Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Apr 12, 2005
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Rowlf: <in Dr. Bob outfit> Well, let's take a look at the patients for today... <Goes into kitchen>
Chef: <on his pull-out bed, not wearing his hat> <mumbles> Meer de bun de boor...
Dr. Bob: Patient number one! <settles beside bed and puts paw on Chef's shoulder> What seems to be the trouble?
Chef: Meer de heermtsy bur de tubny fur de bur de hoodehoodewonsen...
Dr. Bob: ...<aside> My job gets a little ruff when I can't understand 'em. <Reaches into standard-issue doctor's-black-bag and pulls out Mock-Swedish-to-English dictionary> Let's see here... <flipping through pages> Andestoodurna... Doopundegurzna... Guumdeburshky... Ah-ha! Heermtsy... <examines page>
Chef: <reaches out, takes dictionary from Dr. Bob, turns it upside down, and hands it back>
Dr. Bob: <re-examines page> Ohhh, I get it now. <Nods> <turns to Chef> Your stomach hurts, mm?
Chef: Mer de heermtsy...
Dr. Bob: Well, lemme check your reflexes. <puts book away> <reaches into bag, pulls out picture of a chicken, and holds it for Chef to see>
Chef: ...<waves hand at chicken picture> Guur de ootsie do kootchie...
Dr. Bob: Hmm. <Puts away chicken picture and pulls out picture of a rat>
Chef: ...<moves hand in vague chopping motion and tries to look around> Whur de cleavie? Whur de...
Dr. Bob: Interesting. <puts away rat picture and pulls out picture of a steak>
Chef: ...<waves hand at steak picture> Gibbun de baskie... whur de baskie...
Dr. Bob: I see. <puts away picture> I'm afraid you have a most SEVERE case of Hypersugaboo. It is caused by eating too much Halloween candy. You're in the third stage; a terrible tummy-ache and the crash of the earlier sugar high. You just relax for a bit. Don't eat again until you're hungry, and then, eat something healthy. But no apples! Those darn things will put me out of business. Now, on to the next patient... <goes to Robin's cubby hole under the window>
Robin: <curled up in cubby hole, wiggling flipper> <moans and looks at tummy>
Dr. Bob: And here's the second patient! <crouches by cubby hole> What seems to be the trouble?
Robin: My tummy hurts! It hurts really really bad. And it hurts really REALLY really bad when I wiggle my flipper!
Dr. Bob: So don't wiggle your flipper.
Robin: <Stops wiggling flipper> <taps hand against bed> My tummy still hurts.
Dr. Bob: Ah-ha! You're in the SECOND stage of Hypersugaboo; a bad tummy ache, but still on the sugar high.
Lisa: <suddenly leaps off of exercise ball, sending it rolling halfway across the room> THANK YOU! I LIVE! I live. OH thank goodness!
Dr. Bob: Hold on. I think I hear a case in stage one! <goes over to Lisa>
Lisa: <Looks around> Where's... Oh! <darts halfway across the room, rolls ball back to desk, and sits down> Phew...
Dr. Bob: What's all the racket?
Lisa: Oh, hi Row--Dr. Bob. Sorry, I just... <Shakes head> <holds hands out to computer> The program froze up, and I was TRYING not to panic, and it finally said it wasn't responding and gave me the options of waiting for it to respond, which I don't have time for, or closing the program, with the warning that I could lose information, and I was worried because I hadn't saved it in a while, and... <Shakes head> But it's fine. It didn't lose anything I typed, just the arrangement of this box... <moves mouse a little and clicks a couple times> It's okay. <Sigh> PHEW...
Dr. Bob: <aside> Hypersugaboo, my right paw! If anything, she hasn't had ENOUGH Halloween candy. This is a clear-cut case of your typical college stress. <to Lisa> Professors overload you again?
Lisa: Well... <mainly focused on computer> It's partly that, I guess, but--just-- ...ONE of these days, I'll learn not to procrastinate.
Dr. Bob: Mm-hm. <Nods gravely> And one of these days, the earth will circle the moon. <Goes back over to Robin>
Lisa: ...<Blink> <looks at Dr. Bob, who by this time is back at Robin's cubby hole> ...<blink> ...It could happen! ...Someday... <sigh> <turns back to computer>

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Ah... November the 1st... Well, the Headless Horseman will be making his rounds tonight. So keep out of sight and don't stick your neck out... Or it might be your head that'll roll.
*Evil laugh. At least there's Día de los Muertos tomorrow, plenty of piñatas filled with candy and spooky skeletons jumping out of the corridors. Not to mention we have to get packages of cookies sent to our fave furry blue devourer for his B-day.

Skeeter Muppet

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Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: (hanging up their costumes) And so Halloween is over for another year.
Gillis: Yes. We had a good time this year, though.
Kim: That we did. Makes me wonder how we're going to top it next year.
Boober: Next year? Halloween is 364 days away, and you're already thinking of costumes for next year?
Kim: Relax, Boober; I'm not thinking seriously about it. Just entertaining some notions until I get more into the Christmas mood.
Mimzy: Which, judging by your last iTunes receipt will probably be sometime next week.
Kim: Funny, Mimzy. And stop sneaking into my e-mail.



Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Halloween was fun huh?
Wanda: Sure was, clever idea having us all dress up as Super Mario characters!
Beth: I have to thank my husband for that idea. Anyway, it's over for another year. Now on to planning my b-day!
Wanda: Oh here we go *rolls eyes*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Costumes and creeps have been put away, the fiends saying their goodbyes as they return to the master's castle.

Me: Count, did you put in the batty batterscotch ones?
Count: Yes.
UD: And I added the peanut butter shudder already.
Good, that leaves the oatmeal raisins and chocolate chips.
*Finishes getting the package wrapped and tied with a bow. A birthday card drawn with a pair of googly eyes is inserted on top, sent then via scare-mail to Cookie Monster currently not living in the dorms.
Hope he likes them, and hope he had a happy birthday today. :insatiable:


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Well glad everyone enjoyed Halloween.

Homer Honker: *poses like the Ghostbuster and honks his nose*

Everyone laughs

Herry: I had to call your mom the other day and thank her for letting us stay over at their house while we trick or treated.

Yea. She was really happy to see us.

Wolfgang: Arf arf arf arf arf-arf?

Yea yea yea Wolfgang. They both enjoyed your tricks you could do. Even your honking of your horns.

Frazzle: Wireiieg gggierrr guiggg werrrrfffff.

Herry: Your poor poor dad got surprised by Frazzle.

I heard. I hope he's alright.

Herry: He was fine. He just startled him is all.

Well i'm going to head off to bed. With Big Bird and Bryan living here for a while till Beauregaurd, George and Bruno clean up their rooms. It might be just a little cramped but it's still going to be fun. So everyone will have scudules for the bathrooms. Good Night everyone.

Homer Honker: Honk honk.

Herry: Good night, bud.

Wolfgang: ARF! *claps his flippers together*

Frazzle: Grrroood Nirrrgggght!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hey Kyle! Thanks for letting Big Bird and I stay with you while our room gets cleaned up and disinfected. What do you say we all go to the movies tonight? My treat! Any requests?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Hey Kyle! Thanks for letting Big Bird and I stay with you while our room gets cleaned up and disinfected. What do you say we all go to the movies tonight? My treat! Any requests?
Whatever sounds good to you and i'll go along and thank you too. Just let me know what your choosing and i'll let the guys know. Talk to you and Big later. *goes back to writing a little script* I really hope i can get this off and going soon.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Whatever sounds good to you and i'll go along and thank you too. Just let me know what your choosing and i'll let the guys know. Talk to you and Big later. *goes back to writing a little script* I really hope i can get this off and going soon.
Big Bird: Hey there, Kyle! Bryan wants to know if you want to see Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D. Hope it's not too scary. Hey, what are you writing?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Mmm, I'd rather just have the blood pudding please.
Count and UD: Blood?
*Both have an extra bowl and spoon ready, they love that stuff.
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