<comes in room 9 mumbling to self>
She does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because she loves me, she does it because
Chef:vhu dues vhet becoose-a she-a lufes yuoo?
My sister constantly criticizes absolutely everything I do because she loves me.
Chef: I'm cunffoosed. Bork bork bork!
<sigh>. I don't particularly understand it either. Take today for example. I get home from taking finals, you know what the first thing she says to me is? She says, "You know Lisa, that shirt is seven years old. I mean it's still in good shape, but it's too short on you now. Maybe it used to fit you, but it doesn't now. And your pants are too high. That's why you look funny. You need new shirts." Now I'm used to her criticizing my clothes, but this is just a little too much, you know?
Chef: Yuoo meun she-a dues thet ell zee teeme-a?
Well this is worse than her usual. Because these are brand new capris, I just got them last night. She could at least notice that I DO have new clothes. And would it kill her to say hello? <sigh> but what really bothers me is that she just said, "thats WHY you look funny". Like, she just assumed I knew I looked funny, she said it like I had asked her "why do I look funny" and its just... grrr.
Chef: Oh... I'm surry.
It's ok.
Chef: Hoo vere-a feenels?
They weren't that bad. German was easy, and so was gym. And I got a lot farther in English than I thought I would. Still didn't get to write a conclusion, but I got all the way to the paragraph before the conclusion. I think I'll get a good grade on it.
Chef: Oh thet's guud. Bork bork bork! (chef points to the piles of summer clothes on the floor) Su ere-a yuoo gueeng tu surt thruoogh ell thuse-a cluzees noo?
Yeah, I guess so. It'd be nice to see the floor again, don't you think so?
Chef: I sooppuse-a