*Passing by...
Me, to roomies: Nothing else left... Just have to wait till Catherine and Alex reply to the PM's sent to finish off the first twenty haunters.
Oh hey Cait. *Listens. You know, I had a bad experience like that once. Well, okay, not identically like that, but... It's okay to be afraid of or not want to swim. Heck, why do you think I always go into the pools here with my trusty innertube seat? That lifejacket won't let you down, just have to make sure it's properly inflated first before each time you use it. And noone's making you go into the deep end, you can have fun in the shallow end just dipping your toes near the steps or standing or sitting there too. Here. Had some of these stashed away for an important reason. Forgot what that was, but this certainly calls for it.
*Leaves a good-sized thick brownie for Cait. If you need to talk, LMK. Oh, and I look forward to your drawings, whatever they may be.