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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Red: I'm not ready, I'm just not ready
You'll be just fine! You've practically studied your brains out on this final and you're unbelievably knowledgeable on rocks, since you lived in one!
Red: I know, but I'm still nervous
Well, how about after the final is done we go out for a nice dinner tonight?
Red: That sounds good
I gotta get back to work, are you sure you'll be ok?
Red: Yeah, I think so.
Call me and let me know how it went.
Red: Ok. Hey, the Count said we might get some new boarders here.
That would be awesome since I know some people are leaving for the summer.
Red: Yeah, I know!
Ok, gotta run, talk to you later! Good luck!
Red: Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Me: Guys, I'm back! Two more down and two more to go.
Gobo: How'd it go.
Me: Good I think. I'll be glad when it's over. This sememester has been terrible. You guys wanna go check on everyone else? We've been holed in here for days.
Gobo: That's because we ain't left our room in days.
Me: *laughs* That's true. C'mon Sprocket let's go for a walk!
Sprocket: *barks*

*All three leave room to go and greet the other boarders*


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Gosh, these bags are HEAVY! What did you pack, anyway?

Swedish Chef: dee kooky supleezes!

cooking supplies. What sort of "cooking supplies" ?

Swedish Chef: vill, dee boomie-boomie, de hooty-hoot floom, dee baskie, zum chickies...

some what?

Swedish Chef: chickies. fur dee chickie in dee baskie!

right. chickie in the baskie. of course. what in the world have I gotten myself into? well, anyway, um... where do we check in?

Swedish Chef: urver der.

you sure?

Swedish Chef: nu-um.



Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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*walks up*

Me: Well lookee here! New dormies! Welcome guys!
Sprocket: *barks and licks Lisa like crazy*
Gobo: Welcome!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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My counting sense's tingling.
Oh silly me, must be the jingling of the lobby desk's bell.

*Goes upstairs and appears behind lobby desk. Yeeeeeees?
Ah, new dormies. And you are? TogetherAgain better known as Lisa and...
Oh no! The Swedish Chef! Well, no wonder your bags are heavy, he must've packed everything including the kitchen sink. And I bet there's a sink in there somewhere.
Well, we're glad to have you here, and now Prairie can take classes with the true master of kitchenry.

*Runs hands along wall of keys till finding number 9.
OK, you can leave your bags here, Aaron or my bats will bring them down later. We'll just pass this set of doors first...
*Pass through first doors, that lead to stairwell on their right.
And the next set of doors will take us into the hallway with all the rooms.
Now it's just a matter of taking a trip downstairs...
What's that? Well, no it's not a giant oven, it's an old world furnace. And inside is the dumbwaiter we use as an elevator here at the dormhouse.
*All ride inside and arrive at Floor 1's Common Room. Now then, it's just a turn to our right, and your room should be... Ah yes, first door down.
*Hands key to Lisa. Hope you guys are happy here, the bathroom's at the end of the hall, last door down on your left.
Remember to post a descript of what your room looks like as soon as you're settled in. Your bags should be here in a little while.

Welcome to MC Dorms!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Red, guess who the new dormmates are!?
Red: I don't know, but you're awfully excited
It's Lisa and The Swedish Chef! I was hoping Lisa would move in here!
Red: Is she the one from the bus?
Yep, the one we helped out from under a seat several times on that trip that has sort of died off. That happens from time to time I guess.
Red: And the Chef too! We'll have lots of good cooking now!
Um, Red, have you ever had anything that the Swedish Chef has made?
Red: Well, no....
Ok, just don't say I didn't warn you.
Red: Well, anyway, it's fun to have new dormmates! Let's make a big welcome sign for their door!
*They make a sign that says "Welcome Home to Muppet Dorms, we're so happy you're here, we just want to cheer! Come see us in room 3! Beth and Red" then they go hang it on room 9*


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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room description!

ok, we open the door- hey, the door has a sign on it! when did that get there?
I was saying. We open the door, and step inside. and on our left we see a large, fluffly, unbelievably comfortable red couch against the door wall. It is situated so that it is very easy to collapse into after a long day. just above and perpendicular to the couch is my lofted bed. (perpendicular? did I just say that? man, I pay too much attention in geometry.) directly at the foot of my lofted bed is the foot of swedish chef's bed, which is also lofted.
Straight ahead, against the far wall, is my desk. It is currently completely clear with the exception of my computer. It won't be clean for long, though, I assure you. Instead of a desk chair, I have a bright blue balance ball. It's very fun to roll on when I'm pretending to work. Above the desk is a shelf covered with books, rubber ducks, and yays. well, that is, it is painted with rubber duckies and the words "yay!" over and over, and it has books on it.
To the direct right of the door (we're still standing at the door by the way) we have a stereo and a tv. We really use the stereo as more of an alarm clock than anything else.
And if you'll follow me, please... on the right wall, directly across from the feet of our beds and between my desk and the tv, there is something of a nook. This is our kitchenette. We have an oven with a small stove top, a sink, a refridgerator, and lots of cabinets and drawers. I have been allotted the fridge door, one cabinet, and one drawer. this accomodates for my milk, peanut butter, and bread, which is about all I eat, as well as a fork, knife, plate, and cup. The rest of the kitchenette is the chef's territory. Some pots and pans hang from the ceiling, and the cabinets and drawers are filled with all of his cooking supplies- wisks, spoons, bowls, knives, a jackhammer, a shotgun, jumper cables, power tools, and a sledge hammer, just to name a few. Oh, I should also mention that the walls, ceiling, and floor of the kitchenette area are all bullet proof, so no worries. And in one spot, where it looks like there should be a cabinet, there is instead a basket-ball hoop, for making "chickie in dee baskie". I'm not sure what all he has in the refridgerator... I'm sort of afraid to look.
Now one last thing I forgot to mention. across from the kitchenette, there is one dresser under the foot of each bed. This is where we have our clothes when they are clean. when they are dirty, they go... um... well I think they'll just go on the floor.
Speaking of the floor, it's mostly wood, with an area rug that looks like a forest. The floor of the kitchenette, however, is stainless steel. It's in everyone's best interest, trust me. My bed is covered with a quilt of a map of the world, which my mommy made for me. Swedish chef's bed has a comforter with a food pattern. It's all sorts of different foods, matching sheets and all.
Well, that's our room! and now, if nobody minds, I will be collapsing on this conveniently placed couch... moving in is a lot of work!

Thank you everybody for the warm welcome and we will be seeing you all around the dorms! Meantime... <yawn>... goodnight, everybody...

Chef:guudneeght, iferybudy!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Goodnight Lisa & Chef! Welcome to the MC Dorms! Hey Chef...my roomie Prairie is taking culinary classes so possibly you can help her if you need it. :smile:
Prairie & Kathy


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Getting home from work......

Oh what a day it was. Pushing carts is some chore.

Herry: You said it Kyle. Look over there. *points to front desk*

New borders. Lets welcome them. Hey there Lisa. Its me Kyle and this is Herry Monster.

Herry: Hello. *sheaks hands*

Ya'll will have to meet my other roomies. Grover and Cookie Monster. There asleep, I think.

Herry: Seems you need some help. *picks up 5 suitcases* There we go. *goes to room 9* Sorry that Aaron didn't come to help.

I wished I could see my old freind. I seem to miss him much.

Herry: Its ok Kyle. Don't worry. He'll come out of hidding sometime. Hope ya'll two love ya'lls stay.

Cool to have the Swedish Chef living here. Don't you?

Herry: Yep. I need to learn to cook some stuff. I have resapies that my mom gave me and didn't ever give them to you. Maybe we could have a little dinner on the night of "Muppets Wizard of Oz" movie.

That would be great. What do you think Lisa?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Dee: Welcome to MC dorms Lisa & Swedish Chef.I might try making some oatmeal choc. chip cookies;found my mom's recipe yesterday,not too hard.:smile: Everybody have a great day!!:halo:
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