Scooter: We're gonna miss you, Tony.
Nora: Yeah, come back soon, won't you?
(a few boxes of Scouting Girl cookies are pressed into Tony's hands as a parting gift)
(later, Scooter and Nora are back in room 7, munching on more cookies)
Scooter: So Storyteller and Beige have gone to bed?
Nora: Yeah, they're feeling a little better, but they still need to rest. (eats another cookie and downs it with milk) Where's Erin?
Scooter: She's off covering that ambassador's speech downtown, but she should be back in a bit. (picks up box) This is a new kind - did Heather make you buy more cookies?
Nora: You bet; there's three new kinds this year. Citrus Whispers, Crunch Times...
Scooter: Oh, are those the ones with toffee in them?
Nora: Yeah...and Sugar Rushes. Eat one of those and you'll be shaking all day.
Scooter: I think of all of them, I like the Orange Delights best.
Nora: Oh, yeah...the Mint Dreams are the most popular but I've loved Orange Delights since I was a kid.