criticizing my clothes, but this is just a little too much, you know?

Chef: Yuoo meun she-a dues thet ell zee teeme-a?

Well this is worse than her usual. Because these are brand new capris, I just got them last night. She could at least notice that I DO have new clothes. And would it kill her to say hello? <sigh> but what really bothers me is that she just said, "thats WHY you look funny". Like, she just assumed I knew I looked funny, she said it like I had asked her "why do I look funny" and its just... grrr.

Chef: Oh... I'm surry.

It's ok.

Chef: Hoo vere-a feenels?

They weren't that bad. German was easy, and so was gym. And I got a lot farther in English than I thought I would. Still didn't get to write a conclusion, but I got all the way to the paragraph before the conclusion. I think I'll get a good grade on it.

Chef: Oh thet's guud. Bork bork bork! (chef points to the piles of summer clothes on the floor) Su ere-a yuoo gueeng tu surt thruoogh ell thuse-a cluzees noo?

Yeah, I guess so. It'd be nice to see the floor again, don't you think so?

Chef: I sooppuse-a
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